Jörg Immendorff (1945 - 2007)

Jörg Immendorff (1945 - 2007) - photo 1

Jörg Immendorff

Jörg Immendorff was a German painter and sculptor, stage designer and decorator, and a member of the New Wild movement.

Immendorff painted in cycles that often lasted for years and were political in nature. His series of sixteen large paintings, Café Deutschland (1977-1984), is well known. In these colorful paintings, numerous disco lovers symbolize the conflict between East and West Germany.

Immendorff prepared several stage productions and designed sets for the operas Elektra and The Rider's Voyage. 25 of Immendorf's paintings were selected in 2006 for the illustrated Bible.

Date and place of birt:14 june 1945, Bleckede, Germany
Date and place of death:28 may 2007, Düsseldorf, Germany
Period of activity: XX, XXI century
Specialization:Artist, Decorator, Painter, Scenographer, Sculptor
Art school / group:Neue Wilde
Genre:Genre art, Portrait, Self-portrait
Art style:Contemporary art, Neo-expressionism

Creators Germany

Morten Müller (1828 - 1911)
Morten Müller
1828 - 1911
Otto Wilhelm Nebel (1892 - 1973)
Otto Wilhelm Nebel
1892 - 1973
Dieter Blum (1936)
Dieter Blum
Nikolaus Solis (1541 - 1583)
Nikolaus Solis
1541 - 1583
Adolf Bock (1890 - 1968)
Adolf Bock
1890 - 1968
Arturo Herrera (1959)
Arturo Herrera
Georg Hacker (1863 - 1945)
Georg Hacker
1863 - 1945
Erich Freiherr von Perfall (1882 - 1961)
Erich Freiherr von Perfall
1882 - 1961
Carl Ludwig Rundt (1802 - 1868)
Carl Ludwig Rundt
1802 - 1868
Alfred Muller (1960)
Alfred Muller
Daniel Richter (1962)
Daniel Richter
Fritz Kohlstädt (1921 - 2000)
Fritz Kohlstädt
1921 - 2000
Fritz Friedrichs (1882 - 1928)
Fritz Friedrichs
1882 - 1928
Frans Hogenberg (1535 - 1590)
Frans Hogenberg
1535 - 1590
Peter Josef Strahn (1904 - 1997)
Peter Josef Strahn
1904 - 1997
Christian Rohlfs (1849 - 1938)
Christian Rohlfs
1849 - 1938

Creators Contemporary art

Peter Golfinopoulos (1928)
Peter Golfinopoulos
Vitaly Georgievich Yablonovsky-Snadzsky (1928)
Vitaly Georgievich Yablonovsky-Snadzsky
Serge Vandercam (1924 - 2005)
Serge Vandercam
1924 - 2005
Sylvia Hagen (1947)
Sylvia Hagen
Marcel Mouillot (1889 - 1972)
Marcel Mouillot
1889 - 1972
António Teixeira Lopes (1866 - 1942)
António Teixeira Lopes
1866 - 1942
Lee Ufan (1936)
Lee Ufan
Michael Goldberg (1924 - 2007)
Michael Goldberg
1924 - 2007
Sebastian Walter-Lilienfein (1959)
Sebastian Walter-Lilienfein
Simone Westerwinter (1960)
Simone Westerwinter
Martin Noel (1956 - 2010)
Martin Noel
1956 - 2010
Andrew Michael Dasburg (1887 - 1979)
Andrew Michael Dasburg
1887 - 1979
Floyd Gottfredson (1905 - 1986)
Floyd Gottfredson
1905 - 1986
Naohisa Inoue (1948)
Naohisa Inoue
Ulrich Hachulla (1943)
Ulrich Hachulla
Henry George Rushbury (1889 - 1968)
Henry George Rushbury
1889 - 1968