Meret Oppenheim (1913 - 1985) - photo 1

Meret Oppenheim

Meret Oppenheim was a Swiss artist. She is best known for her surrealist sculptures and objects, which often featured everyday objects that had been transformed through unexpected combinations and juxtapositions.

Oppenheim was part of the surrealist movement, which aimed to liberate the unconscious mind and challenge traditional ideas about art and reality. Her most famous work is "Object" (1936), a fur-covered teacup, saucer, and spoon that has become an iconic symbol of surrealist art.

Oppenheim's work often explored themes of gender and sexuality, and she was interested in the idea of transforming everyday objects into works of art. She frequently used materials such as fur, leather, and feathers in her work, which added a tactile element to her sculptures.

Oppenheim was also an accomplished painter and photographer, and her work often incorporated elements of these mediums as well. She was a trailblazer for women in the art world and was one of the few female artists to achieve recognition during the male-dominated surrealist movement.

Today, Oppenheim's work is celebrated for its wit, humor, and subversive power, and she is considered one of the most important artists of the 20th century.

Date and place of birt:6 october 1913, Berlin, Germany
Date and place of death:15 november 1985, Basel, Switzerland
Nationality:Germany, Switzerland
Period of activity: XX century
Specialization:Artist, Graphic artist, Photographer, Sculptor
Art school / group:Gruppe 33
Art style:Surrealism

Creators Germany

Reinhard Sebastian Zimmermann (1815 - 1893)
Reinhard Sebastian Zimmermann
1815 - 1893
Friedrich Loos (1797 - 1890)
Friedrich Loos
1797 - 1890
Felix Shadov (1819 - 1861)
Felix Shadov
1819 - 1861
Jacob Alt (1789 - 1872)
Jacob Alt
1789 - 1872
Jörg (Joerg) Lozek (1971)
Jörg (Joerg) Lozek
Werner Ernst Albert Hoffmann (1881 - 1962)
Werner Ernst Albert Hoffmann
1881 - 1962
Andrea Bender (1972)
Andrea Bender
Jorge Machold (1940 - 2015)
Jorge Machold
1940 - 2015
Peter Kraemer II (1857 - 1936)
Peter Kraemer II
1857 - 1936
Theodor Baierl (1881 - 1932)
Theodor Baierl
1881 - 1932
Martin Klimas (1971)
Martin Klimas
Josef P. Werner (1979)
Josef P. Werner
Carl Rodeck (1841 - 1909)
Carl Rodeck
1841 - 1909
Paul Düyffcke (1847 - 1910)
Paul Düyffcke
1847 - 1910
Hannsjörg Voth (1940)
Hannsjörg Voth
Otto Ottler (1891 - 1965)
Otto Ottler
1891 - 1965

Creators Surrealism

Heinz Plank (1945)
Heinz Plank
Patrick Ennio Persini (XX century)
Patrick Ennio Persini
XX century
Paul Éluard (1895 - 1952)
Paul Éluard
1895 - 1952
John Tunnard (1900 - 1971)
John Tunnard
1900 - 1971
Leonardo Nierman (1932)
Leonardo Nierman
Igor Alekseevich Ivanov (1937)
Igor Alekseevich Ivanov
Kurt Schwitters (1887 - 1948)
Kurt Schwitters
1887 - 1948
Conroy Maddox (1912 - 2005)
Conroy Maddox
1912 - 2005
Margaretha Dubach (1938)
Margaretha Dubach
Carl W. Röhrig (1953)
Carl W. Röhrig
Rafael Coronel (1932 - 2019)
Rafael Coronel
1932 - 2019
Maurizio Savini (1965)
Maurizio Savini
George Clair Tooker (1920 - 2011)
George Clair Tooker
1920 - 2011
Yozo Hamaguchi (1909 - 2000)
Yozo Hamaguchi
1909 - 2000
Yulo Il'mar Iokhannesovich Sooster (1924 - 1970)
Yulo Il'mar Iokhannesovich Sooster
1924 - 1970
Janos Orosz (1932 - 2019)
Janos Orosz
1932 - 2019