Peter Jakob Schober (1897 - 1983)

Peter Jakob Schober (1897 - 1983) - photo 1

Peter Jakob Schober

Peter Jakob Schober was a prominent German painter associated with Expressive Realism. Despite facing adversity during World War I and II, he remained committed to art and exhibited remarkable resilience. His artistic journey took him from Stuttgart to Paris, where he drew inspiration from Impressionism and Cézanne's techniques. Returning to Germany, he embarked on a successful career as an artist, receiving numerous commissions for art am Bau.

Schober's work expanded beyond Germany through his travels to Spain, France, Italy, and North Africa. His involvement in art organizations, including chairing the Stuttgarter Sezession, solidified his influence. The accolades and recognition he received, such as the Bundesverdienstkreuz and professorship, celebrated his artistic excellence. Peter Jakob Schober's impact on the art world remains enduring and profound.

Date and place of birt:13 december 1897, Gschwend, Germany
Date and place of death:22 july 1983, Bad Bleiberg, Austria
Nationality:Austria, Germany
Period of activity: XX century
Specialization:Artist, Painter
Genre:Cityscape, Genre art, Landscape painting, Still life
Art style:Expressionism, Impressionism, Экспрессивный реализм

Creators Austria

Fanny Assenbaum (1848 - 1901)
Fanny Assenbaum
1848 - 1901
Olga Wisinger-Florian (1844 - 1926)
Olga Wisinger-Florian
1844 - 1926
Hans Tschelan (1873 - 1964)
Hans Tschelan
1873 - 1964
Ignaz Elhafen (1658 - 1715)
Ignaz Elhafen
1658 - 1715
Johann Peter Krafft (1780 - 1856)
Johann Peter Krafft
1780 - 1856
Friedrich Loos (1797 - 1890)
Friedrich Loos
1797 - 1890
Johann Baptist von Lampi I (1751 - 1830)
Johann Baptist von Lampi I
1751 - 1830
Wilhelm Dachauer (1881 - 1951)
Wilhelm Dachauer
1881 - 1951
Max Kurzweil (1867 - 1916)
Max Kurzweil
1867 - 1916
Anton Schroedl (1820 - 1906)
Anton Schroedl
1820 - 1906
Tina Blau (1845 - 1916)
Tina Blau
1845 - 1916
Christian Sery (1959)
Christian Sery
Cecil van Haanen (1844 - 1914)
Cecil van Haanen
1844 - 1914
Georg Rafael Donner (1693 - 1741)
Georg Rafael Donner
1693 - 1741
Gastone Novelli (1925 - 1968)
Gastone Novelli
1925 - 1968
Louis Christian Hess (1895 - 1944)
Louis Christian Hess
1895 - 1944

Creators Expressionism

Hans Porwoll (1898 - 1984)
Hans Porwoll
1898 - 1984
Tony Curtis (1925 - 2010)
Tony Curtis
1925 - 2010
Édouard Goerg (1893 - 1969)
Édouard Goerg
1893 - 1969
Jean-Claude Duteil (1950)
Jean-Claude Duteil
Rodolphe-Théophile Bosshard (1889 - 1960)
Rodolphe-Théophile Bosshard
1889 - 1960
Helmut Clausen (1913 - 1963)
Helmut Clausen
1913 - 1963
Georg Richard Falkenberg (1850 - 1935)
Georg Richard Falkenberg
1850 - 1935
Ernest Herbert Whydale (1886 - 1952)
Ernest Herbert Whydale
1886 - 1952
Nicolae Derescu (1883 - 1959)
Nicolae Derescu
1883 - 1959
David Cowan Dobson (1894 - 1980)
David Cowan Dobson
1894 - 1980
Klaus Dieter Engelke (1941)
Klaus Dieter Engelke
Lucien Adrion (1889 - 1953)
Lucien Adrion
1889 - 1953
Marcel Amiguet (1891 - 1958)
Marcel Amiguet
1891 - 1958
Johan (Jan) Thorn Prikker (1868 - 1932)
Johan (Jan) Thorn Prikker
1868 - 1932
Gerald Festus Kelly (1879 - 1972)
Gerald Festus Kelly
1879 - 1972
Stephan Heggelke (1963)
Stephan Heggelke