Pierre Le Gros (1666 - 1719) - photo 1

Pierre Le Gros

Pierre Le Gros was a French sculptor of the late seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries. He is known as a representative of the Baroque style and a master of the religious genre. His best sculptures were created on the orders of the Catholic Church.

Pierre Le Gros had a close "genetic" connection with art on both his father's and mother's side. His father, a court sculptor of King Louis XIV, had the same name (which is why Pierre Le Gros is often referred to as "the Younger"). His two maternal uncles, Gaspard and Balthazard Marsy, and his half-brother Pierre Lepautre were sculptors.

Pierre Le Gros was rejected in his homeland, but managed to achieve great professional success in Italy, where today you can see most of his work.

Date and place of birt:12 april 1666, Paris, France
Date and place of death:3 may 1719, Rome, Italy
Nationality:Italy, France
Period of activity: XVII, XVIII century
Specialization:Artist, Sculptor
Genre:Religious genre
Art style:Baroque

Creators Italy

Luigi Marengo (1928 - 2010)
Luigi Marengo
1928 - 2010
Rafaello Sorbi (1844 - 1931)
Rafaello Sorbi
1844 - 1931
Adalbert Begas (1836 - 1888)
Adalbert Begas
1836 - 1888
Titina Maselli (1924 - 2005)
Titina Maselli
1924 - 2005
Cy Twombly (1928 - 2011)
Cy Twombly
1928 - 2011
Lodovico Pogliaghi (1857 - 1950)
Lodovico Pogliaghi
1857 - 1950
Claude Vignon (1593 - 1670)
Claude Vignon
1593 - 1670
Pyotr Vasilievich Basin (1793 - 1877)
Pyotr Vasilievich Basin
1793 - 1877
Tiziano Vecellio (1488 - 1576)
Tiziano Vecellio
1488 - 1576
Carlo Dolci (1616 - 1686)
Carlo Dolci
1616 - 1686
John Francis Rigaud (1742 - 1810)
John Francis Rigaud
1742 - 1810
Gianfilippo Usellini (1903 - 1971)
Gianfilippo Usellini
1903 - 1971
Gerardo Dottori (1884 - 1977)
Gerardo Dottori
1884 - 1977
Alvise Vivarini (1446 - 1502)
Alvise Vivarini
1446 - 1502
Federico Maldarelli (1826 - 1893)
Federico Maldarelli
1826 - 1893
Marco d'Oggiono (1470 - 1549)
Marco d'Oggiono
1470 - 1549

Creators Baroque

Abraham Diepraam (1622 - 1670)
Abraham Diepraam
1622 - 1670
Pieter van Bredael (1629 - 1719)
Pieter van Bredael
1629 - 1719
Georg Gärtner (1575 - 1654)
Georg Gärtner
1575 - 1654
Giovanni Francesco Susini (1585 - 1653)
Giovanni Francesco Susini
1585 - 1653
Onorio Marinari (1627 - 1715)
Onorio Marinari
1627 - 1715
François Deshays (1732 - 1815)
François Deshays
1732 - 1815
Carlo Alberto Baratta (1754 - 1815)
Carlo Alberto Baratta
1754 - 1815
Meindert Hobbema (1638 - 1709)
Meindert Hobbema
1638 - 1709
Adam Pynacker (1622 - 1673)
Adam Pynacker
1622 - 1673
Hendrik Schoock (1630 - 1707)
Hendrik Schoock
1630 - 1707
Caspar van Wittel (1653 - 1736)
Caspar van Wittel
1653 - 1736
Giacinto Calandrucci (1646 - 1707)
Giacinto Calandrucci
1646 - 1707
Jacob Marrel (1613 - 1681)
Jacob Marrel
1613 - 1681
Dominicus van Tol (1635 - 1676)
Dominicus van Tol
1635 - 1676
Giovanni Lanfranco (1582 - 1647)
Giovanni Lanfranco
1582 - 1647
Pedro Rodriguez de Miranda (1696 - 1766)
Pedro Rodriguez de Miranda
1696 - 1766