Dementy Alekseyevich Shmarinov (1907 - 1999)

Dementy Alekseyevich Shmarinov (1907 - 1999) - photo 1

Dementy Alekseyevich Shmarinov

Dementy Alekseyevich Shmarinov (Russian: Дементий Алексеевич Шмаринов) was a prolific Russian graphic artist, illustrator, and teacher, whose work left an indelible mark on the world of art. Born in Kazan in 1907, he moved through various phases of education and artistic development, from his early lessons with N.A. Prakhov in Kiev to his formative years at the studio of D.N. Kardovsky in Moscow. Shmarinov’s work spanned a broad range of subjects, but he is perhaps best remembered for his contributions to illustrating classic literature and his poignant depictions of the Soviet Union during World War II. His illustrations for novels by Dostoevsky and Tolstoy, among others, are celebrated for their depth and detail, effectively capturing the essence and atmosphere of the literary works they accompany​​.

During World War II, Shmarinov's art took a decidedly patriotic turn as he created wartime political posters and a series of graphic works reflecting the suffering and resilience of the Soviet people. His collection "We Won’t Forget, We Won’t Forgive!" exhibited at the Tretyakov Gallery in Moscow, garnered significant attention for its raw depiction of the horrors of war and earned him the State Prize of the USSR in 1943​​. His contributions were not only limited to times of conflict; Shmarinov was deeply involved in the Soviet art community, serving as chairman of the Moscow Union of Artists and as a member of the USSR Academy of Arts, where he influenced generations of artists with his astute observations and dedication to the craft​​.

Shmarinov's legacy is not merely in his artworks but also in his role as an educator and mentor, shaping the future of Russian art through his teachings and organizational skills. His ability to convey complex characters and scenes with striking clarity and emotional depth made him a revered figure in Soviet and Russian art. His works continue to be celebrated, offering insights into the cultural and historical context of his times.

For collectors and experts in art and antiques, Dementy Alekseyevich Shmarinov remains a figure of immense importance. His illustrations and graphic works are not only aesthetically compelling but also historically significant, reflecting the tumultuous periods through which he lived. To stay updated on sales and auction events related to Shmarinov's work, signing up for updates is a wise move for enthusiasts eager to explore the depths of Russian art and history.

Date and place of birt:12 may 1907, Kazan, Russian Empire
Date and place of death:30 august 1999, Moscow, Russia
Nationality:Russia, USSR, Russian Empire
Period of activity: XX century
Specialization:Artist, Educator, Graphic artist, Illustrator, Painter
Art school / group:Академия искусств ГДР, Международная ассоциация художников, Союз художников СССР
Genre:Genre art, Military art, Portrait, графическая иллюстрация
Art style:Contemporary art, Socialist realism

Creators Russia

Carl Johann Lasch (1822 - 1888)
Carl Johann Lasch
1822 - 1888
Valentin Le Campion (1903 - 1952)
Valentin Le Campion
1903 - 1952
Nikolay Nikolayevich Volodimirov (1910 - 2006)
Nikolay Nikolayevich Volodimirov
1910 - 2006
Al'bina Georgievna Akritas (1934)
Al'bina Georgievna Akritas
Gennady Stepanovich Rayshev (1934 - 2020)
Gennady Stepanovich Rayshev
1934 - 2020
Vladimir Yevgrafovich Tatlin (1885 - 1953)
Vladimir Yevgrafovich Tatlin
1885 - 1953
Timofey Yegorovich Myagkov (1811 - 1865)
Timofey Yegorovich Myagkov
1811 - 1865
Simkha Faibusovich Simkhovitch (1885 - 1949)
Simkha Faibusovich Simkhovitch
1885 - 1949
Vasily Sitnikov (1915 - 1987)
Vasily Sitnikov
1915 - 1987
Alexander Fedorovich Gaush (1873 - 1947)
Alexander Fedorovich Gaush
1873 - 1947
Sergey Petrovich Tkachyov (1922 - 2022)
Sergey Petrovich Tkachyov
1922 - 2022
Apolinary Gilyaryevich Horawski (1833 - 1900)
Apolinary Gilyaryevich Horawski
1833 - 1900
Veniamin Pavlovich Belkin (1884 - 1951)
Veniamin Pavlovich Belkin
1884 - 1951
Alexey Aleksandrovich Radakov (1877 - 1942)
Alexey Aleksandrovich Radakov
1877 - 1942
Boris Ivanovich Orlovsky (Smirnov) (1793 - 1837)
Boris Ivanovich Orlovsky (Smirnov)
1793 - 1837
Oleg Pavlovich Filatchev (1937 - 1997)
Oleg Pavlovich Filatchev
1937 - 1997

Creators Contemporary art

Edi Rama (1964)
Edi Rama
WilliWilli Kopf (1949)
WilliWilli Kopf
Eduardo Afonso Viana (1881 - 1967)
Eduardo Afonso Viana
1881 - 1967
Vladimir Fedorovich Tokarev (1918 - 1988)
Vladimir Fedorovich Tokarev
1918 - 1988
Alberto Garutti (1948)
Alberto Garutti
Stephen Ellis (1951)
Stephen Ellis
Ilya Sergeyevich Glazunov (1930 - 2017)
Ilya Sergeyevich Glazunov
1930 - 2017
Dmitry Alexandrovich Shuvalov (1932 - 2013)
Dmitry Alexandrovich Shuvalov
1932 - 2013
Jazep Mikhailovich Gorid (1896 - 1939)
Jazep Mikhailovich Gorid
1896 - 1939
Jens Søndergaard (1895 - 1957)
Jens Søndergaard
1895 - 1957
Joseph Kosuth (1945)
Joseph Kosuth
Leopoldo Romañach y Guillen (1862 - 1951)
Leopoldo Romañach y Guillen
1862 - 1951
Leland Bell (1922 - 1991)
Leland Bell
1922 - 1991
George Pusenkoff (1953)
George Pusenkoff
Friedensreich Hundertwasser (1928 - 2000)
Friedensreich Hundertwasser
1928 - 2000
Lorenz Spring (1964)
Lorenz Spring