Ernst Schweinfurth (1818 - 1877)

Ernst Schweinfurth (1818 - 1877) - photo 1

Ernst Schweinfurth

Ernst Schweinfurth was a German painter of the mid-nineteenth century. He is known as a painter, landscape painter, genre painter and lithographer.

Schweinfurth lived and worked in various cities and countries and eventually settled in Rome. Traveling extensively in Italy, the artist produced landscapes, portraits, and a series of lithographs and prints depicting Italian national dress and scenes of peasant life. He was chairman of the Association of German Artists in Rome and became a member of the Munich Society of Artists

Date and place of birt:2 march 1818, Karlsruhe, Germany
Date and place of death:24 october 1877, Rome, Italy
Nationality:Germany, Italy
Period of activity: XIX century
Specialization:Artist, Genre painter, Graphic artist, Landscape painter, Painter
Art school / group:Ассоциация немецких художников в Риме, Мюнхенская ассоциация художников
Genre:Genre art, Landscape painting, Portrait
Art style:Academism, Realism, Romanticism

Creators Germany

Heinrich Kirchner (1902 - 1984)
Heinrich Kirchner
1902 - 1984
Helmut Sundhaußen (1935 - 2018)
Helmut Sundhaußen
1935 - 2018
August Richard Zimmermann (1820 - 1875)
August Richard Zimmermann
1820 - 1875
Franz Kobell (1749 - 1822)
Franz Kobell
1749 - 1822
Anna Gottburgsen (1896 - 1988)
Anna Gottburgsen
1896 - 1988
Matthias Weischer (1973)
Matthias Weischer
Heinrich Maria Davringhausen (1894 - 1970)
Heinrich Maria Davringhausen
1894 - 1970
Paul Moye (1877 - 1926)
Paul Moye
1877 - 1926
Ludwig Dinnendahl (1941 - 2014)
Ludwig Dinnendahl
1941 - 2014
Adelbert Wölfl (1823 - 1896)
Adelbert Wölfl
1823 - 1896
Jan Pieter van Baurscheit (1669 - 1728)
Jan Pieter van Baurscheit
1669 - 1728
John von Wicht (1888 - 1970)
John von Wicht
1888 - 1970
Carl Jutz I (1838 - 1916)
Carl Jutz I
1838 - 1916
Friedrich Werthmann (1927 - 2018)
Friedrich Werthmann
1927 - 2018
Albert Birkle (1900 - 1986)
Albert Birkle
1900 - 1986
Edward Harrison Compton (1881 - 1960)
Edward Harrison Compton
1881 - 1960

Creators Academism

Amos Cassioli (1832 - 1891)
Amos Cassioli
1832 - 1891
Caspar Ritter (1861 - 1923)
Caspar Ritter
1861 - 1923
Markus Eberhard Emminger (1808 - 1885)
Markus Eberhard Emminger
1808 - 1885
Anton Hlávacek (1842 - 1926)
Anton Hlávacek
1842 - 1926
Ivan Ivanovich Shishkin (1832 - 1898)
Ivan Ivanovich Shishkin
1832 - 1898
Thomas Couture (1815 - 1879)
Thomas Couture
1815 - 1879
John Roddam Spencer Stanhope (1829 - 1908)
John Roddam Spencer Stanhope
1829 - 1908
Giacomo Grosso (1860 - 1938)
Giacomo Grosso
1860 - 1938
Honore Daumier (1808 - 1879)
Honore Daumier
1808 - 1879
Archer James Oliver (1774 - 1842)
Archer James Oliver
1774 - 1842
Martin Fräncis Glüsing (1886 - 1957)
Martin Fräncis Glüsing
1886 - 1957
August Lohr (1842 - 1920)
August Lohr
1842 - 1920
Janet Cooling (1951 - 2022)
Janet Cooling
1951 - 2022
Heinrich Ludwig Frische (1831 - 1901)
Heinrich Ludwig Frische
1831 - 1901
Gabriel Revel (1643 - 1712)
Gabriel Revel
1643 - 1712
Paul Hoecker (1854 - 1910)
Paul Hoecker
1854 - 1910