Francisco Pacheco (1564 - 1644)

Francisco Pacheco (1564 - 1644) - photo 1

Francisco Pacheco

Francisco Pacheco del Río, baptized on November 3, 1564, and passing away on November 27, 1644, was a distinguished Spanish painter. Renowned for his dual role as Diego Velázquez's teacher and father-in-law, Pacheco's influence extends beyond his familial ties, contributing significantly to the arts through his seminal textbook, "Art of Painting." This work remains a crucial resource for understanding 17th-century artistic practices in Spain. Often referred to as the "Vasari of Seville," Pacheco's insights into painting theories and reflections on his contemporaries have left an indelible mark on the history of art, despite criticisms of his conventional execution in painting​​.

Pacheco's early life was marked by an immersive education in art, learning from Luis Fernandez and drawing inspiration from Italian masters. His journey included a pivotal sojourn to Madrid and Toledo in 1611 to study the works of El Greco, which further enriched his artistic repertoire. Upon his return to Seville, Pacheco opened an art school, laying the groundwork for his future contributions to art education and theory​​.

His career was notably characterized by his position as the official censor for Seville's Inquisition, which influenced his academic approach to religious subjects. Despite this, his paintings, such as the Last Judgment and Martyrs of Granada, are celebrated for their monumental scale. Pacheco's most enduring legacy, however, may be his influence on Diego Velázquez, whom he mentored for six years. Velázquez's marriage to Pacheco's daughter Juana in 1618 further solidified their personal and professional bonds. Pacheco's "Arte de la pintura" not only provided invaluable biographical information on Spanish painters of his era but also laid down foundational theories on iconography, materials, and technique​​.

For those interested in exploring Francisco Pacheco del Río's works further, notable pieces can be found in prestigious collections, such as the Museo Nacional del Prado, enriching our understanding of his impact on the art world​​.

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Date and place of birt:3 november 1564, Sanlúcar de Barrameda, Spain
Date and place of death:27 november 1644, Sevilla, Spain
Period of activity: XVI, XVII century
Specialization:Educator, Graphic artist, Historian, Painter, Poet
Art school / group:Ака­де­мия об­ра­зо­ван­ней­ших лю­дей Ис­па­нии, Испанская натуралистическая школа, Школа живописи Пачеко
Genre:Portrait, Religious genre
Art style:Baroque, Mannerism, Naturalism

Creators Spain

Antonio Maria Esquivel (1806 - 1857)
Antonio Maria Esquivel
1806 - 1857
Ricardo Balaca (1844 - 1880)
Ricardo Balaca
1844 - 1880
Vicente Palmaroli (1834 - 1896)
Vicente Palmaroli
1834 - 1896
Agustín Ibarrola (1930)
Agustín Ibarrola
Enrique Simonet Lombardo (1866 - 1927)
Enrique Simonet Lombardo
1866 - 1927
Ferrán Garcia Sevilla (1949)
Ferrán Garcia Sevilla
Frederico Aguilar Alcuaz (1932 - 2011)
Frederico Aguilar Alcuaz
1932 - 2011
Juan de Valdés Leal (1622 - 1690)
Juan de Valdés Leal
1622 - 1690
Francisco Risi (1608 - 1685)
Francisco Risi
1608 - 1685
Carlos de Aes (1829 - 1898)
Carlos de Aes
1829 - 1898
Hermenegildo Anglada Camarasa (1871 - 1959)
Hermenegildo Anglada Camarasa
1871 - 1959
Federico Madraso (1815 - 1894)
Federico Madraso
1815 - 1894
Francisco Camilo (1615 - 1671)
Francisco Camilo
1615 - 1671
Marcel Marti (1925 - 2010)
Marcel Marti
1925 - 2010
José del Castillo (1737 - 1793)
José del Castillo
1737 - 1793
Juan Andres Risi de Guevara (1600 - 1681)
Juan Andres Risi de Guevara
1600 - 1681

Creators Baroque

Juan Antonio de Frias y Escalante (1633 - 1669)
Juan Antonio de Frias y Escalante
1633 - 1669
Nicolaes van Gelder (1636 - 1676)
Nicolaes van Gelder
1636 - 1676
Piero di Cosimo (1462 - 1522)
Piero di Cosimo
1462 - 1522
Arnold van Ravesteyn (1605 - 1690)
Arnold van Ravesteyn
1605 - 1690
Franz Schreyer (1858 - 1936)
Franz Schreyer
1858 - 1936
Luisa Ignacia Roldán (1652 - 1706)
Luisa Ignacia Roldán
1652 - 1706
David Teniers I (1582 - 1649)
David Teniers I
1582 - 1649
Jacinto Jeronimo de Espinosa (1600 - 1667)
Jacinto Jeronimo de Espinosa
1600 - 1667
Nicolas (Niccolò) Régnier (Renieri) (1591 - 1667)
Nicolas (Niccolò) Régnier (Renieri)
1591 - 1667
Jan Lievens I (1607 - 1674)
Jan Lievens I
1607 - 1674
Antonio García Reinoso (1623 - 1677)
Antonio García Reinoso
1623 - 1677
Maria Sibylla Merian (1647 - 1717)
Maria Sibylla Merian
1647 - 1717
Jacob Kempener (? - ?)
Jacob Kempener
? - ?
Francisco Risi (1608 - 1685)
Francisco Risi
1608 - 1685
Balthasar Moncornet (1600 - 1668)
Balthasar Moncornet
1600 - 1668
Giovanni Francesco Venturini (1650 - 1710)
Giovanni Francesco Venturini
1650 - 1710