Georg Macco (1863 - 1933) - photo 1

Georg Macco

Georg Macco was a German painter of the late 19th and the first third of the 20th centuries. He is known as a landscape painter and illustrator, a representative of the Düsseldorf school of expressionism.

Georg Macco was educated at the Düsseldorf Academy of Arts, then continued his studies in Munich. His work was inspired by his educational travels, including trips to the Alps, Norway, Svalbard and Italy. His works created during his travels to the East (Constantinople, Athens, Palestine, Lebanon, Egypt and Arabia) became his most popular. The artist used oil paints, gouache and sometimes watercolor, distinguished by his mastery of the play of light, color and detail. He painted mainly landscapes, interiors of buildings, and views of large cities.

Date and place of birt:23 march 1863, Aachen, Germany
Date and place of death:20 april 1933, Genova, Italy
Nationality:Germany, Italy
Period of activity: XIX, XX century
Specialization:Artist, Illustrator, Landscape painter, Painter
Art school / group:Düsseldorf school of painting, Дюссельдорфская школа экспрессионизма
Genre:Cityscape, Genre art, Landscape painting, Portrait
Art style:Expressionism, Orientalism, Realism

Creators Germany

Mark Matveyevich Antokolsky (1840 - 1902)
Mark Matveyevich Antokolsky
1840 - 1902
Otto Pankok (1893 - 1966)
Otto Pankok
1893 - 1966
Gabriele Daube (1901 - 1988)
Gabriele Daube
1901 - 1988
George Gillis Haanen (1807 - 1879)
George Gillis Haanen
1807 - 1879
Paul Scheurich (1883 - 1945)
Paul Scheurich
1883 - 1945
Jean-André Reiche (1752 - 1817)
Jean-André Reiche
1752 - 1817
Paco Knoller (1950)
Paco Knoller
Ernst Broker (1893 - 1963)
Ernst Broker
1893 - 1963
Karl Hermann Haupt (1904 - 1983)
Karl Hermann Haupt
1904 - 1983
Heinrich Kohnert (1850 - 1905)
Heinrich Kohnert
1850 - 1905
Karin Kneffel (1957)
Karin Kneffel
Edith von Sanden-Guja (1894 - 1979)
Edith von Sanden-Guja
1894 - 1979
Gerold Miller (1961)
Gerold Miller
Uwe H. Seyl (1939)
Uwe H. Seyl
Wilhelm Hensel (1794 - 1861)
Wilhelm Hensel
1794 - 1861
Paul von Franken (1818 - 1884)
Paul von Franken
1818 - 1884

Creators Expressionism

Guido Cinotti (1870 - 1932)
Guido Cinotti
1870 - 1932
Elisabeth Henriette Lorimier (1775 - 1854)
Elisabeth Henriette Lorimier
1775 - 1854
Paul Charles Emmanuel Gallard-Lepinay (1842 - 1885)
Paul Charles Emmanuel Gallard-Lepinay
1842 - 1885
Carl Röchling (1855 - 1920)
Carl Röchling
1855 - 1920
Georg Ehrlich (1897 - 1966)
Georg Ehrlich
1897 - 1966
Wifredo Lam (1902 - 1982)
Wifredo Lam
1902 - 1982
Evarist Adam Weber (1887 - 1968)
Evarist Adam Weber
1887 - 1968
 Leopold de Cauwer (1831 - 1891)
Leopold de Cauwer
1831 - 1891
Doris Lucy Eleanor Bloomfield Boyd (Gough) (1888 - 1960)
Doris Lucy Eleanor Bloomfield Boyd (Gough)
1888 - 1960
Aleksandr Ivanovich Savinov (1881 - 1942)
Aleksandr Ivanovich Savinov
1881 - 1942
Edward Lamson Henry (1841 - 1919)
Edward Lamson Henry
1841 - 1919
Nathaniel Hill (1861 - 1934)
Nathaniel Hill
1861 - 1934
Maurice Levis (1860 - 1940)
Maurice Levis
1860 - 1940
Constant Anton Nieuwenhuys (1920 - 2005)
Constant Anton Nieuwenhuys
1920 - 2005
Adelaid von Block-Quast (1896 - 1982)
Adelaid von Block-Quast
1896 - 1982
Rene Rudolfovna Mikhailovskaia-o'Konnel (1891 - 1981)
Rene Rudolfovna Mikhailovskaia-o'Konnel
1891 - 1981