Luca Giordano (Luca Fa Рresto, 1634 - 1705)

Luca Giordano (1634 - 1705) - photo 1

Luca Giordano

Luca Giordano, born on October 18, 1634, in Naples, emerged as the most celebrated Neapolitan painter of the late 17th century, known for his quick workmanship, which earned him the nickname "Luca Fa Presto" from his father's frequent admonitions to work quickly. His profound contribution to the development of Italianate landscape painting marked a significant chapter in art history.

Giordano's works are celebrated for their dynamic compositions, vibrant color palette, and the ability to infuse his subjects with vitality and emotion. His prolific career saw him working across Italy and Spain, leaving behind a legacy that includes monumental works such as the frescoes in the Palazzo Medici-Riccardi in Florence and the ceiling paintings in Santa Brigida Church in Naples. His late works, lighter and prefiguring the Rococo movement, were particularly influential and admired by later artists such as Fragonard​​​​.

Giordano's artistic prowess was not confined to a single genre; his oeuvre includes religious and mythological scenes, landscapes, and portraits. His versatility and ability to adapt his style to suit different subjects and patrons' preferences made him a pivotal figure in the transition from the Baroque to the Rococo style. Despite criticisms of superficiality due to his rapid execution, Giordano's work was fundamentally rooted in a deep understanding of his predecessors, combining the dramatic intensity of the Baroque with the emerging lighter Rococo aesthetic​​.

For collectors and experts in art and antiques, Luca Giordano's paintings represent a significant period in art history, bridging the gap between two major stylistic periods and reflecting the vibrant cultural exchanges of 17th-century Europe. His works, found in esteemed collections worldwide, continue to be studied and admired for their technical brilliance and artistic innovation.

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Nickname:Luca Fa Рresto
Date and place of birt:18 october 1634, Naples, Italy
Date and place of death:12 january 1705, Naples, Italy
Nationality:Spain, Italy, France
Period of activity: XVII, XVIII century
Specialization:Artist, Painter
Art school / group:Neapolitan school
Genre:Allegory, Mythological painting, Portrait, Religious genre
Art style:Baroque, Old Masters

Creators Spain

Baldomer Galofre i Giménez (1845 - 1902)
Baldomer Galofre i Giménez
1845 - 1902
Antonio de Pereda (1611 - 1678)
Antonio de Pereda
1611 - 1678
Antonio Maria Fabrés y Costa (1854 - 1938)
Antonio Maria Fabrés y Costa
1854 - 1938
Juan Martínez Montañés (1568 - 1649)
Juan Martínez Montañés
1568 - 1649
Felipe Orlando (1911 - 2001)
Felipe Orlando
1911 - 2001
Gregorio Fernández (1576 - 1636)
Gregorio Fernández
1576 - 1636
Jorge José Castillo Casalderrey (1933)
Jorge José Castillo Casalderrey
Vicente Palmaroli (1834 - 1896)
Vicente Palmaroli
1834 - 1896
José de Mora (1642 - 1724)
José de Mora
1642 - 1724
Anton Lamazares (1954)
Anton Lamazares
Remedios Varo (1908 - 1963)
Remedios Varo
1908 - 1963
Richard Guino (1890 - 1973)
Richard Guino
1890 - 1973
Francisco Bayeu y Subias (1734 - 1795)
Francisco Bayeu y Subias
1734 - 1795
 Los Carpinteros (1992)
Los Carpinteros
José Miralles Darmanin (1851 - 1900)
José Miralles Darmanin
1851 - 1900
Ignacio Leon y Escosura (1834 - 1901)
Ignacio Leon y Escosura
1834 - 1901

Creators Baroque

Jan Daemen Cool (1589 - 1660)
Jan Daemen Cool
1589 - 1660
Johannes Borman (1620 - 1679)
Johannes Borman
1620 - 1679
Nicolas de Largillière (1656 - 1746)
Nicolas de Largillière
1656 - 1746
John James Chalon (1778 - 1854)
John James Chalon
1778 - 1854
Giovan Francesco Penni (1488 - 1528)
Giovan Francesco Penni
1488 - 1528
Francisco Risi (1608 - 1685)
Francisco Risi
1608 - 1685
Andrea Lilli (1560 - 1635)
Andrea Lilli
1560 - 1635
Jean Raoux (1677 - 1734)
Jean Raoux
1677 - 1734
Andreas Joseph Chandelle (1743 - 1820)
Andreas Joseph Chandelle
1743 - 1820
Christiaen van Couwenbergh (1604 - 1667)
Christiaen van Couwenbergh
1604 - 1667
Guido Reni (1575 - 1642)
Guido Reni
1575 - 1642
Lodewijk van der Helst (1642 - 1693)
Lodewijk van der Helst
1642 - 1693
Antoine Coypel (1661 - 1722)
Antoine Coypel
1661 - 1722
Bartolomeo Schedoni (1578 - 1615)
Bartolomeo Schedoni
1578 - 1615
Johann Friedrich Sichelbein (1648 - 1719)
Johann Friedrich Sichelbein
1648 - 1719
Bartolomé Esteban Murillo (1617 - 1682)
Bartolomé Esteban Murillo
1617 - 1682