Mikhas Sevruk (1905 - 1979) - photo 1

Mikhas Sevruk

Mikhas Sevruk (Russian: Михаил Константинович Севрук) was a Belarusian and Lithuanian artist of the mid-20th century. He is known as a painter, graphic artist, illustrator and engraver.

Mikhas Sevruk is considered a representative of the Vilna art school, which is characterized by the traditions of academic and neo-realistic art. At the beginning of his career, the artist leaned towards romanticism. In the last three decades the artist created mainly genre paintings and landscapes.

Date and place of birt:27 february 1905, Warsaw, Russian Empire
Date and place of death:14 march 1979, Несвиж, USSR
Nationality:Byelorussia, Poland, USSR
Period of activity: XX century
Specialization:Artist, Genre painter, Graphic artist, Illustrator, Landscape painter, Painter
Art school / group:Виленская художественная школа
Genre:Genre art, Landscape painting
Art style:Contemporary art, Impressionism, Realism, Romanticism

Creators Byelorussia

Helena Skirmunt (1827 - 1874)
Helena Skirmunt
1827 - 1874
Samuil Yakovlevich Adlivankin (1897 - 1966)
Samuil Yakovlevich Adlivankin
1897 - 1966
Yehuda Pen (1854 - 1937)
Yehuda Pen
1854 - 1937
Isaac Aronovich Davidovich (1911 - 1993)
Isaac Aronovich Davidovich
1911 - 1993
Anatoli Lvovich Kaplan (1903 - 1980)
Anatoli Lvovich Kaplan
1903 - 1980
Michał Kulesza (1799 - 1863)
Michał Kulesza
1799 - 1863
Vladimir Ivanovich Stelmashonok (1928 - 2013)
Vladimir Ivanovich Stelmashonok
1928 - 2013
Jazep Mikhailovich Gorid (1896 - 1939)
Jazep Mikhailovich Gorid
1896 - 1939
Alexey Zhdanov (1948 - 1993)
Alexey Zhdanov
1948 - 1993
Nikolai Vasilyevich Nevrev (1830 - 1904)
Nikolai Vasilyevich Nevrev
1830 - 1904
Illarion Nikolaevich Pleschinsky (1892 - 1961)
Illarion Nikolaevich Pleschinsky
1892 - 1961
Robert Efimovich Landarsky (1936)
Robert Efimovich Landarsky
Grigory Yefimovich Gluckmann (1898 - 1973)
Grigory Yefimovich Gluckmann
1898 - 1973
Saveliy Abramovich Sorin (1878 - 1953)
Saveliy Abramovich Sorin
1878 - 1953
Solomon Rossin (1937)
Solomon Rossin
Vitaly Konstantinovich Tsvirko (1913 - 1993)
Vitaly Konstantinovich Tsvirko
1913 - 1993

Creators Contemporary art

John Dunlop (1823 - 1867)
John Dunlop
1823 - 1867
Sergey Nikitovich Beglyarov (1898 - 1949)
Sergey Nikitovich Beglyarov
1898 - 1949
Albrecht Bräuer (1830 - 1897)
Albrecht Bräuer
1830 - 1897
Maxime Pierre Dethomas (1867 - 1929)
Maxime Pierre Dethomas
1867 - 1929
Celia Paul (1959)
Celia Paul
Marat Ruvimovich Babin (1929 - 2010)
Marat Ruvimovich Babin
1929 - 2010
Josef Šíma (1891 - 1971)
Josef Šíma
1891 - 1971
Wolfgang Kubach (1936 - 2007)
Wolfgang Kubach
1936 - 2007
Wolfgang Martin Heckl (1958)
Wolfgang Martin Heckl
Thomas Jastram (1959)
Thomas Jastram
Wang Xiaoshuang (1991)
Wang Xiaoshuang
Henri Gervex (1852 - 1929)
Henri Gervex
1852 - 1929
Leonhard Sandrock (1867 - 1945)
Leonhard Sandrock
1867 - 1945
Toni Cordero (1937 - 2001)
Toni Cordero
1937 - 2001
Joaquín Espalter y Rull (1809 - 1880)
Joaquín Espalter y Rull
1809 - 1880
Frances Scholz (1962)
Frances Scholz