Paolo Uccello (1397 - 1475) - photo 1

Paolo Uccello

Date and place of birt:15 june 1397, Pratovecchio, Italy
Date and place of death:10 december 1475, Florence, Italy
Period of activity: XV century
Specialization:Artist, Draftsman, Painter
Art school / group:Florentine School
Genre:History painting, Military art
Art style:Renaissance, Кватроченто
Technique:Fresco, Mosaic

Creators Italy

Urban Grünfelder (1967)
Urban Grünfelder
Bartolomeo Nazari (1693 - 1758)
Bartolomeo Nazari
1693 - 1758
Francesco Tironi (1745 - 1797)
Francesco Tironi
1745 - 1797
Costantino Nivola (1911 - 1988)
Costantino Nivola
1911 - 1988
Bruno Saetti (1902 - 1984)
Bruno Saetti
1902 - 1984
Marco Benefial (1684 - 1764)
Marco Benefial
1684 - 1764
Leo Putz (1869 - 1940)
Leo Putz
1869 - 1940
Alfredo Volpi (1896 - 1988)
Alfredo Volpi
1896 - 1988
Remo Bianco (1922 - 1988)
Remo Bianco
1922 - 1988
Isidoro Bianchi (1581 - 1662)
Isidoro Bianchi
1581 - 1662
Giovanni Battista Cimaroli (1687 - 1771)
Giovanni Battista Cimaroli
1687 - 1771
Ernesto Tatafiore (1943)
Ernesto Tatafiore
Pietro Longhi (1701 - 1785)
Pietro Longhi
1701 - 1785
Pierre Subleyras (1699 - 1749)
Pierre Subleyras
1699 - 1749
Georg Grimm (1846 - 1887)
Georg Grimm
1846 - 1887
Carlo Levi (1902 - 1975)
Carlo Levi
1902 - 1975

Creators Renaissance

Giovanni Antonio Roffeni (1580 - 1643)
Giovanni Antonio Roffeni
1580 - 1643
Theodor de Bry (1528 - 1598)
Theodor de Bry
1528 - 1598
Joos van Cleve (1485 - 1540)
Joos van Cleve
1485 - 1540
Michelangelo Buonarroti (1475 - 1564)
Michelangelo Buonarroti
1475 - 1564
Pieter van der Borcht I (1530 - 1608)
Pieter van der Borcht I
1530 - 1608
Giovanni Ottaviani (1735 - 1808)
Giovanni Ottaviani
1735 - 1808
 Masaccio (1401 - 1428)
1401 - 1428
Angelos Akotantos (1390 - 1457)
Angelos Akotantos
1390 - 1457
Maurits Cornelis Escher (1898 - 1972)
Maurits Cornelis Escher
1898 - 1972
Vincenzo Foppa (1427 - 1515)
Vincenzo Foppa
1427 - 1515
Frans Pourbus II (1569 - 1622)
Frans Pourbus II
1569 - 1622
Giacomo Pacchiarotti (1474 - 1540)
Giacomo Pacchiarotti
1474 - 1540
Francesco Naselli (1560 - 1630)
Francesco Naselli
1560 - 1630
Martin Schaffner (1478 - 1548)
Martin Schaffner
1478 - 1548
Bono da Ferrara (XV century - ?)
Bono da Ferrara
XV century - ?
Dieric Bouts (1410 - 1475)
Dieric Bouts
1410 - 1475