Gaspare Serenario (1694 - 1759)

Gaspare Serenario (1694 - 1759) - photo 1

Gaspare Serenario

Date and place of birt:1694, Palermo, Italy
Date and place of death:1759, Palermo, Italy
Period of activity: XVIII century
Specialization:Artist, Painter
Art school / group:Italian school, Академия виртуозов Пентеона
Genre:History painting, Mythological painting, Religious genre
Art style:Baroque
Gaspare Serenario. Triumph of the Youth - Auction prices

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Creators Baroque

Giulio Cesare Procaccini (1574 - 1625)
Giulio Cesare Procaccini
1574 - 1625
Theodoor van Loon (1581 - 1649)
Theodoor van Loon
1581 - 1649
Michel François Damame Demartrais (1763 - 1827)
Michel François Damame Demartrais
1763 - 1827
Barend Graat (1628 - 1709)
Barend Graat
1628 - 1709
Giovanna Fratellini (1666 - 1731)
Giovanna Fratellini
1666 - 1731
Jan de Baen (1633 - 1702)
Jan de Baen
1633 - 1702
Étienne Maurice Falconet (1716 - 1791)
Étienne Maurice Falconet
1716 - 1791
David van der Plas (1647 - 1704)
David van der Plas
1647 - 1704
Agostino Masucci (1691 - 1758)
Agostino Masucci
1691 - 1758
 Le Nain brothers ()
Le Nain brothers
Federico Barocci (1535 - 1612)
Federico Barocci
1535 - 1612
Paul Decker II (1685 - 1742)
Paul Decker II
1685 - 1742
Jan Jansz den Uyl (1595 - 1639)
Jan Jansz den Uyl
1595 - 1639
Jacob Willemsz. de Wet (1610 - 1671)
Jacob Willemsz. de Wet
1610 - 1671
Frederik de Moucheron I (1633 - 1686)
Frederik de Moucheron I
1633 - 1686
Jacob de Wit (1695 - 1754)
Jacob de Wit
1695 - 1754