Johann Benjamin Thomae (1682 - 1751)

Johann Benjamin Thomae (1682 - 1751) - photo 1

Johann Benjamin Thomae

Date and place of birt:23 january 1682, Pesterwitz, Germany
Date and place of death:8 march 1751, Dresden, Germany
Period of activity: XVII, XVIII century
Specialization:Artist, Portraitist, Sculptor
Genre:Mythological painting, Portrait, Religious genre
Art style:Baroque

Creators Germany

Wilhelm von Lindenschmith II (1829 - 1895)
Wilhelm von Lindenschmith II
1829 - 1895
Michael Maier (1568 - 1622)
Michael Maier
1568 - 1622
Michael Buthe (1944 - 1994)
Michael Buthe
1944 - 1994
Max Schultze (1977)
Max Schultze
Carl Johann Spielter (1851 - 1922)
Carl Johann Spielter
1851 - 1922
Robert Rauschenberg (1925 - 2008)
Robert Rauschenberg
1925 - 2008
Ludwig von Siegen (1609 - 1680)
Ludwig von Siegen
1609 - 1680
Carlfriedrich Claus (1930 - 1998)
Carlfriedrich Claus
1930 - 1998
Petr Gergardovich Dik (1939 - 2002)
Petr Gergardovich Dik
1939 - 2002
Hans-Ulrich Buchwald (1925 - 2009)
Hans-Ulrich Buchwald
1925 - 2009
Winfred Gaul (1928 - 2003)
Winfred Gaul
1928 - 2003
Jan Pieter van Baurscheit (1669 - 1728)
Jan Pieter van Baurscheit
1669 - 1728
Philipp Sporrer (1829 - 1899)
Philipp Sporrer
1829 - 1899
Constantin Bauer (1852 - 1924)
Constantin Bauer
1852 - 1924
Jürgen Zumbrunnen (1946 - 2016)
Jürgen Zumbrunnen
1946 - 2016
Michael Thonet (1796 - 1871)
Michael Thonet
1796 - 1871

Creators Baroque

Giovanni Battista Maini (1690 - 1752)
Giovanni Battista Maini
1690 - 1752
Étienne de La Vallée Poussin (1735 - 1802)
Étienne de La Vallée Poussin
1735 - 1802
Johann Michael Rottmayr (1656 - 1730)
Johann Michael Rottmayr
1656 - 1730
Philipp Kilian (1628 - 1693)
Philipp Kilian
1628 - 1693
Pierre-Jacques Cazes (1676 - 1754)
Pierre-Jacques Cazes
1676 - 1754
Ivan Fomich Khrutsky (1810 - 1885)
Ivan Fomich Khrutsky
1810 - 1885
Jean Boisseau (1600 - 1657)
Jean Boisseau
1600 - 1657
Giovan Battista Langetti (1625 - 1676)
Giovan Battista Langetti
1625 - 1676
Balthasar Moncornet (1600 - 1668)
Balthasar Moncornet
1600 - 1668
Hermannus Collenius (1650 - 1723)
Hermannus Collenius
1650 - 1723
Nicolaes Maes (1634 - 1693)
Nicolaes Maes
1634 - 1693
J.P. van Wijck (XVII century)
J.P. van Wijck
XVII century
Dominikus Auliczek (1734 - 1804)
Dominikus Auliczek
1734 - 1804
Dirck Helmbreeker (1633 - 1696)
Dirck Helmbreeker
1633 - 1696
Andrea Lanzani (1641 - 1712)
Andrea Lanzani
1641 - 1712
Pieter Anthonisz. van Groenewegen (1600 - 1658)
Pieter Anthonisz. van Groenewegen
1600 - 1658