Maestro Di Griselda (XV century - ?)

Maestro Di Griselda (XV century - ?) - photo 1

Maestro Di Griselda

Date and place of birt:XV century, Siena, Italy
Date and place of death:?, Siena, Italy
Period of activity: XV century
Specialization:Artist, Icon painter, Painter
Art school / group:Sienese School
Genre:Allegory, Genre art, History painting, Mythological painting, Portrait
Art style:Renaissance

Creators Renaissance

Raffaello Santi (1483 - 1520)
Raffaello Santi
1483 - 1520
Lucas Cranach II (1515 - 1586)
Lucas Cranach II
1515 - 1586
Matthias Flacius (1520 - 1575)
Matthias Flacius
1520 - 1575
Antonello da Messina (1430 - 1479)
Antonello da Messina
1430 - 1479
Francesco Xanto Avelli (1487 - 1542)
Francesco Xanto Avelli
1487 - 1542
Gherardo Cibo (1512 - 1600)
Gherardo Cibo
1512 - 1600
Hans Bol (1534 - 1593)
Hans Bol
1534 - 1593
Benjamin Jonson (1572 - 1637)
Benjamin Jonson
1572 - 1637
Paolo Uccello (1397 - 1475)
Paolo Uccello
1397 - 1475
Jan Cornelisz Vermeyen (1500 - 1559)
Jan Cornelisz Vermeyen
1500 - 1559
Teodoro Riccio (1540 - 1603)
Teodoro Riccio
1540 - 1603
Hans Mielich (1516 - 1573)
Hans Mielich
1516 - 1573
Bartholomäus Steinle (1580 - 1628)
Bartholomäus Steinle
1580 - 1628
Domenico Di Bartolo (1400 - 1445)
Domenico Di Bartolo
1400 - 1445
Dieric Bouts (1410 - 1475)
Dieric Bouts
1410 - 1475
Hendrik Floris van Langren (1574 - 1648)
Hendrik Floris van Langren
1574 - 1648