Marianne Eigenheer (1945 - 2018)

Marianne Eigenheer (1945 - 2018) - photo 1

Marianne Eigenheer

Marianne Eigenheer was a Swiss artist. She was active both as an academic (including lecturer status and professorships at several art academies and colleges) and as a working artist who displayed works in Europe, Australia, and the United States. Her work was done mostly on small and large canvasses, including some wall drawings. Eigenheer’s work has its roots in drawing, in which the freely moving line precedes the flat, pictorial dimension. Her drawings are gesticulating, free line works on paper, in which the spontaneous, subconscious action is combined with conscious formal and content-related decision-making. In the 1980s, the important series Bilder zur Lage, of postcard-sized drawings, was created. She also painted large canvases, as part of the series Misere des Herzens (Misery of the Heart), with animal silhouettes, human figures and hybrid beings, who seem to float or lie before monochrome backgrounds. Later came works on canvas and wall drawings, characterized by the use of red, black and gold, consisting mostly of borders, features and amorphous, semi-abstract forms and form developments.


Date and place of birt:20 april 1945, Luzern, Switzerland
Date and place of death:15 january 2018, Basel, Switzerland
Nationality:United Kingdom, Switzerland
Period of activity: XX, XXI century
Specialization:Animalist, Artist, Graphic artist, Painter, Sculptor
Art style:Abstract art
Technique:Acrylic, Hand graphic, Pastel, Tempera, Сhalk

Creators United Kingdom

Henry Clarence Whaite (1828 - 1912)
Henry Clarence Whaite
1828 - 1912
Annie Feray Mutrie (1826 - 1893)
Annie Feray Mutrie
1826 - 1893
Arthur John Elsley (1860 - 1952)
Arthur John Elsley
1860 - 1952
John Rankin Waddell (1966)
John Rankin Waddell
Edwin Landseer (1802 - 1873)
Edwin Landseer
1802 - 1873
Robert Burns (1869 - 1941)
Robert Burns
1869 - 1941
William Green (1760 - 1823)
William Green
1760 - 1823
Sybil Andrews (1898 - 1992)
Sybil Andrews
1898 - 1992
Frank Dobson (1886 - 1963)
Frank Dobson
1886 - 1963
Richard Dadd (1817 - 1886)
Richard Dadd
1817 - 1886
Richard Crosse (1742 - 1810)
Richard Crosse
1742 - 1810
William Bell Scott (1811 - 1890)
William Bell Scott
1811 - 1890
Mandy McCartin (1958)
Mandy McCartin
Clive Head (1965)
Clive Head
Thomas Allom (1804 - 1872)
Thomas Allom
1804 - 1872
Edmund Blair Leighton (1852 - 1922)
Edmund Blair Leighton
1852 - 1922

Creators Abstract art

Luis Feito Lopez (1929 - 2021)
Luis Feito Lopez
1929 - 2021
Gerlinde Beck (1930 - 2006)
Gerlinde Beck
1930 - 2006
Wolfgang Paalen (1905 - 1959)
Wolfgang Paalen
1905 - 1959
Georges Dussau (1947)
Georges Dussau
Eugene James Martin (1938 - 2005)
Eugene James Martin
1938 - 2005
Thomas Heger (1961)
Thomas Heger
Mcarthur Binion (1946)
Mcarthur Binion
Günter Evertz (1957)
Günter Evertz
Étienne Hajdú (1907 - 1996)
Étienne Hajdú
1907 - 1996
 Wols (1913 - 1951)
1913 - 1951
Leonardo Nierman (1932)
Leonardo Nierman
Ad Reinhardt (1913 - 1967)
Ad Reinhardt
1913 - 1967
Alberto Magnelli (1888 - 1971)
Alberto Magnelli
1888 - 1971
Anton Stankowski (1906 - 1998)
Anton Stankowski
1906 - 1998
Amy Sillman (1955)
Amy Sillman
Willibrord Haas (1936)
Willibrord Haas