Simone Pignoni (1611 - 1698) - photo 1

Simone Pignoni

Simone Pignoni was an Italian painter of the Baroque period.


Date and place of birt:17 april 1611, Florence, Italy
Date and place of death:16 december 1698, Florence, Italy
Period of activity: XVII century
Specialization:Artist, Painter
Art school / group:Italian school
Genre:Mythological painting, Religious genre
Art style:Baroque
STUDIO OF SIMONE PIGNONI (FLORENCE 1611-1698) - Auction prices

Auction prices Simone Pignoni

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Creators Italy

Mária Lehel (1889 - 1972)
Mária Lehel
1889 - 1972
Vincenzo Gemito (1852 - 1929)
Vincenzo Gemito
1852 - 1929
Pelagio Palagi (1775 - 1860)
Pelagio Palagi
1775 - 1860
Giuseppe Signorini (1857 - 1932)
Giuseppe Signorini
1857 - 1932
Frans (Francesco) Geffels (1624 - 1694)
Frans (Francesco) Geffels
1624 - 1694
Pierre Leone Guezzi (1674 - 1755)
Pierre Leone Guezzi
1674 - 1755
Mariano Fortuny y Marsal (1838 - 1874)
Mariano Fortuny y Marsal
1838 - 1874
Ignaz Stern (1679 - 1748)
Ignaz Stern
1679 - 1748
Remo Bianco (1922 - 1988)
Remo Bianco
1922 - 1988
Giovanni Volpato (1735 - 1803)
Giovanni Volpato
1735 - 1803
Sergio Mazza (1931)
Sergio Mazza
Gregorio Lazzarini (1657 - 1730)
Gregorio Lazzarini
1657 - 1730
Agostino Aglio (1777 - 1857)
Agostino Aglio
1777 - 1857
Leonid Mikhaylovich Brailovsky (Brailovskii) (1867 - 1937)
Leonid Mikhaylovich Brailovsky (Brailovskii)
1867 - 1937
Vanni Viviani (1937 - 2002)
Vanni Viviani
1937 - 2002
Mariano Riccio (1510 - 1593)
Mariano Riccio
1510 - 1593

Creators Baroque

Antonio del Castillo y Saavedra (1616 - 1668)
Antonio del Castillo y Saavedra
1616 - 1668
Martin Johann Schmidt (Kremser) (1718 - 1801)
Martin Johann Schmidt (Kremser)
1718 - 1801
Girolamo Troppa (1636 - 1711)
Girolamo Troppa
1636 - 1711
Eduard Huber-Andorf (1877 - 1966)
Eduard Huber-Andorf
1877 - 1966
Juste d'Egmont (1601 - 1674)
Juste d'Egmont
1601 - 1674
Giovanni Bilivert (1585 - 1644)
Giovanni Bilivert
1585 - 1644
Claude Callot (1620 - 1687)
Claude Callot
1620 - 1687
Christoffer Suhr (1771 - 1842)
Christoffer Suhr
1771 - 1842
Peter Ykens (1648 - 1695)
Peter Ykens
1648 - 1695
Agostino Verrocchi (1586 - 1659)
Agostino Verrocchi
1586 - 1659
Louis Le Nain (1593 - 1648)
Louis Le Nain
1593 - 1648
Carlo Alberto Baratta (1754 - 1815)
Carlo Alberto Baratta
1754 - 1815
Livio Mehus (1630 - 1691)
Livio Mehus
1630 - 1691
Cornelis Dusart (1660 - 1704)
Cornelis Dusart
1660 - 1704
Nicolas Heurtaut (1720 - 1771)
Nicolas Heurtaut
1720 - 1771
Pierre-Paul Sevin (1646 - 1710)
Pierre-Paul Sevin
1646 - 1710