Zanetto Bugatto (1440 - 1476) - photo 1

Zanetto Bugatto

Date and place of birt:1440, Milan, Italy
Date and place of death:1476, Milan, Italy
Period of activity: XV century
Specialization:Artist, Medalist, Painter
Art school / group:Lombard School
Genre:Portrait, Religious genre
Art style:High Renaissance, Northern Renaissance, Кватроченто

Creators High Renaissance

Camillo Rizzi (1590 - 1626)
Camillo Rizzi
1590 - 1626
Giovanni Cariani (1485 - 1547)
Giovanni Cariani
1485 - 1547
Salomon de Bray (1597 - 1664)
Salomon de Bray
1597 - 1664
Michiel Coxie I (1499 - 1592)
Michiel Coxie I
1499 - 1592
Andrea Meldolla (1510 - 1563)
Andrea Meldolla
1510 - 1563
Domenico Tibaldi (1541 - 1583)
Domenico Tibaldi
1541 - 1583
 Meister von Irrsdorf (1480 - ?)
Meister von Irrsdorf
1480 - ?
Francesco Bassano II (1549 - 1592)
Francesco Bassano II
1549 - 1592
Joachim Beuckelaer (1530 - 1573)
Joachim Beuckelaer
1530 - 1573
 Meister I.P. (XV century - XVI century)
Meister I.P.
XV century - XVI century
Giovanni Girolamo Savoldo (1480 - 1540)
Giovanni Girolamo Savoldo
1480 - 1540
Erasmus Roterodamus (1466 - 1536)
Erasmus Roterodamus
1466 - 1536
Francesco Melzi (1491 - 1567)
Francesco Melzi
1491 - 1567
Giovanni Battista Zelotti (1526 - 1578)
Giovanni Battista Zelotti
1526 - 1578
Gerolamo Bassano (1566 - 1621)
Gerolamo Bassano
1566 - 1621
Pieter Balten (1527 - 1584)
Pieter Balten
1527 - 1584