Jean Miotte (1926 - 2016) - photo 1

Jean Miotte

Jean Miotte was a French abstract painter, in the style known as L'Art Informel. His work was preserved and studied by the Miotte Foundation and is in the collections of museums including: MoMA and the Guggenheim in New York, Musée d'Art Moderne de Paris and Haus der Kunst in Munich.


Date and place of birt:8 september 1926, Paris, France
Date and place of death:1 march 2016, Pignans, France
Period of activity: XX, XXI century
Specialization:Artist, Painter
Art style:Abstract art, Contemporary art, Informalism, Lyrical abstraction, Post War Art

Creators France

Mary Moser (1744 - 1819)
Mary Moser
1744 - 1819
Ludwig Graf (1868 - 1932)
Ludwig Graf
1868 - 1932
Jean Beffier (1851 - 1920)
Jean Beffier
1851 - 1920
Jean-Baptiste Paul Cabet (1815 - 1876)
Jean-Baptiste Paul Cabet
1815 - 1876
Phillippe Starck (1949)
Phillippe Starck
Emile-Auguste Hublin (1830 - 1891)
Emile-Auguste Hublin
1830 - 1891
Pierre Montallier (1643 - 1697)
Pierre Montallier
1643 - 1697
Antonio Canova (1757 - 1822)
Antonio Canova
1757 - 1822
Jordy Kerwick (1982)
Jordy Kerwick
Albert Marquet (1875 - 1947)
Albert Marquet
1875 - 1947
André Villers (1930 - 2016)
André Villers
1930 - 2016
Aristide Maillol (1861 - 1944)
Aristide Maillol
1861 - 1944
Pablo Picasso (1881 - 1973)
Pablo Picasso
1881 - 1973
Charles-Nicolas Odiot (1789 - 1868)
Charles-Nicolas Odiot
1789 - 1868
Charles Edouard De Beaumont (1821 - 1888)
Charles Edouard De Beaumont
1821 - 1888
Eugène Carrière (1849 - 1906)
Eugène Carrière
1849 - 1906

Creators Abstract art

Alexander Nikolaevich Volkov (1886 - 1957)
Alexander Nikolaevich Volkov
1886 - 1957
Brigitte Matschinsky-Denninghoff (1921 - 2011)
Brigitte Matschinsky-Denninghoff
1921 - 2011
Eileen Hogan (1946)
Eileen Hogan
Giangiacomo Spadari (1938 - 1997)
Giangiacomo Spadari
1938 - 1997
Marjetica Potrč (1953)
Marjetica Potrč
Hans Staudacher (1923 - 2021)
Hans Staudacher
1923 - 2021
Marfa Ksenofontovna Timchenko (1922 - 2009)
Marfa Ksenofontovna Timchenko
1922 - 2009
André Borderie (1923 - 1998)
André Borderie
1923 - 1998
Richard Lin (1933 - 2011)
Richard Lin
1933 - 2011
Antonio Gattorno (1904 - 1980)
Antonio Gattorno
1904 - 1980
Howard Arkley (1951 - 1999)
Howard Arkley
1951 - 1999
Karl Heinz Essig (1935 - 2021)
Karl Heinz Essig
1935 - 2021
Hinrich Gauerke (1950)
Hinrich Gauerke
Yang Fudong (1971)
Yang Fudong
Willi Deutzmann (1897 - 1958)
Willi Deutzmann
1897 - 1958
Jean-Claude Duteil (1950)
Jean-Claude Duteil