Master of the Fiesole Epiphany (1425 - 1496)

Master of the Fiesole Epiphany (1425 - 1496) - photo 1

Master of the Fiesole Epiphany

Master of the Epiphany of Fiesole or Master of the Fiesole Epiphany (English: Master of the Fiesole Epiphany) was an Italian painter active in Florence in the mid-15th century. The artist, whose name is not known, was given his notational name after the large-scale depiction of the Epiphany he created for the church of San Francesco in Fiesole in the province of Florence.

Date and place of birt:1425, Florence, Italy
Date and place of death:1496, Fiesole, Italy
Period of activity: XV century
Specialization:Artist, Painter
Genre:Religious genre
Art style:Old Masters, Renaissance

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Creators Italy

Fausto Zonaro (1854 - 1929)
Fausto Zonaro
1854 - 1929
Frederick Sommer (1905 - 1999)
Frederick Sommer
1905 - 1999
Johann Nepomuk Rauch (1804 - 1847)
Johann Nepomuk Rauch
1804 - 1847
Giuseppe de Nittis (1846 - 1884)
Giuseppe de Nittis
1846 - 1884
Antonio Galli Bibiena (1697 - 1774)
Antonio Galli Bibiena
1697 - 1774
Gaspare Traversi (1722 - 1770)
Gaspare Traversi
1722 - 1770
Giovanni Antonio Grecolini (1675 - 1725)
Giovanni Antonio Grecolini
1675 - 1725
Giampietro Zanotti (1674 - 1765)
Giampietro Zanotti
1674 - 1765
Pia Pizzo (1937 - 2021)
Pia Pizzo
1937 - 2021
Joseph Gott (1785 - 1860)
Joseph Gott
1785 - 1860
Vera Vladimirovn Khlebnikovа (1891 - 1941)
Vera Vladimirovn Khlebnikovа
1891 - 1941
Johann Liss (1597 - 1631)
Johann Liss
1597 - 1631
Bartolomeo Bulgarini (1300 - 1378)
Bartolomeo Bulgarini
1300 - 1378
Ernst Schweinfurth (1818 - 1877)
Ernst Schweinfurth
1818 - 1877
Jean-Baptiste Boudard (1710 - 1768)
Jean-Baptiste Boudard
1710 - 1768
Giuseppe Castiglione (1688 - 1766)
Giuseppe Castiglione
1688 - 1766

Creators Old Masters

Guidoccio Cozzarelli (1450 - 1517)
Guidoccio Cozzarelli
1450 - 1517
Elias Baeck (1679 - 1747)
Elias Baeck
1679 - 1747
Leon Battista Alberti (1404 - 1472)
Leon Battista Alberti
1404 - 1472
Guillaume Coustou (1677 - 1746)
Guillaume Coustou
1677 - 1746
Simon Vouet (1590 - 1649)
Simon Vouet
1590 - 1649
Andrea Vaccaro (1604 - 1670)
Andrea Vaccaro
1604 - 1670
Peter Wtewael (1596 - 1660)
Peter Wtewael
1596 - 1660
Francesco Bassano II (1549 - 1592)
Francesco Bassano II
1549 - 1592
Jan Vermeer (1632 - 1675)
Jan Vermeer
1632 - 1675
Jan Provoost (1465 - 1529)
Jan Provoost
1465 - 1529
 Le Nain brothers ()
Le Nain brothers
Wolf Huber (1485 - 1553)
Wolf Huber
1485 - 1553
George Lambert (1700 - 1765)
George Lambert
1700 - 1765
Altobello Melone (1491 - 1543)
Altobello Melone
1491 - 1543
Jan Micker (1598 - 1664)
Jan Micker
1598 - 1664
Agostino Tassi (1580 - 1644)
Agostino Tassi
1580 - 1644