7 Artikel bei Auktionen und Galerien:
Alla \almoro\ Morozova (geb. 1954)
Shop Morozova Alla \almoro\![](/assets/image/logo_18586/7388f/fix172172logo18586__fix_172_172.jpeg)
Alla \almoro\ Morozova
Алла Морозова, родилась на Украине 16,04,1954. По профессии: художник- модельер женской одежды.
Училась в Москве РФ в Политехникуме Моссовета на художника- модельера женской одежды\ дневное отделение\.
Временно проживаю в Грузии\двойное гражданство\.
Выставлялась: в Москве в Союзе Художников России в 2014,2015; в выставках Андрея Некрасова\известный галерист\и других выставках Дома Художников в Москве; коллективная выставка в городе Кобулети ,,Грузия 2012; Персональные выставки в городе Зугдиди \Грузия в 2012, и в 2016; участие в коллективных выставках в Зугдиди: в 2013,2014,2015,2017,2018, 2019 годах.
Рисую с детства благодаря маме - педагога. Стала писать большие картины в Грузии на разные темы: пейзажи, цветы, животных, натюрморты, человека.
Издала свою книгу лирики "СНЫ ПТИЦЫ" в 1996 году, в Москве, Издательство Интер-Весы; она находится в Библиотеке Конгресса США, в Вашингтоне.
Мой сын и внук носят фамилию Джишкариани , они проживают в Москве. Наша семья потеряла деньги в банке и квартиру в Москве из-за перестройки и дефолта...потому мы арендуем жильё...Я в Зугдиди\Грузия\ снимаю квартиру из досок над гаражом, где стены 4 см...потому пишу картины только когда тепло...Спасает меня творчество и желание помочь сыну.
Morozova Alla \almoro\
Anzahl der Produkte: 92
Siberian Winter - No mosquitoes, original Abstract - Сибирская Зима - Нет комаров, Абстракция оригинал
Matkovsky Dmitri (geb. 1961)
Shop Dmitri Matkovsky![](/assets/image/logo_18178/e6629/fix172172logo18178__fix_172_172.jpeg)
Matkovsky Dmitri
I’m artist synesthetes*, Abstract Expressionist.
Emotions are very important to me. All my life is at this particular moment. It’s like improvisation in music. You need to explain all life in one moment, in one phrase, in one white square…
I love colors, I love paint, and I love canvas, white canvas. I like even prepare a canvas for painting, I just love to be an artist.
I feel my self so liberated when creating art. First, because I can produce something that is influence on human’s mood or state of mind, and second because I can escape this reality. And I like this feeling.
My paintings have been sold for years to offices, shops and private residences in Canada, Australia, USA, Europe etc. Up until now in 18 countries.
Дмитрий Матковский — художник-синестет. В психологии существует понятие «синестезии», особого способа восприятия действительности, когда информация, полученная определёнными органами чувств, приобретает дополнительное качественное значение. Дмитрий Матковский, в свою очередь, имеет «цветовой слух». Художник воспринимает звуки через цвет, а свои работы называет «музыкой на холсте».
Убедиться в особенности своих ощущений автору выпал шанс довольно рано: его школьная группа, «Мануфактура», стала победителем первого Ленинградского Рок-фестиваля, после чего он 10 лет играл в составе «АукцЫона»
Оказавшись в Канаде в 2001 г. ДМ полностью отдался миру живописи. 10 лет жизни в Сев. Америке оформили его как профессионала в области изобразительного искусства, заставили говорить о нем в мире галерейного бизнеса. За это время Более 240 работ ДМ были куплены частными коллекционерами и музеями Америки, Европы и Японии.
В настоящий момент Дмитрий Матковский живет в СПб и продолжает заниматься живописью, 3D анимацией, дизайном, музыкой, йогой, а также публицистическим творчеством.
Dmitri Matkovsky
Anzahl der Produkte: 16
My art
Nata Samkanashvili (geb. 1973)
Shop Samkanashvili Nata![](/assets/image/logo_21288/7a92d/fix172172logo21288__fix_172_172.jpeg)
Nata Samkanashvili
My name is Nata Samkanashvili.-Artist
In 1993 I enrolled in Ivan Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University and in 1998 graduated the full course of the Faculty of Art and Humanities of the University having specialized in the field on Artistic Modeling on Clothes and was awarded the qualification of Artist-Dress Modeler.
After graduating from the University in 1998 I continued working with the same faculty as a teacher of Fashion Design Garment & Construction Lines.
Afterward I was recruited by G. Devdarian Shoes and Leather Accessories Salon/Boutique. I have been working for G. Devdarian Shoes and Leather Accessories Salon/Boutique as a Designer for over five years.at the moment I am working in their own fashion boutique
Apart from my eclectic interests and qualification the only true and real inexhaustible source of interest of mine always has been painting. Though I have been worked on water-paintings, oil-paintings, graphic arts, drawings, pastel-paintings, gouache-paintings in mixed techniques. Moreover, I adore making decatized wool paintings and fancywork.
Concerning my participation in several festivals, exhibitions and competitions, I would like to say that I have taken part in some of them during 1992-2010 years.I am a member of the Artists' Union of Georgia
Nata Samkanashvili
Samkanashvili Nata
Anzahl der Produkte: 3
Зима в горах
Nata Samkanashvili (geb. 1973)
Shop Samkanashvili Nata![](/assets/image/logo_21288/7a92d/fix172172logo21288__fix_172_172.jpeg)
Nata Samkanashvili
My name is Nata Samkanashvili.-Artist
In 1993 I enrolled in Ivan Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University and in 1998 graduated the full course of the Faculty of Art and Humanities of the University having specialized in the field on Artistic Modeling on Clothes and was awarded the qualification of Artist-Dress Modeler.
After graduating from the University in 1998 I continued working with the same faculty as a teacher of Fashion Design Garment & Construction Lines.
Afterward I was recruited by G. Devdarian Shoes and Leather Accessories Salon/Boutique. I have been working for G. Devdarian Shoes and Leather Accessories Salon/Boutique as a Designer for over five years.at the moment I am working in their own fashion boutique
Apart from my eclectic interests and qualification the only true and real inexhaustible source of interest of mine always has been painting. Though I have been worked on water-paintings, oil-paintings, graphic arts, drawings, pastel-paintings, gouache-paintings in mixed techniques. Moreover, I adore making decatized wool paintings and fancywork.
Concerning my participation in several festivals, exhibitions and competitions, I would like to say that I have taken part in some of them during 1992-2010 years.I am a member of the Artists' Union of Georgia
Nata Samkanashvili
Samkanashvili Nata
Anzahl der Produkte: 3
Melodic Sity
Nata Samkanashvili (geb. 1973)
Shop Samkanashvili Nata![](/assets/image/logo_21288/7a92d/fix172172logo21288__fix_172_172.jpeg)
Nata Samkanashvili
My name is Nata Samkanashvili.-Artist
In 1993 I enrolled in Ivan Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University and in 1998 graduated the full course of the Faculty of Art and Humanities of the University having specialized in the field on Artistic Modeling on Clothes and was awarded the qualification of Artist-Dress Modeler.
After graduating from the University in 1998 I continued working with the same faculty as a teacher of Fashion Design Garment & Construction Lines.
Afterward I was recruited by G. Devdarian Shoes and Leather Accessories Salon/Boutique. I have been working for G. Devdarian Shoes and Leather Accessories Salon/Boutique as a Designer for over five years.at the moment I am working in their own fashion boutique
Apart from my eclectic interests and qualification the only true and real inexhaustible source of interest of mine always has been painting. Though I have been worked on water-paintings, oil-paintings, graphic arts, drawings, pastel-paintings, gouache-paintings in mixed techniques. Moreover, I adore making decatized wool paintings and fancywork.
Concerning my participation in several festivals, exhibitions and competitions, I would like to say that I have taken part in some of them during 1992-2010 years.I am a member of the Artists' Union of Georgia
Nata Samkanashvili
Samkanashvili Nata
Anzahl der Produkte: 3