Paintings 19th - 20th century — 408_4: Graphik und Gemaelde

Edmund von Wörndle, W. von Adelsfried, was an Austrian landscape painter, draftsman, printmaker, and historian. His younger brother August von Wörndl and son Wilhelm von Wörndl were also painters. Edmund is known for his canvases on historical and religious themes, as well as for his landscapes in the romantic style.

Edward Jakob von Steinle was an Austrian-German historical painter. He created several paintings of religious content in the style of the Nazarene. However, gifted with a multifaceted talent, he left a great number of drawings of non-religious content, including illustrations for Shakespeare's dramas and Brentano's Rhine Fairy Tales.
Carl Wilhelm Alexander Simon was a German Romantic painter who painted portraits, landscapes, and genre paintings. At the end of his life he emigrated to Chile, where his interest in naturalism and scientific illustration led him to make many drawings of local plants, landscapes, jungles, and villages.

Friedrich Rudolf Albert Korneck was a German painter and member of the Berlin Artists' Association. In addition to portraits, he created images of religious content and genre paintings.

Hermann Friedrich Louis Toussaint was a German genre painter of the Düsseldorf school. He began with historical painting, but later took up the entertainment genre theme. He painted many depictions of children and family scenes.

Guido Bach was a German portrait painter who focused mainly on watercolor painting. Bach traveled to Italy, Bohemia, and also visited Egypt. He created portraits and depictions of Italian village life, battle scenes, and images of North African Arab life.