Modern Art — A1170: Art of the 20th Century

Marie-Louise von Rogister was a German artist and important painter of the Informel.
From 1920 to 1924 Marie-Louise von Rogister studied painting at the Kunstgewerbeschule Kassel. A trip to Paris in 1925 was followed by a study visit to the Academie de la Grande Chaumiere in 1929/1930.
Marie-Louise von Rogister's work developed from the representational to the abstract. Her oeuvre includes paintings in oil and acrylic as well as in wax crayon and pencil. Marie-Louise von Rogister's breakthrough came in the late 1950s with her "Braided Pictures". Areas of colour are overlaid with thread-like, black structures. The so-called "Horizon Paintings" in the 1980s marked a new artistic breakthrough: clear lines and strong colours dominated the paintings. It was also through them that Informal Art came to Germany.

Marie-Louise von Rogister was a German artist and important painter of the Informel.
From 1920 to 1924 Marie-Louise von Rogister studied painting at the Kunstgewerbeschule Kassel. A trip to Paris in 1925 was followed by a study visit to the Academie de la Grande Chaumiere in 1929/1930.
Marie-Louise von Rogister's work developed from the representational to the abstract. Her oeuvre includes paintings in oil and acrylic as well as in wax crayon and pencil. Marie-Louise von Rogister's breakthrough came in the late 1950s with her "Braided Pictures". Areas of colour are overlaid with thread-like, black structures. The so-called "Horizon Paintings" in the 1980s marked a new artistic breakthrough: clear lines and strong colours dominated the paintings. It was also through them that Informal Art came to Germany.