Furniture — 513. LIVE Auction | Works of Art & Art Nouveau

Henry Dasson was a renowned nineteenth century Parisian maker of gilt-bronze mounted furniture. Unlike other cabinetmakers of the time Dasson began his career as a bronze sculptor, and consequently one characteristic of his work is the quality of his bronze and more precisely of the chiselling.
He specialised in the production of Louis XIV, XV and XVI style furniture using the finest gilt-bronze mounts.

Henry Dasson was a renowned nineteenth century Parisian maker of gilt-bronze mounted furniture. Unlike other cabinetmakers of the time Dasson began his career as a bronze sculptor, and consequently one characteristic of his work is the quality of his bronze and more precisely of the chiselling.
He specialised in the production of Louis XIV, XV and XVI style furniture using the finest gilt-bronze mounts.

David Roentgen was a famous German cabinetmaker of the eighteenth century, famed throughout Europe for his marquetry and his secret drawers and poes and mechanical fittings. His work embraces the late Rococo and the Neoclassical styles.