172 Items by auctions and galleries:
религиозное искусство
Христос в пустыне
Sergey Karpukhin (b. 1960)
Shop Karpukhin Sergey

Sergey Karpukhin
Член Союза московских архитекторов, Член Творческого союза художников России, Член Союза кинематографистов России, член Гильдии режиссеров. Сценарист, режиссер, продюсер, художник, фотограф, архитектор.
Первую половину жизни работал, как художник и архитектор, занимался фотографией и философией. Вторую половину, работаю как режиссер и сценарист, не оставляя при этом изобразительного искусства и философии. Окончил художественный факультет Красноярского художественного института, ФПК градостроительства МАРХИ и ВГИК- ВИППК.
1991 Первая премия, Философские инновационные игры «Культура и
образование III тысячелетия», г. Москва.
1994 Премия «НИКА» за лучший научно-популярный фильм
1993 года, (совместно с В.М. Кобриным), Россия.
2008 Приз «Лучший телевизионный фильм». II Российский
фестиваль социально значимых телепрограмм и
телефильмов «Герой нашего времени», Россия.
XIV Международный фестиваль фильмов о правах
человека «СТАЛКЕР».
2008 XIII Международный фестиваль кинофильмов и
телепрограмм «РАДОНЕЖ». Диплом II степени,
2015 Приз «Серебряный Витязь». VI Международный
славянский литературный форум «Золотой Витязь»,
2016 Приз «Белая голубица», Tesla Global forum,
2017 Гран При в номинации «Научная работа» Международного творческого
конкурса «Гомер», Греция, Афины.
2017 Диплом «За непревзойденную культурную деятельность»
в номинации «Лучшее философское
произведение» Международной литературной премии
им. Нодара Джина, Греция, Афины.
2017 Золотой диплом VIII Международного славянского
литературного форума «Золотой Витязь».

Artist shop
Karpukhin Sergey
Number of products: 23
Собор Василия Блаженного
Viktoriia Karbysheva (b. 1997)
Shop Karbysheva Viktoriia

Viktoriia Karbysheva
Привет! Меня зовут Виктория. Я журналист из Москвы. Я пишу на общественно-политические темы и по долгу службы сталкиваюсь с разными людскими историями. Какие-то из них радостные и счастливые, другие - полны скорби и несправедливости. Вот почему я так бережно несу через года свое детское увлечение - живопись. Она помогает мне не только перезагрузиться, но и выразить явления, которые иногда описать словами не представляется возможным: бедность, дискриминацию по гендерному и национальному признакам, жестокость правительства, бессилие закона. В стране, в которой журналистам приходится претерпевать гнет со стороны власть имущих, живопись позволяет мне не сдаваться и продолжать делать свою работу.
Hi! My name is Viktoriia. I am a journalist from Moscow, Russia. I work on social and political topics so I meet lot of people’s stories. Some of them are full of pain and injustice. That’s why I did carried through the years my child’s hobby that I want to share with people. Art helps me not only to unload my brain but also to capture social phenomenons that are sometimes hard to describe with words such as: political games, poverty, gender and national discrimination, totalitarian government. Journalists in Russia are now harassed by administration. So art helps me to move on doing my job and not to give up.

Artist shop
Karbysheva Viktoriia
Number of products: 46
Донская икона Божией Матери
Gennadiy Stepanov (b. 1977)
Shop Stepanov Gennadiy

Gennadiy Stepanov
Получил базовое художественное образование: Детская художественная школа, Донецкое художественное училище,
Высшее академическое: Окончил с красным дипломом Архитектурный факультет ДонНАСА.
Дополнительно: Иконописное отделение при ДДС.
Это не полный арсенал моих образований. Брал частные уроки у неизвестных, но благословенных иконописцев при храмах и монастырях. Неоднократно совершал паломничество на Афон. Получил благословение на написание икон.
Иконописные работы, представленные здесь, выполнены в каноническом стиле.
Один из главных составляющих критериев в создании иконы - это степень ответственности иконописца за свою работу, перед тем, кого он изображает.
Любая икона - будь то храмовая, мерная, семейная, венчальная – это не только украшение интерьера, это, прежде всего, живописное изображение святого, которое призвано располагать верующего к молитве.
Многие иконописные работы переданы мной в дар школам, больницам, детским домам, молельным комнатам войсковых подразделений.
Круг моих интересов не ограничен только иконописью. Графика, живопись, скульптура малых форм - наполняют все творчество воздухом, свежими идеями, новизной, не позволяя пребывать в замкнутом пространстве...
Буду рад, если работы, представленные на этой странице, придутся Вам по душе.
С уважением, Геннадий.

Artist shop
Stepanov Gennadiy
Number of products: 13
The Saraswati
Aliona Gordon (b. 1974)
Shop Gordon Aliona

Aliona Gordon
Aliona Gordon is a professional artist, the founder of brand Gordons Gemstone Art, the author of a unique technique for creating images with gems and semi-precious stones, a member of the creative association “Peacemakers’ Union “Light”, diploma winner of various national and international art exhibitions.
She received her education at the Art College named after Glebov, painting department, in 1994.
Each Aliona Gordon’s work is of the highest level made in a single copy. The artistic merit and unique technique of the paintings arouse admiration.
For her works the author uses such luxurious natural materials as amethyst, garnet, malachite, charoite, jasper and other semi-precious stones. Diamond inlay and a high level of craftsmanship make each painting a real work of art, which is of great interest to collectors as well as to those who want to purchase an object to serve as a family heirloom, the significance of which has no time limits.
Each work has no equivalent and can be perceived as a tangible asset.
Over the years of Gordons Gemstone Art existence more than 150 pieces of art have been made which are stored in private collections of Belarus, Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Lithuania, America, Germany, Switzerland, UK as well as in the Sanctuary of the Holy Trinity (Antarctica, the Island of Waterloo, the Belinzgauzen polar base), the Sanctuary of St. Vladimir in Kaliningrad (Russian Federation), in the Chapel of Okovetskaya Mother of God (Russian Federation), and in the Sanctuary of St. Andrew in Minsk (Belarus), the collection of the Museum of History of Minsk (Belarus).
Each icon is consecrated.
semi-precious stones and gems:
Diamond, amethist, peridot, garnet, chalcedony, opal, malachite, amber, jasper, calcite, lapis lazuli, fluorite, carnelian, charoite, orpiment, astrofillit, volkonskoite, jet, cinnabar, ochre, realgare, rhodusite, tuff, anthracite, micа, galena, aegirine, rhodonite.

Artist shop
Gordon Aliona
Number of products: 12
St. Nicholas
Aliona Gordon (b. 1974)
Shop Gordon Aliona

Aliona Gordon
Aliona Gordon is a professional artist, the founder of brand Gordons Gemstone Art, the author of a unique technique for creating images with gems and semi-precious stones, a member of the creative association “Peacemakers’ Union “Light”, diploma winner of various national and international art exhibitions.
She received her education at the Art College named after Glebov, painting department, in 1994.
Each Aliona Gordon’s work is of the highest level made in a single copy. The artistic merit and unique technique of the paintings arouse admiration.
For her works the author uses such luxurious natural materials as amethyst, garnet, malachite, charoite, jasper and other semi-precious stones. Diamond inlay and a high level of craftsmanship make each painting a real work of art, which is of great interest to collectors as well as to those who want to purchase an object to serve as a family heirloom, the significance of which has no time limits.
Each work has no equivalent and can be perceived as a tangible asset.
Over the years of Gordons Gemstone Art existence more than 150 pieces of art have been made which are stored in private collections of Belarus, Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Lithuania, America, Germany, Switzerland, UK as well as in the Sanctuary of the Holy Trinity (Antarctica, the Island of Waterloo, the Belinzgauzen polar base), the Sanctuary of St. Vladimir in Kaliningrad (Russian Federation), in the Chapel of Okovetskaya Mother of God (Russian Federation), and in the Sanctuary of St. Andrew in Minsk (Belarus), the collection of the Museum of History of Minsk (Belarus).
Each icon is consecrated.
semi-precious stones and gems:
Diamond, amethist, peridot, garnet, chalcedony, opal, malachite, amber, jasper, calcite, lapis lazuli, fluorite, carnelian, charoite, orpiment, astrofillit, volkonskoite, jet, cinnabar, ochre, realgare, rhodusite, tuff, anthracite, micа, galena, aegirine, rhodonite.

Artist shop
Gordon Aliona
Number of products: 12
"The Vernicle"
Aliona Gordon (b. 1974)
Shop Gordon Aliona

Aliona Gordon
Aliona Gordon is a professional artist, the founder of brand Gordons Gemstone Art, the author of a unique technique for creating images with gems and semi-precious stones, a member of the creative association “Peacemakers’ Union “Light”, diploma winner of various national and international art exhibitions.
She received her education at the Art College named after Glebov, painting department, in 1994.
Each Aliona Gordon’s work is of the highest level made in a single copy. The artistic merit and unique technique of the paintings arouse admiration.
For her works the author uses such luxurious natural materials as amethyst, garnet, malachite, charoite, jasper and other semi-precious stones. Diamond inlay and a high level of craftsmanship make each painting a real work of art, which is of great interest to collectors as well as to those who want to purchase an object to serve as a family heirloom, the significance of which has no time limits.
Each work has no equivalent and can be perceived as a tangible asset.
Over the years of Gordons Gemstone Art existence more than 150 pieces of art have been made which are stored in private collections of Belarus, Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Lithuania, America, Germany, Switzerland, UK as well as in the Sanctuary of the Holy Trinity (Antarctica, the Island of Waterloo, the Belinzgauzen polar base), the Sanctuary of St. Vladimir in Kaliningrad (Russian Federation), in the Chapel of Okovetskaya Mother of God (Russian Federation), and in the Sanctuary of St. Andrew in Minsk (Belarus), the collection of the Museum of History of Minsk (Belarus).
Each icon is consecrated.
semi-precious stones and gems:
Diamond, amethist, peridot, garnet, chalcedony, opal, malachite, amber, jasper, calcite, lapis lazuli, fluorite, carnelian, charoite, orpiment, astrofillit, volkonskoite, jet, cinnabar, ochre, realgare, rhodusite, tuff, anthracite, micа, galena, aegirine, rhodonite.

Artist shop
Gordon Aliona
Number of products: 12
Virgin of Vladimir
Aliona Gordon (b. 1974)
Shop Gordon Aliona

Aliona Gordon
Aliona Gordon is a professional artist, the founder of brand Gordons Gemstone Art, the author of a unique technique for creating images with gems and semi-precious stones, a member of the creative association “Peacemakers’ Union “Light”, diploma winner of various national and international art exhibitions.
She received her education at the Art College named after Glebov, painting department, in 1994.
Each Aliona Gordon’s work is of the highest level made in a single copy. The artistic merit and unique technique of the paintings arouse admiration.
For her works the author uses such luxurious natural materials as amethyst, garnet, malachite, charoite, jasper and other semi-precious stones. Diamond inlay and a high level of craftsmanship make each painting a real work of art, which is of great interest to collectors as well as to those who want to purchase an object to serve as a family heirloom, the significance of which has no time limits.
Each work has no equivalent and can be perceived as a tangible asset.
Over the years of Gordons Gemstone Art existence more than 150 pieces of art have been made which are stored in private collections of Belarus, Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Lithuania, America, Germany, Switzerland, UK as well as in the Sanctuary of the Holy Trinity (Antarctica, the Island of Waterloo, the Belinzgauzen polar base), the Sanctuary of St. Vladimir in Kaliningrad (Russian Federation), in the Chapel of Okovetskaya Mother of God (Russian Federation), and in the Sanctuary of St. Andrew in Minsk (Belarus), the collection of the Museum of History of Minsk (Belarus).
Each icon is consecrated.
semi-precious stones and gems:
Diamond, amethist, peridot, garnet, chalcedony, opal, malachite, amber, jasper, calcite, lapis lazuli, fluorite, carnelian, charoite, orpiment, astrofillit, volkonskoite, jet, cinnabar, ochre, realgare, rhodusite, tuff, anthracite, micа, galena, aegirine, rhodonite.

Artist shop
Gordon Aliona
Number of products: 12
Последние паломники
Zhalya Museid (b. 1989)
Shop Museid Zhalya

Zhalya Museid
Начала писать картины после личных переживаний и жизненных переживаний ... открыла свой талант после терапии с психологом... живопись наполнила меня светом

Artist shop
Museid Zhalya
Number of products: 2
Между мирами
MARINA Havova (b. 1978)
Shop Havova MARINA

Я не могу жить без живописи. Я владею разными техниками, но моя пламенная любовь-акварель, живая волшебная краска.
В акварели я стараюсь достичь живой эмоции. Моя цель: достичь слияния с краской, чтобы акварель свободно разливалась по бумаге, создавая желаемые мне образы.
Получая истинное удовольствие от написания каждой картины, надеюсь, что передаю через картину свою любовь!
Стоимость доставки не включена и рассчитывается отдельно для каждого региона доставки. Доставку оплачивает покупатель.

Artist shop
Number of products: 188