Through my paintings, I seek confirmation that thought and intent are material. During the application of oil to the canvas, I visually capture what I think about. And after a while, I watch like my painted thought turn into reality. The world changes in the eyes of the beholder. Even the picture needs an observer.
When I look at my pictures, I reinforce my intention regarding the scenario of implementation in reality. When my clients are looking at my works, who know what for and how I create them, they rewrite their original life code, change the basic settings. Different customers ask me to bring into my pictures the visions and things those are absent in their inner world, and, consequently, are not in their outer world. My works, like a reminder, won't let you forget about your aim. They are changing the way of thinking of the clients that has been established for years and generations. Through creativity, I seek the same thing: I rewrite my attitudes and beliefs inherited from the progenitors blinded by the socialist past and the post of Soviet society. Quantum mechanics shows the ways and means of existence, which even in the most daring dreams could not have occurred to our parents and teachers. That's what I'm providing with my painting.
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