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The Troyes Master (active 1390-1415)The Troyes Master (active 1390-1415)
Anonymous Breton artistsAnonymous Breton artists
Anonymous Breton artistsAnonymous Breton artists
Anonymous Florentine artistAnonymous Florentine artist
The Coëtivy Master (active 1450-1485)The Coëtivy Master (active 1450-1485)
The Rosenberg Master (active c.1475-1495)The Rosenberg Master (active c.1475-1495)
Anonymous northeastern Italian artistAnonymous northeastern Italian artist
Francesco Marmitta (c.1460-1505)Francesco Marmitta (c.1460-1505)
Workshop of Gerard HorenboutWorkshop of Gerard Horenbout
De remediis utriusque fortunaeDe remediis utriusque fortunae
Alan of Lille's DistinctionesAlan of Lille's Distinctiones
Ambrose's OperaAmbrose's Opera
Antoninus Florentinus's ConfessionaleAntoninus Florentinus's Confessionale
Appian's Historia RomanaAppian's Historia Romana
Aristotle's OperaAristotle's Opera
Augustine's De civitate DeiAugustine's De civitate Dei
Augustine's De civitate DeiAugustine's De civitate Dei
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