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Bible, in LatinBible, in Latin
GRADUAL, in LatinGRADUAL, in Latin
Bible, in LatinBible, in Latin
Bible, in LatinBible, in Latin
Augustine's De civitate DeiAugustine's De civitate Dei
Augustine's De trinitateAugustine's De trinitate
Nuremberg ChronicleNuremberg Chronicle
Bible, in LatinBible, in Latin
Lucan's PharsaliaLucan's Pharsalia
The Works of StatiusThe Works of Statius
The Ship of FoolsThe Ship of Fools
The Faerie QueeneThe Faerie Queene
The Faerie QueeneThe Faerie Queene
The Romane HistorieThe Romane Historie
The WorkesThe Workes
The WorkesThe Workes
The Second FolioThe Second Folio
The Fourth FolioThe Fourth Folio
Portraits of ShakespearePortraits of Shakespeare
Machiavelli's The PrinceMachiavelli's The Prince
Poems, second editionPoems, second edition
Paradise LostParadise Lost
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