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Painting "Nature of Tuscany"Painting "Nature of Tuscany"
Byzantine icon of the Lord AlmightyByzantine icon of the Lord Almighty
Icon of the Mother of God *Seven Arrows*Icon of the Mother of God *Seven Arrows*
Oil painting "Bath"Oil painting "Bath"
Oil painting "Bath"Dzhundiet Anna
Painting "Tuscan landscape"Painting "Tuscan landscape"
Dzhundiet Anna
icon of the Kazan Mother of God.icon of the Kazan Mother of God.
Icon of John the EvangelistIcon of John the Evangelist
icon Archangel Michaelicon Archangel Michael
Picture "Russia" in a frame.Picture "Russia" in a frame.
Aubusson tapestry (copy)Aubusson tapestry (copy)
Icon of St. PanteleimonIcon of St. Panteleimon
Painting "Ukrainian girl"Painting "Ukrainian girl"
Icon *God Almighty*.Icon *God Almighty*.
Icon *God Almighty*.Dzhundiet Anna
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