Портрет мужчины. Oil Portrait Handmade. Leinwand auf dem Hilfsrahmen Ölfarbe 2018

Zustand: | Auf Bestellung | Portugal, Aldeia Nova
€ 250
Lena Britova
Lena Britova. Портрет мужчины. Oil Portrait Handmade.
Портрет по фото. Масло/холст. 
Многослойная живопись. 
В частной коллекции.

Multilayered painting. 
Kept in private collection.

Oil Portrait Handmade, 
Custom Portrait From Photo, 
Oil Painting Portrait.

Multilayered painting.
Kept in private collection.

Informationen zum Künstler

I have been engaged in portraits for more than twenty years.
During this time a lot of workswere performed, which pleased my customers.
A portrait isn't the picture of a person only. Although it's a piece of art it has its soul.It depicts the most important features and character traits of a model. It's the essence of a person I'd dare say. A good portrait brings wonderful emotions to its owner and keeps good memories of the presenter.
Though portraits are made from photo/photos they still represent a deliberate artistic process. As an outcome, you get a real piece of art.

Oil Portrait Handmade,
Custom Portrait Painting
Family Portrait,
Couple Portrait,
Custom Home Portrait on Canvas from Photo,
Custom Pet Portrait Oil Painting.

Andere Werke des Künstlers

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Портрет пожилой женщины, Портрет по фото. Oil painting on canvas.
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