"Creation" Karton Gemischte Technik Impressionismus Landschaftsmalerei Bulgarien 2019

Zustand: | Vorhanden | Bulgarien, Balchik
$ 2 021
Liubov Kras
Liubov Kras. "Creation"
Faith in the shining miracles that surround us everywhere inspired me. The love of God fills every part of my soul with happiness and gives me the desire to create. The euphoria of moments in the light of love is shown in this picture. This is the power that the creation receives in the Creator! There is infinite freedom in the imagination and we must not forget about this eternal energy. The subconscious can reveal many secrets. And if you start to improvise without knowing what you will create in the next second, you will be surprised when you discover new secrets of the world. There are miracles in this world!

Informationen zum Künstler

Занимаюсь творчеством с целью поделиться с миром положительной энергией. Бог насыщает нас любовью и радостью. Сияние приходит к нам и через творчество. +

Andere Werke des Künstlers

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