Painting City landscape Timergaleev Canvas oil 20th century

Zustand: | Auf Bestellung | Lettland, Riga
€ 1 450
Painting City landscape Timergaleev
Painting City landscape. France. 1994In the lower right corner, the author`s signature Amir Timergaleev

Informationen zum Geschäft

Brivibas street 52-1B,Riga LV-1011, Latvia
LV-1011 Riga
Kontakt - Details
Mo   geschlossen
Di    12:00 – 19:30    12:00 – 19:30
Mi    12:00 – 19:30    12:00 – 19:30
Do    12:00 – 19:30    12:00 – 19:30
Fr    12:00 – 19:30    12:00 – 19:30
Sa    12:00 – 18:00    12:00 – 18:00
So   geschlossen

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