Ex officina HACKIANA

Los 70
21.09.2021 10:30UTC +02:00
€ 813
AuctioneerIl Ponte Casa d'Aste
VeranstaltungsortItalien, Milano
Die Auktion ist abgeschlossen. Es können keine Gebote mehr abgegeben werden.
ID 609957
Los 70 | Ex officina HACKIANA
€ 500 – 800
[BINDING] - Ex officina HACKIANA (Leida e Rotterdam) e ELZEVIR (Amsterdam) - Una serie di opere in legatura coeva uniforme stampate dalla celebre ex officina Hackiana fra cui: PLINIO. Naturalis Historiae (1668-69) in 3 volumi - PLINIO. Epistolarum Libri X (1669) - PLINIO. Panegyricus Liber Trajano Dictus (1675) - OVIDIO. Opera Omnia (1670) in 3 volumi - POLIBIO. Historia (1670) in 3 volumi - VIRGILIO. Opera (1680) in 3 volumi - GIUSTINO. Historiae Philippicae ex recensione Joannis Georgii Graevii cum ejusdem castigationibus (1683). Fra gli altri autori anche MACROBIO, LUCANO, CORNELIO NEPOTE, PUBLIO PAPINIO STAZIO, SALLUSTIO e SVETONIO TRANQUILLO.

32 volumes, 8vo (191 x 111mm). Included in the lot are also other works in uniform bindings printed mainly in Amsterdam: EPITETO. Enchiridium una cum Cebetis Thebani Tabula. Leiden and Amsterdam: Gaasbeek, 1670 - SENECA. Opera. Amsterdam: Daniele Elzevir, 1672 in 3 volumes - TITO LIVIO. Historiarum. Amsterdam: Daniele Elzevir, 1679-78 in 3 volumes. Among the other authors are also GIOVENALE, TITO PETRONIO and FLORUS.

Fine engraved frontispieces (occasional foxing). Contemporary mottled calf, spines decorated in gilt, speckled edges (some wear, mainly minimal, but heavier in a few volumes). The lot is sold as a binding and is not subject to return. (32)
Adresse der Versteigerung Il Ponte Casa d'Aste
Via Pontaccio 12
20121 Milano
16.09.2021 – 18.09.2021
Telefon +39 02 863141
Fax +39 02 72022083
Aufgeld 26.0%

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