Fundgrube Puppenzubehör, 19./20. Jh.

Los 25
23.04.2022 10:00UTC +00:00
€ 160
AuctioneerEppli Auktionshalle
VeranstaltungsortDeutschland, L.-Echterdingen
Die Auktion ist abgeschlossen. Es können keine Gebote mehr abgegeben werden.
ID 745120
Los 25 | Fundgrube Puppenzubehör, 19./20. Jh.
Treasure trove with doll clothes and accessories, 19th and 20th century, a. o. consisting of a wooden wash stand H 25 cm x W 25 x D 20.5 cm with wash bowl and 2 "potties" made of porcelain, 10-piece doll service, 1 sewing machine and 4 historic irons with storage racks (iron and frame partly do not match, partly . Strong signs of age, corroded), plus a small leather case (strong signs of age, dam.), L 34 x H 25 x D 16.5 cm, in it numerous stockings, hats and fur collars, 3 pairs of children's shoes made of leather (size 18?) and 1 pair of doll shoes, strong signs of age and wear, partially damaged, 1 x new soles, 7 straw hats, 3 fans and numerous dresses, underwear and coats mainly made of cotton, felt and velvet, with 1 pair of long women's stockings, partially stained , discolored and torn.
Adresse der Versteigerung Eppli Auktionshalle
Heilbronner Straße 9-13
70771 L.-Echterdingen
23.04.2022 – 23.04.2022
Telefon +49711997008400
Fax +49 711 2209088
Versand Postdienst
Zahlungsarten Banküberweisung
Mo 10:00 – 17:00   
Di 10:00 – 17:00   
Mi 10:00 – 17:00   
Do 10:00 – 17:00   
Fr 10:00 – 17:00   
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