Inventory of San Benedetto in Orsago

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ID 869517
Los 110 | Inventory of San Benedetto in Orsago
£ 3 000 – 5 000
Inventory of San Benedetto in Orsago
Inventory of possessions, holdings, bequests and tithes of the Church of San Benedetto in Orsago, in Latin and Italian, manuscript on vellum, Italy, Orsago, 1400, with additions up to 1576.
A fascinating Renaissance document spanning almost 200 years recording the lands, possessions and moveable goods owned by the Church of San Benedetto in Orsago, including a list of manuscripts.

236 x 152mm. 24 leaves, apparently complete, modern foliation, varying lines of text in a number of different hands (the final two gatherings of 10 leaves loose in the binding, marginal staining throughout, ff.19-20 heavily stained, creasing and natural flaws to vellum, tears to a few leaves not affecting text). Contemporary limp vellum (heavily stained, the upper cover with barely legible annotations, probably from an account book).

(1) The Church of San Benedetto in Orsago, in the province of Treviso. The earliest documents in the manuscript date to 1400 (f.5), where the scribe (‘Benvenutus’?) describes the listings as an ‘inventarium [...] de bonis et possessionibus et decimis’ of the Church of San Benedetto ‘Ursaghi’. The list of landholdings and allotments that follows gives an insight into contemporary topography: there is a plot of woodland (‘plantata et arborata’) in a place called ‘alequatroplate’ (presumably ‘Alle Quattro Piazze’); grassland (‘pratum unum [...] super paludes Ville Ursaghi) in a place called ‘Salace’; more woodland in a place called ‘San Gallo’; and building in a place called ‘Meza Villa’ (likely today’s Mezzavilla, some 10km north of Orsago), along with a litany of contemporary local characters. The latest entry, dated 1576, is on f.4v and is a bequest of ‘Nicolai olim et Jacobi Zanini de’ Roboretto’.
(2) Colker MS 74; acquired in 1965 from Maggs (Maggs receipt dated 8 Jan 1965: ‘Church of St. Benedict Ursago. Record of bequests. MS on vellum. 15th/16th centuries’).

Lists of bequests, dated 1494, 1496, 1507, 1512, 1519, 1521, 1522, 1532, 1540, 1553 and 1576, ff.1-4v; Inventory of goods, lands, possessions and tithes, dating from 1400, ff.5-23; a list of ‘moveable goods’ ff.23v-24; further bequests ff.24v-lower inside cover.

Perhaps most interesting from a bibliophile’s perspective is the list of ‘moveable goods’ on ff.23v-24, which, along with a silver-gilt cross, a wooden altar, a parament and other items includes 11 manuscripts: two ‘librum mattutinale’ [...] ‘in carta pergamena’; a Legendarium; ‘unum librettum’; a Psalter; a Missal ‘secundum usum Path.’ (i.e. Padua?); two ‘messalettum votivum’; ‘unum librum secundum usum modernorum’ of c.200 leaves, on vellum; an Antiphonal; and an Office of the Dead), most of the descriptions with incipits and explicits; several are described as ‘vetus’.
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