Los 142
15.12.2022 14:00UTC +01:00
£ 20 000
VeranstaltungsortVereinigtes Königreich, London
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ID 878187
Los 142 | SIR WILLIAM ALLAN, P.R.S.A. (SCOTTISH, 1782-1850)
£ 20 000 – 30 000
John Knox Admonishing Mary Queen of Scots on the Day when her intention to Marry Darnley had been made Public
signed and dated 'William Allan/Pinx: 1823.' (lower right) and further signed and inscribed 'John Knox Admonishing Mary Queen of Scots/ Knox in his history of the Reformation, gives a full account of the interview he had with Mary/ on the day when her intention to marry Darnley had been made public. The following is/ part of it./"Madam, I man obey him qwho comands me to speik plane, and to flater no Flesch/ upon the face of the Earth"_"Bot quhat have you to do with my mariage? (said the Queen)/ or quhat are ye in this Comon-welth?"-"a subject borne within the same" (said he) Madam,/ and albeit I be nyther Erle, Lord, nor Barron within it, yet hes God maid me (how abject/that eveir I be in your Eies) a profitabill member within the sam"; and therefore Madam to/ yourself I say that quhilk I spake in publict place; Zuhesoevir that the Nobility of this realm/ sall consent, that ye be subject to an unfaythfull husband, they do als mekle as in thame/ lyeth to renunce Christ, to banisch his treuth from thame, to betray the Fredom of this/ Realme, and perchance sall in the end do small comfort to yourself". At these words owling/ was hard and tears mycht have bein sene in gritter abundance than the mater requyred/ John Erskin of Dun, a man of meik and gentill spirit, stude besyde and entreited quhat he/ culd to mitigat his anger and gave unto his many pleising words of hir Bewty, of hir Excellency,/ and how that all the Princes of Europe wald be glad to seik hir Favour.”/William Allan,/Edinburgh; and/ 34 King Street, Covent Garden' (on the artist's label attached to the reverse)
oil on panel
353/4 x 28 in. (90.8 x 71.1 cm.)
Adresse der Versteigerung CHRISTIE'S
8 King Street, St. James's
SW1Y 6QT London
Vereinigtes Königreich
01.12.2022 – 15.12.2022
Telefon +44 (0)20 7839 9060
Aufgeld see on Website

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