Votivthangka für die weibliche Gottheit Ushnishavijaya

Los 71
06.12.2022 09:30UTC +02:00
€ 5 000
AuctioneerNagel Auktionen GmbH
VeranstaltungsortDeutschland, Stuttgart
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ID 875270
Los 71 | Votivthangka für die weibliche Gottheit Ushnishavijaya
€ 3 000 – 5 000
A VOTIVE THANGKA FOR THE FEMALE DEITY USNISHAVIJAYA - Tibet, 19th c. - The name Ushnishavijaya refers to the elevation on the head of the Buddha, the so-called "enlightenment elevation" - "ushnisha". The deity is worshipped as the "mother of all Buddhas". Her head is three-faced in the colors white (M), yellow (l) and blue (r). All three faces bear the third eye of wisdom. Her eight arms express her activities, and their hands show different mudras and attributes. Their two front hands hold on the right a crossed vajra (vishvavajra) in the colors of the five Tathagatas - symbolic of their active powers to dissolve spiritual obstacles, and on the left a vajra rope to bind the enemies - the causers. The right hand of the two arms pointing upwards shows the image of Buddha Amitabha, the "Buddha of the Infinite Shine of Light", and of discriminating perception. With his wisdom of clear-sightedness, he dissolves the desire that leads to the constant and sorrowful attachment to the illusory world. The upper left hand shows the gesture of fearlessness. The middle pair of arms, pointing outward, shows the bow and arrow, as a sign of purposefulness. The pair of arms pointing downward indicates the gesture of giving with the right hand, and the left hand holds the vase containing the elixir of life. In the Ushnishavijaya with Buddha Amitayus, the "Buddha of long life" - an emanation of Amitabha - (center of the picture above, accompanied by gift-givers l. u. r.) and the White Tara, forming a triad for the attainment of long life, she is also considered a purifying energy-giver for the prolongation of life, to which the vase with the Amrita testifies. Her practice purifies the results of unwholesome deeds motivated by the mental poisons of body, speech and mind. Ushnishavijaya's practice also includes visualizations of the four protective deities, here of blue body color and wrathful appearance in the form of the "Bodhisattva of Power" - Vajrapani, with their belligerent weapons in their right hands. They are powerful supports for the meditation process. This thangka is probably one of three votive thangkas dedicated to the "Triad of Long Life": White Tara - Amitayus - Ushnishavijaya. The fifty-threefold multiplication of the appearance of the deity Ushnishavijaya, serves to increase the meditative energy, and the expression of appreciation. Ultimately, it also serves the desire for a long, meritorious life, for the benefit of all beings, and one's own. Tempera and gold on cotton fabric, original silk brocade mounting, the red cartouche at the bottom of the picture shows a Tibetan inscription in gold, which is barely legible; back: mantras - Om A Hum in black ink. - From an old German private collection, acquired in the 1980s from Schoettle Ostasiatica in Stuttgart, Germany Publ. Schoettle Ostasiatica, Tibetica 35, 24.2.1977, No. 9868 with illustration Minor traces of age, wear, small repair
Tibet, 19. Jh.
47,0 x 49,8 cm (135,8 x 83,5 cm)
Adresse der Versteigerung Nagel Auktionen GmbH
Neckarstrasse 189 - 191
70190 Stuttgart
02.12.2022 – 05.12.2022
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Aufgeld 29,5%
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