49 Artikel bei Auktionen und Galerien:
Tatyana Maksimets (geb. 1993)
Shop Maksimets Tatyana
Tatyana Maksimets
В 2000году я впервые поступила в художественную школу. В 2010году- поступила в университет на факультет архитектуры. И вот тут уже смело могу сказать, что изобразительное искусство- это мое призвание. 20 лет обучения разным техникам. И кажется, я нашла, что искала.. Живопись — это вид искусства, при котором художники передают своё видение мира зрителям.
Maksimets Tatyana
Anzahl der Produkte: 4
Khachatur Bakhchoyan (geb. 1976)
Shop bakhchoyan khachatur
Khachatur Bakhchoyan
Здравствуйте, я Хачатур Бахчоян, мастер резьбы по скорлупе вот уже 6 лет. Идея заняться резьбой пришла ко мне внезапно. Однажды увидел в журнале изображения работ, это так меня поразило, что я решил попробовать. А журнал храню до сих пор. Каждое изделие —это плод кропотливого и сложного процесса. Вдохновленный идеями, я не только творю, но и при необходимости сочиняю историю.
Резьба – это один из самых сложных процессов, перед тобой открывается частица Божественной тайны, где всего себя отдаешь работе, жертвуешь своей энергией, талантом и получаешь удовлетворение от творчества. Создавать работы невозможно без любви. Ведь Любовь — это жертва, вот почему настоящая ручная работа — роскошь. Каждое мое изделие наполнено энергией радости, переживания, Любовью, которую вкладывал при изготовлении.
Кроме своих оригинальных работ, я принимаю индивидуальные заказы от клиентов, учитывая их вкусы и предпочтения.
Любой джентльмен или леди может заказать свою идею. Благодаря кропотливой и тонкой художественной работе, выбранный Вами вариант будущего изделия может стать уникальным подарком, что и будет гарантом Вашего спокойствия и уверенности. Выбирая произведение искусства в качестве подарка, человек дает понять окружающим, что уважает себя и людей. Ручные работы, которые окружают Вас или подарены Вами —это визитная карточка Вашего внутреннего мира. Моя задача в том, чтобы любой джентльмен или леди , покупая произведение искусства «Art of Khachatur» , чувствовал себя уверенным и выглядел стильным. Ручные работы «Art of Khachatur» —это отражение Вашей индивидуальности.
bakhchoyan khachatur
Anzahl der Produkte: 8
Alexey Krivtsov (geb. 1966)
Shop Krivtsov Alexey
Alexey Krivtsov
Петербургский фотограф.
Член Союза художников России (IFA).
Член Союза Фотохудожников России.
Член Национальной ассоциации профессионалов фотоиндустрии
Родился в марте 1966 г в г. Симферополе.
В 1990 г Ленинградский Институт Киноинженеров, в 1993 г Московский Факультет фотожурналистики при Конфедерации журналистских союзов.
Обладатель звания "Мастер" в номинации "Искусство фотографии" фестиваля современного искусства "Мастер Класс" (Санкт- Петербург).
Дипломант IPA 2007 International Photography Awards (Los Angeles , US). 9-ти дипломов и поощрительных премий.
Неоднократный лауреат TRIERENBERG SUPER CIRCUIT (Austria).
Золотая медаль «NUDE». 2011 г.
Золотая медаль «MUSIC AND DANCE». 2013 г.
Серебряная медаль «Colour Slides & Digital Images General». 2013 г.
Лауреат российского конкурса "Лучшие Фотографии России. 2014" и "Лучшие Фотографии России. 2016" в номинации "СТИЛЬ".
Абсолютный победитель конкурса ANNA PAVLOVA BALLET PHOTO CONTEST 2017
Автор фотопроекта, посвященного балетному искусству вне сцены "Территория Балета".
Автор выставочного фотопроекта "Семь вуалей Евразии", осуществленного с Театром "Астана Балет".
Работы находятся в собрании Государственного Русского Музея (Санкт-Петербург), коллекции Арт-галереи Романовых (Красноярск), фотогалереи "Рахманинов Дворик" (Санкт-Петербург), коллекции Ген. Консульства Королевства Нидерланды (Санкт-Петербург), коллекции Госпиталя Св. Томаса (Лондон), коллекции Театра "Астана Балет", Союза фотохудожников Литвы, частных коллекциях России, Казахстана, Франции, США, Латвии, Испании, Великобритании, Бразилии, Польши, Австрии, Германии, Аргентины, Нидерландов.
Сотрудничает с издательствами, журналами, рекламными агентствами, галереями, театрами балета и современного танца.
Krivtsov Alexey
Anzahl der Produkte: 2
A Wish
Elena Ivaniuk (geb. 1980)
Elena Ivanyuk
Shop Ivaniuk Elena
Elena Ivaniuk
Привет! Я - Елена Иванюк, если тебя заинтересовали мои работы, то ты, однозначно, неординарная личность ;) За слоем масла вы увидите много - свободу, легкость, историю, любовь, флирт, страсть, игру, природу....И все крутится вокруг прекрасного и совершенного существа - Женщины ) В общем, следите за работами, влюбляйтесь в них и наслаждайтесь.
Ivaniuk Elena
Anzahl der Produkte: 19
Elena Ivaniuk (geb. 1980)
Elena Ivanyuk
Shop Ivaniuk Elena
Elena Ivaniuk
Привет! Я - Елена Иванюк, если тебя заинтересовали мои работы, то ты, однозначно, неординарная личность ;) За слоем масла вы увидите много - свободу, легкость, историю, любовь, флирт, страсть, игру, природу....И все крутится вокруг прекрасного и совершенного существа - Женщины ) В общем, следите за работами, влюбляйтесь в них и наслаждайтесь.
Ivaniuk Elena
Anzahl der Produkte: 19
Ann Traut (geb. 2000)
Shop Traut Ann
Ann Traut
Привет! Я русский художник самоучка из Сибири.
С самого раннего детства я знала, что изобразительное искусство - мое истинное призвание. Я рисовала везде и чем-угодно: на полу, на стенах, дома или в гостях, в детском саду и в школе. Конечно же, я получала за это нагоняй. В первый раз я взяла масляные краски в руки в 7 лет, и больше они меня не отпускали.
Однако мой путь к искусству был тернист и сложен. Из-за разногласий с семьей я не смогла выбрать ВУЗ, который бы соответсвтовал моим предпочтениям. В данный момент я учусь на переводчика испанского и английского языков. Это помогает лучше понять масштабность эмира, общаться с людьми, я это просто обожаю. Но все же я знаю, что мое истинное призвание - это написание картин и создание своих авторских, индивидуальных, неповторимых произведений.
Моя концепция заключается в полном откровении, в полном бесстрашии перед миром, чтобы показать свои внутренние переживания без каких-либо барьеров.
Как говорил Казимир Малевич "Самое ценное в живописном творчестве есть цвет и фактура — это живописная сущность, но эта сущность всегда убивалась сюжетом. Интуитивная форма должна выйти из ничего. Так же, как и Разум, творящий вещи для обихода жизни, выводит из ничего и совершенствует.
Traut Ann
Anzahl der Produkte: 30
Alexander Dubovskiy (geb. 1959)
Shop Dubovskiy Alexander
Alexander Dubovskiy
Alexander Dubovsky was born in Ukraine. In 1877 he graduated from an art school. In 1978 Alexander moved to Moscow and started his full-time art career. He still lives here with his wife Nina, children and grandchildren. Alexander developed his own recognizable handwriting in the technique of impressionism. The theme of his paintings is urban and natural landscape. In urban landscapes the artist conveys the life of cities that changes and transforms depending on the time of year and weather. In the landscapes of Dubovsky you can find night landscapes, sunsets, dawns, cities in cloudy and rainy weather, or vice versa, illuminated by the bright midday sunlight. "In my paintings I convey the movement on the streets, the life of people who are going somewhere. I like to depict landscapes of past centuries, and this is a historical monument that takes all of us to the past. I see architecture, especially ancient, as the frozen music of the universe and it inspires me," says Alexander. In 1989 he joined the Moscow Union of Artists and the International Foundation. In 2006 he was educated at the at the Faculty of Fine Arts of MPGU in Moscow. Since the 80s he has been a participant in personal, international, group exhibitions. His paintings are in private collections around the world. Now the artist is in Europe, collecting material for future artwork.
Selected personal exhibitions:
1999 - Personal Exhibition in the central exhibition hall "Solntsevo."
1995- Gallery "Moscow Fine Art," Moscow.
1994 - Amalfi, Italy.
1990 - Katanya, Sicily "Romance with the City."
1988- Mir Gallery, Moscow.
1985 - Exhibition at the AZLK House of Culture.
Selected group exhibitions:
Since 2000 - Member of group exhibitions in the galleries "China-City," "Flute"; CDRI (Moscow).
1997- Christmas Exhibition in the Central House of Artists of Moscow. 1993- All-Russian Gallery Exhibition, Central House of Artists "Start," Moscow.
1992 - Group Exhibition in Hanau, Germany.
Best wishes,
Dubovskiy Alexander
Anzahl der Produkte: 21
"МОСКВА-СИТИ" 2016 под заказ
Alexander Dubovskiy (geb. 1959)
Shop Dubovskiy Alexander
Alexander Dubovskiy
Alexander Dubovsky was born in Ukraine. In 1877 he graduated from an art school. In 1978 Alexander moved to Moscow and started his full-time art career. He still lives here with his wife Nina, children and grandchildren. Alexander developed his own recognizable handwriting in the technique of impressionism. The theme of his paintings is urban and natural landscape. In urban landscapes the artist conveys the life of cities that changes and transforms depending on the time of year and weather. In the landscapes of Dubovsky you can find night landscapes, sunsets, dawns, cities in cloudy and rainy weather, or vice versa, illuminated by the bright midday sunlight. "In my paintings I convey the movement on the streets, the life of people who are going somewhere. I like to depict landscapes of past centuries, and this is a historical monument that takes all of us to the past. I see architecture, especially ancient, as the frozen music of the universe and it inspires me," says Alexander. In 1989 he joined the Moscow Union of Artists and the International Foundation. In 2006 he was educated at the at the Faculty of Fine Arts of MPGU in Moscow. Since the 80s he has been a participant in personal, international, group exhibitions. His paintings are in private collections around the world. Now the artist is in Europe, collecting material for future artwork.
Selected personal exhibitions:
1999 - Personal Exhibition in the central exhibition hall "Solntsevo."
1995- Gallery "Moscow Fine Art," Moscow.
1994 - Amalfi, Italy.
1990 - Katanya, Sicily "Romance with the City."
1988- Mir Gallery, Moscow.
1985 - Exhibition at the AZLK House of Culture.
Selected group exhibitions:
Since 2000 - Member of group exhibitions in the galleries "China-City," "Flute"; CDRI (Moscow).
1997- Christmas Exhibition in the Central House of Artists of Moscow. 1993- All-Russian Gallery Exhibition, Central House of Artists "Start," Moscow.
1992 - Group Exhibition in Hanau, Germany.
Best wishes,
Dubovskiy Alexander
Anzahl der Produkte: 21
Alexander Dubovskiy (geb. 1959)
Shop Dubovskiy Alexander
Alexander Dubovskiy
Alexander Dubovsky was born in Ukraine. In 1877 he graduated from an art school. In 1978 Alexander moved to Moscow and started his full-time art career. He still lives here with his wife Nina, children and grandchildren. Alexander developed his own recognizable handwriting in the technique of impressionism. The theme of his paintings is urban and natural landscape. In urban landscapes the artist conveys the life of cities that changes and transforms depending on the time of year and weather. In the landscapes of Dubovsky you can find night landscapes, sunsets, dawns, cities in cloudy and rainy weather, or vice versa, illuminated by the bright midday sunlight. "In my paintings I convey the movement on the streets, the life of people who are going somewhere. I like to depict landscapes of past centuries, and this is a historical monument that takes all of us to the past. I see architecture, especially ancient, as the frozen music of the universe and it inspires me," says Alexander. In 1989 he joined the Moscow Union of Artists and the International Foundation. In 2006 he was educated at the at the Faculty of Fine Arts of MPGU in Moscow. Since the 80s he has been a participant in personal, international, group exhibitions. His paintings are in private collections around the world. Now the artist is in Europe, collecting material for future artwork.
Selected personal exhibitions:
1999 - Personal Exhibition in the central exhibition hall "Solntsevo."
1995- Gallery "Moscow Fine Art," Moscow.
1994 - Amalfi, Italy.
1990 - Katanya, Sicily "Romance with the City."
1988- Mir Gallery, Moscow.
1985 - Exhibition at the AZLK House of Culture.
Selected group exhibitions:
Since 2000 - Member of group exhibitions in the galleries "China-City," "Flute"; CDRI (Moscow).
1997- Christmas Exhibition in the Central House of Artists of Moscow. 1993- All-Russian Gallery Exhibition, Central House of Artists "Start," Moscow.
1992 - Group Exhibition in Hanau, Germany.
Best wishes,
Dubovskiy Alexander
Anzahl der Produkte: 21
Alexander Dubovskiy (geb. 1959)
Shop Dubovskiy Alexander
Alexander Dubovskiy
Alexander Dubovsky was born in Ukraine. In 1877 he graduated from an art school. In 1978 Alexander moved to Moscow and started his full-time art career. He still lives here with his wife Nina, children and grandchildren. Alexander developed his own recognizable handwriting in the technique of impressionism. The theme of his paintings is urban and natural landscape. In urban landscapes the artist conveys the life of cities that changes and transforms depending on the time of year and weather. In the landscapes of Dubovsky you can find night landscapes, sunsets, dawns, cities in cloudy and rainy weather, or vice versa, illuminated by the bright midday sunlight. "In my paintings I convey the movement on the streets, the life of people who are going somewhere. I like to depict landscapes of past centuries, and this is a historical monument that takes all of us to the past. I see architecture, especially ancient, as the frozen music of the universe and it inspires me," says Alexander. In 1989 he joined the Moscow Union of Artists and the International Foundation. In 2006 he was educated at the at the Faculty of Fine Arts of MPGU in Moscow. Since the 80s he has been a participant in personal, international, group exhibitions. His paintings are in private collections around the world. Now the artist is in Europe, collecting material for future artwork.
Selected personal exhibitions:
1999 - Personal Exhibition in the central exhibition hall "Solntsevo."
1995- Gallery "Moscow Fine Art," Moscow.
1994 - Amalfi, Italy.
1990 - Katanya, Sicily "Romance with the City."
1988- Mir Gallery, Moscow.
1985 - Exhibition at the AZLK House of Culture.
Selected group exhibitions:
Since 2000 - Member of group exhibitions in the galleries "China-City," "Flute"; CDRI (Moscow).
1997- Christmas Exhibition in the Central House of Artists of Moscow. 1993- All-Russian Gallery Exhibition, Central House of Artists "Start," Moscow.
1992 - Group Exhibition in Hanau, Germany.
Best wishes,
Dubovskiy Alexander
Anzahl der Produkte: 21
Alexander Dubovskiy (geb. 1959)
Shop Dubovskiy Alexander
Alexander Dubovskiy
Alexander Dubovsky was born in Ukraine. In 1877 he graduated from an art school. In 1978 Alexander moved to Moscow and started his full-time art career. He still lives here with his wife Nina, children and grandchildren. Alexander developed his own recognizable handwriting in the technique of impressionism. The theme of his paintings is urban and natural landscape. In urban landscapes the artist conveys the life of cities that changes and transforms depending on the time of year and weather. In the landscapes of Dubovsky you can find night landscapes, sunsets, dawns, cities in cloudy and rainy weather, or vice versa, illuminated by the bright midday sunlight. "In my paintings I convey the movement on the streets, the life of people who are going somewhere. I like to depict landscapes of past centuries, and this is a historical monument that takes all of us to the past. I see architecture, especially ancient, as the frozen music of the universe and it inspires me," says Alexander. In 1989 he joined the Moscow Union of Artists and the International Foundation. In 2006 he was educated at the at the Faculty of Fine Arts of MPGU in Moscow. Since the 80s he has been a participant in personal, international, group exhibitions. His paintings are in private collections around the world. Now the artist is in Europe, collecting material for future artwork.
Selected personal exhibitions:
1999 - Personal Exhibition in the central exhibition hall "Solntsevo."
1995- Gallery "Moscow Fine Art," Moscow.
1994 - Amalfi, Italy.
1990 - Katanya, Sicily "Romance with the City."
1988- Mir Gallery, Moscow.
1985 - Exhibition at the AZLK House of Culture.
Selected group exhibitions:
Since 2000 - Member of group exhibitions in the galleries "China-City," "Flute"; CDRI (Moscow).
1997- Christmas Exhibition in the Central House of Artists of Moscow. 1993- All-Russian Gallery Exhibition, Central House of Artists "Start," Moscow.
1992 - Group Exhibition in Hanau, Germany.
Best wishes,
Dubovskiy Alexander
Anzahl der Produkte: 21
Alexander Dubovskiy (geb. 1959)
Shop Dubovskiy Alexander
Alexander Dubovskiy
Alexander Dubovsky was born in Ukraine. In 1877 he graduated from an art school. In 1978 Alexander moved to Moscow and started his full-time art career. He still lives here with his wife Nina, children and grandchildren. Alexander developed his own recognizable handwriting in the technique of impressionism. The theme of his paintings is urban and natural landscape. In urban landscapes the artist conveys the life of cities that changes and transforms depending on the time of year and weather. In the landscapes of Dubovsky you can find night landscapes, sunsets, dawns, cities in cloudy and rainy weather, or vice versa, illuminated by the bright midday sunlight. "In my paintings I convey the movement on the streets, the life of people who are going somewhere. I like to depict landscapes of past centuries, and this is a historical monument that takes all of us to the past. I see architecture, especially ancient, as the frozen music of the universe and it inspires me," says Alexander. In 1989 he joined the Moscow Union of Artists and the International Foundation. In 2006 he was educated at the at the Faculty of Fine Arts of MPGU in Moscow. Since the 80s he has been a participant in personal, international, group exhibitions. His paintings are in private collections around the world. Now the artist is in Europe, collecting material for future artwork.
Selected personal exhibitions:
1999 - Personal Exhibition in the central exhibition hall "Solntsevo."
1995- Gallery "Moscow Fine Art," Moscow.
1994 - Amalfi, Italy.
1990 - Katanya, Sicily "Romance with the City."
1988- Mir Gallery, Moscow.
1985 - Exhibition at the AZLK House of Culture.
Selected group exhibitions:
Since 2000 - Member of group exhibitions in the galleries "China-City," "Flute"; CDRI (Moscow).
1997- Christmas Exhibition in the Central House of Artists of Moscow. 1993- All-Russian Gallery Exhibition, Central House of Artists "Start," Moscow.
1992 - Group Exhibition in Hanau, Germany.
Best wishes,
Dubovskiy Alexander
Anzahl der Produkte: 21
НА УЛИЦЕ ДОЖДЬ 2005 Таганская
Alexander Dubovskiy (geb. 1959)
Shop Dubovskiy Alexander
Alexander Dubovskiy
Alexander Dubovsky was born in Ukraine. In 1877 he graduated from an art school. In 1978 Alexander moved to Moscow and started his full-time art career. He still lives here with his wife Nina, children and grandchildren. Alexander developed his own recognizable handwriting in the technique of impressionism. The theme of his paintings is urban and natural landscape. In urban landscapes the artist conveys the life of cities that changes and transforms depending on the time of year and weather. In the landscapes of Dubovsky you can find night landscapes, sunsets, dawns, cities in cloudy and rainy weather, or vice versa, illuminated by the bright midday sunlight. "In my paintings I convey the movement on the streets, the life of people who are going somewhere. I like to depict landscapes of past centuries, and this is a historical monument that takes all of us to the past. I see architecture, especially ancient, as the frozen music of the universe and it inspires me," says Alexander. In 1989 he joined the Moscow Union of Artists and the International Foundation. In 2006 he was educated at the at the Faculty of Fine Arts of MPGU in Moscow. Since the 80s he has been a participant in personal, international, group exhibitions. His paintings are in private collections around the world. Now the artist is in Europe, collecting material for future artwork.
Selected personal exhibitions:
1999 - Personal Exhibition in the central exhibition hall "Solntsevo."
1995- Gallery "Moscow Fine Art," Moscow.
1994 - Amalfi, Italy.
1990 - Katanya, Sicily "Romance with the City."
1988- Mir Gallery, Moscow.
1985 - Exhibition at the AZLK House of Culture.
Selected group exhibitions:
Since 2000 - Member of group exhibitions in the galleries "China-City," "Flute"; CDRI (Moscow).
1997- Christmas Exhibition in the Central House of Artists of Moscow. 1993- All-Russian Gallery Exhibition, Central House of Artists "Start," Moscow.
1992 - Group Exhibition in Hanau, Germany.
Best wishes,
Dubovskiy Alexander
Anzahl der Produkte: 21
Alexander Dubovskiy (geb. 1959)
Shop Dubovskiy Alexander
Alexander Dubovskiy
Alexander Dubovsky was born in Ukraine. In 1877 he graduated from an art school. In 1978 Alexander moved to Moscow and started his full-time art career. He still lives here with his wife Nina, children and grandchildren. Alexander developed his own recognizable handwriting in the technique of impressionism. The theme of his paintings is urban and natural landscape. In urban landscapes the artist conveys the life of cities that changes and transforms depending on the time of year and weather. In the landscapes of Dubovsky you can find night landscapes, sunsets, dawns, cities in cloudy and rainy weather, or vice versa, illuminated by the bright midday sunlight. "In my paintings I convey the movement on the streets, the life of people who are going somewhere. I like to depict landscapes of past centuries, and this is a historical monument that takes all of us to the past. I see architecture, especially ancient, as the frozen music of the universe and it inspires me," says Alexander. In 1989 he joined the Moscow Union of Artists and the International Foundation. In 2006 he was educated at the at the Faculty of Fine Arts of MPGU in Moscow. Since the 80s he has been a participant in personal, international, group exhibitions. His paintings are in private collections around the world. Now the artist is in Europe, collecting material for future artwork.
Selected personal exhibitions:
1999 - Personal Exhibition in the central exhibition hall "Solntsevo."
1995- Gallery "Moscow Fine Art," Moscow.
1994 - Amalfi, Italy.
1990 - Katanya, Sicily "Romance with the City."
1988- Mir Gallery, Moscow.
1985 - Exhibition at the AZLK House of Culture.
Selected group exhibitions:
Since 2000 - Member of group exhibitions in the galleries "China-City," "Flute"; CDRI (Moscow).
1997- Christmas Exhibition in the Central House of Artists of Moscow. 1993- All-Russian Gallery Exhibition, Central House of Artists "Start," Moscow.
1992 - Group Exhibition in Hanau, Germany.
Best wishes,
Dubovskiy Alexander
Anzahl der Produkte: 21
Alexander Dubovskiy (geb. 1959)
Shop Dubovskiy Alexander
Alexander Dubovskiy
Alexander Dubovsky was born in Ukraine. In 1877 he graduated from an art school. In 1978 Alexander moved to Moscow and started his full-time art career. He still lives here with his wife Nina, children and grandchildren. Alexander developed his own recognizable handwriting in the technique of impressionism. The theme of his paintings is urban and natural landscape. In urban landscapes the artist conveys the life of cities that changes and transforms depending on the time of year and weather. In the landscapes of Dubovsky you can find night landscapes, sunsets, dawns, cities in cloudy and rainy weather, or vice versa, illuminated by the bright midday sunlight. "In my paintings I convey the movement on the streets, the life of people who are going somewhere. I like to depict landscapes of past centuries, and this is a historical monument that takes all of us to the past. I see architecture, especially ancient, as the frozen music of the universe and it inspires me," says Alexander. In 1989 he joined the Moscow Union of Artists and the International Foundation. In 2006 he was educated at the at the Faculty of Fine Arts of MPGU in Moscow. Since the 80s he has been a participant in personal, international, group exhibitions. His paintings are in private collections around the world. Now the artist is in Europe, collecting material for future artwork.
Selected personal exhibitions:
1999 - Personal Exhibition in the central exhibition hall "Solntsevo."
1995- Gallery "Moscow Fine Art," Moscow.
1994 - Amalfi, Italy.
1990 - Katanya, Sicily "Romance with the City."
1988- Mir Gallery, Moscow.
1985 - Exhibition at the AZLK House of Culture.
Selected group exhibitions:
Since 2000 - Member of group exhibitions in the galleries "China-City," "Flute"; CDRI (Moscow).
1997- Christmas Exhibition in the Central House of Artists of Moscow. 1993- All-Russian Gallery Exhibition, Central House of Artists "Start," Moscow.
1992 - Group Exhibition in Hanau, Germany.
Best wishes,
Dubovskiy Alexander
Anzahl der Produkte: 21
Alexander Dubovskiy (geb. 1959)
Shop Dubovskiy Alexander
Alexander Dubovskiy
Alexander Dubovsky was born in Ukraine. In 1877 he graduated from an art school. In 1978 Alexander moved to Moscow and started his full-time art career. He still lives here with his wife Nina, children and grandchildren. Alexander developed his own recognizable handwriting in the technique of impressionism. The theme of his paintings is urban and natural landscape. In urban landscapes the artist conveys the life of cities that changes and transforms depending on the time of year and weather. In the landscapes of Dubovsky you can find night landscapes, sunsets, dawns, cities in cloudy and rainy weather, or vice versa, illuminated by the bright midday sunlight. "In my paintings I convey the movement on the streets, the life of people who are going somewhere. I like to depict landscapes of past centuries, and this is a historical monument that takes all of us to the past. I see architecture, especially ancient, as the frozen music of the universe and it inspires me," says Alexander. In 1989 he joined the Moscow Union of Artists and the International Foundation. In 2006 he was educated at the at the Faculty of Fine Arts of MPGU in Moscow. Since the 80s he has been a participant in personal, international, group exhibitions. His paintings are in private collections around the world. Now the artist is in Europe, collecting material for future artwork.
Selected personal exhibitions:
1999 - Personal Exhibition in the central exhibition hall "Solntsevo."
1995- Gallery "Moscow Fine Art," Moscow.
1994 - Amalfi, Italy.
1990 - Katanya, Sicily "Romance with the City."
1988- Mir Gallery, Moscow.
1985 - Exhibition at the AZLK House of Culture.
Selected group exhibitions:
Since 2000 - Member of group exhibitions in the galleries "China-City," "Flute"; CDRI (Moscow).
1997- Christmas Exhibition in the Central House of Artists of Moscow. 1993- All-Russian Gallery Exhibition, Central House of Artists "Start," Moscow.
1992 - Group Exhibition in Hanau, Germany.
Best wishes,
Dubovskiy Alexander
Anzahl der Produkte: 21
Alexander Dubovskiy (geb. 1959)
Shop Dubovskiy Alexander
Alexander Dubovskiy
Alexander Dubovsky was born in Ukraine. In 1877 he graduated from an art school. In 1978 Alexander moved to Moscow and started his full-time art career. He still lives here with his wife Nina, children and grandchildren. Alexander developed his own recognizable handwriting in the technique of impressionism. The theme of his paintings is urban and natural landscape. In urban landscapes the artist conveys the life of cities that changes and transforms depending on the time of year and weather. In the landscapes of Dubovsky you can find night landscapes, sunsets, dawns, cities in cloudy and rainy weather, or vice versa, illuminated by the bright midday sunlight. "In my paintings I convey the movement on the streets, the life of people who are going somewhere. I like to depict landscapes of past centuries, and this is a historical monument that takes all of us to the past. I see architecture, especially ancient, as the frozen music of the universe and it inspires me," says Alexander. In 1989 he joined the Moscow Union of Artists and the International Foundation. In 2006 he was educated at the at the Faculty of Fine Arts of MPGU in Moscow. Since the 80s he has been a participant in personal, international, group exhibitions. His paintings are in private collections around the world. Now the artist is in Europe, collecting material for future artwork.
Selected personal exhibitions:
1999 - Personal Exhibition in the central exhibition hall "Solntsevo."
1995- Gallery "Moscow Fine Art," Moscow.
1994 - Amalfi, Italy.
1990 - Katanya, Sicily "Romance with the City."
1988- Mir Gallery, Moscow.
1985 - Exhibition at the AZLK House of Culture.
Selected group exhibitions:
Since 2000 - Member of group exhibitions in the galleries "China-City," "Flute"; CDRI (Moscow).
1997- Christmas Exhibition in the Central House of Artists of Moscow. 1993- All-Russian Gallery Exhibition, Central House of Artists "Start," Moscow.
1992 - Group Exhibition in Hanau, Germany.
Best wishes,
Dubovskiy Alexander
Anzahl der Produkte: 21
Alexander Dubovskiy (geb. 1959)
Shop Dubovskiy Alexander
Alexander Dubovskiy
Alexander Dubovsky was born in Ukraine. In 1877 he graduated from an art school. In 1978 Alexander moved to Moscow and started his full-time art career. He still lives here with his wife Nina, children and grandchildren. Alexander developed his own recognizable handwriting in the technique of impressionism. The theme of his paintings is urban and natural landscape. In urban landscapes the artist conveys the life of cities that changes and transforms depending on the time of year and weather. In the landscapes of Dubovsky you can find night landscapes, sunsets, dawns, cities in cloudy and rainy weather, or vice versa, illuminated by the bright midday sunlight. "In my paintings I convey the movement on the streets, the life of people who are going somewhere. I like to depict landscapes of past centuries, and this is a historical monument that takes all of us to the past. I see architecture, especially ancient, as the frozen music of the universe and it inspires me," says Alexander. In 1989 he joined the Moscow Union of Artists and the International Foundation. In 2006 he was educated at the at the Faculty of Fine Arts of MPGU in Moscow. Since the 80s he has been a participant in personal, international, group exhibitions. His paintings are in private collections around the world. Now the artist is in Europe, collecting material for future artwork.
Selected personal exhibitions:
1999 - Personal Exhibition in the central exhibition hall "Solntsevo."
1995- Gallery "Moscow Fine Art," Moscow.
1994 - Amalfi, Italy.
1990 - Katanya, Sicily "Romance with the City."
1988- Mir Gallery, Moscow.
1985 - Exhibition at the AZLK House of Culture.
Selected group exhibitions:
Since 2000 - Member of group exhibitions in the galleries "China-City," "Flute"; CDRI (Moscow).
1997- Christmas Exhibition in the Central House of Artists of Moscow. 1993- All-Russian Gallery Exhibition, Central House of Artists "Start," Moscow.
1992 - Group Exhibition in Hanau, Germany.
Best wishes,
Dubovskiy Alexander
Anzahl der Produkte: 21
Alexander Dubovskiy (geb. 1959)
Shop Dubovskiy Alexander
Alexander Dubovskiy
Alexander Dubovsky was born in Ukraine. In 1877 he graduated from an art school. In 1978 Alexander moved to Moscow and started his full-time art career. He still lives here with his wife Nina, children and grandchildren. Alexander developed his own recognizable handwriting in the technique of impressionism. The theme of his paintings is urban and natural landscape. In urban landscapes the artist conveys the life of cities that changes and transforms depending on the time of year and weather. In the landscapes of Dubovsky you can find night landscapes, sunsets, dawns, cities in cloudy and rainy weather, or vice versa, illuminated by the bright midday sunlight. "In my paintings I convey the movement on the streets, the life of people who are going somewhere. I like to depict landscapes of past centuries, and this is a historical monument that takes all of us to the past. I see architecture, especially ancient, as the frozen music of the universe and it inspires me," says Alexander. In 1989 he joined the Moscow Union of Artists and the International Foundation. In 2006 he was educated at the at the Faculty of Fine Arts of MPGU in Moscow. Since the 80s he has been a participant in personal, international, group exhibitions. His paintings are in private collections around the world. Now the artist is in Europe, collecting material for future artwork.
Selected personal exhibitions:
1999 - Personal Exhibition in the central exhibition hall "Solntsevo."
1995- Gallery "Moscow Fine Art," Moscow.
1994 - Amalfi, Italy.
1990 - Katanya, Sicily "Romance with the City."
1988- Mir Gallery, Moscow.
1985 - Exhibition at the AZLK House of Culture.
Selected group exhibitions:
Since 2000 - Member of group exhibitions in the galleries "China-City," "Flute"; CDRI (Moscow).
1997- Christmas Exhibition in the Central House of Artists of Moscow. 1993- All-Russian Gallery Exhibition, Central House of Artists "Start," Moscow.
1992 - Group Exhibition in Hanau, Germany.
Best wishes,
Dubovskiy Alexander
Anzahl der Produkte: 21
Alexander Dubovskiy (geb. 1959)
Shop Dubovskiy Alexander
Alexander Dubovskiy
Alexander Dubovsky was born in Ukraine. In 1877 he graduated from an art school. In 1978 Alexander moved to Moscow and started his full-time art career. He still lives here with his wife Nina, children and grandchildren. Alexander developed his own recognizable handwriting in the technique of impressionism. The theme of his paintings is urban and natural landscape. In urban landscapes the artist conveys the life of cities that changes and transforms depending on the time of year and weather. In the landscapes of Dubovsky you can find night landscapes, sunsets, dawns, cities in cloudy and rainy weather, or vice versa, illuminated by the bright midday sunlight. "In my paintings I convey the movement on the streets, the life of people who are going somewhere. I like to depict landscapes of past centuries, and this is a historical monument that takes all of us to the past. I see architecture, especially ancient, as the frozen music of the universe and it inspires me," says Alexander. In 1989 he joined the Moscow Union of Artists and the International Foundation. In 2006 he was educated at the at the Faculty of Fine Arts of MPGU in Moscow. Since the 80s he has been a participant in personal, international, group exhibitions. His paintings are in private collections around the world. Now the artist is in Europe, collecting material for future artwork.
Selected personal exhibitions:
1999 - Personal Exhibition in the central exhibition hall "Solntsevo."
1995- Gallery "Moscow Fine Art," Moscow.
1994 - Amalfi, Italy.
1990 - Katanya, Sicily "Romance with the City."
1988- Mir Gallery, Moscow.
1985 - Exhibition at the AZLK House of Culture.
Selected group exhibitions:
Since 2000 - Member of group exhibitions in the galleries "China-City," "Flute"; CDRI (Moscow).
1997- Christmas Exhibition in the Central House of Artists of Moscow. 1993- All-Russian Gallery Exhibition, Central House of Artists "Start," Moscow.
1992 - Group Exhibition in Hanau, Germany.
Best wishes,
Dubovskiy Alexander
Anzahl der Produkte: 21
Alexander Dubovskiy (geb. 1959)
Shop Dubovskiy Alexander
Alexander Dubovskiy
Alexander Dubovsky was born in Ukraine. In 1877 he graduated from an art school. In 1978 Alexander moved to Moscow and started his full-time art career. He still lives here with his wife Nina, children and grandchildren. Alexander developed his own recognizable handwriting in the technique of impressionism. The theme of his paintings is urban and natural landscape. In urban landscapes the artist conveys the life of cities that changes and transforms depending on the time of year and weather. In the landscapes of Dubovsky you can find night landscapes, sunsets, dawns, cities in cloudy and rainy weather, or vice versa, illuminated by the bright midday sunlight. "In my paintings I convey the movement on the streets, the life of people who are going somewhere. I like to depict landscapes of past centuries, and this is a historical monument that takes all of us to the past. I see architecture, especially ancient, as the frozen music of the universe and it inspires me," says Alexander. In 1989 he joined the Moscow Union of Artists and the International Foundation. In 2006 he was educated at the at the Faculty of Fine Arts of MPGU in Moscow. Since the 80s he has been a participant in personal, international, group exhibitions. His paintings are in private collections around the world. Now the artist is in Europe, collecting material for future artwork.
Selected personal exhibitions:
1999 - Personal Exhibition in the central exhibition hall "Solntsevo."
1995- Gallery "Moscow Fine Art," Moscow.
1994 - Amalfi, Italy.
1990 - Katanya, Sicily "Romance with the City."
1988- Mir Gallery, Moscow.
1985 - Exhibition at the AZLK House of Culture.
Selected group exhibitions:
Since 2000 - Member of group exhibitions in the galleries "China-City," "Flute"; CDRI (Moscow).
1997- Christmas Exhibition in the Central House of Artists of Moscow. 1993- All-Russian Gallery Exhibition, Central House of Artists "Start," Moscow.
1992 - Group Exhibition in Hanau, Germany.
Best wishes,
Dubovskiy Alexander
Anzahl der Produkte: 21
YEVGEN LUN`OV (geb. 1961)
Лунёв Евгений Анатольевич 1961г.р., украинец.
Образование высшее, Член СХ СССР с 1989г.
После распада СССР— член СХ Украины.
1977-1981—Учёба в Днепропетровском государственном художественном училище. Отделение живописно -педагогическое. Диплом с отличием.
1982-1987—Учёба в Харьковском художественно—промышленном институте. Факультет — ”Графика”.
1987-1990—Запорожский Художественно-производственный комбинат.
1989—Вступил в СХ СССР. Защита — серия политических и сатирических плакатов. Перешёл на творческую работу.
1990-1992—Сотрудничество с издательствами «Дайнемик» , “Интербук”, “Российская культура” ( иллюстрации к книгам В. Пикуль, Чейз, А. Голон, Дж. Лондон ).
1997-1998—Работа в Днепропетровской Польско-Украинской фирме (Рекламное агенство I ITP, художник дизайнер). Дизайнерские разработки упаковок рекламной продукции для фирм PALL MALL, NESTLE, Smith Kline Beecham, Ферросан и др. Разработки фирменных знаков, логотипов.
1989—Германия, Минден. Выставка плакатов. Галерея современного искусства. 1989—Италия. Выставка плакатов. 1992—Германия. Оберхаузен. Выставка «Роза мира». Каталог. Закупка. 1998-1999—Германия, Ганновер, Франкфурт. Живописные произведения находятся в частных коллекциях — Германия, Франция, Италия, Голландия, Испания. Графические — США, Австралия, Корея, Израиль.
2016 - Вошёл в ЕСУ (энциклопедия современной Украины).
Anzahl der Produkte: 4
Vyacheslav IG (geb. 1964)
Shop IG Vyacheslav
Vyacheslav IG
I was born and live in Russia, in the city of Samara.
From time to time in different years of his life he drew pictures and cartoons. I have been doing oil painting since 1998. He painted pictures for several years. Then there was a break.
For the last few years I have been doing oil and acrylic paintings on canvas and hardboard. I like this activity. Many works have been sold and donated. So I decided to participate on the VIL site.
Я родился и живу в России, в городе Самара.
Время от времени? в разные годы жизни я рисовал картины и карикатуры. Занимаюсь масляной живописью с 1998 года. Несколько лет писал картины. Потом был перерыв.
Последние несколько лет я делаю картины маслом и акрилом на холсте и оргалите. Мне нравится это занятие. Многие работы были проданы и подарены. Поэтому я решил участвовать на сайте VIL
IG Vyacheslav
Anzahl der Produkte: 103
Burro dourado. Золотой осел.
Artur Kovalev (geb. 1973)
Shop Kovalev Artur
Artur Kovalev
Художник Ковалёв Артур Викторович родился в1973 в городе Красный Сулин Ростовской области. Вскоре его семья переехала на Камчатку. В 1993 году успешно сдал вступительные экзамены в Российской академии живописи, ваяния и зодчества, основателем и ректором которой является народный художник России Илья Глазунов. Артур стал студентом кафедры реставрации и живописи. Академия считает своими высочайшими целями возрождение великих традиций отечественного и европейского изобразительного искусства, отстаивающих позиции высокого реализма.В 1999 году он успешно окончил академию с квалификацией «живописец-реставратор станковой темперной и масляной живописи». Как художник Артур много путешествует как по России, так и за рубежом. В течение 2001-2002 годов жил на Ямале, работал художником нефтяной компании. В эти же годы по предложению Евгения Атласова – бизнесмена, прямого потомка Владимира Атласова, присоединившего Камчатку к России, художник активно участвовал в создании документального фильма «Камчатский Ермак». В 2005 году фильм демонстрировался на канале «Культура». С 2003 по 2011 год художник жил в Португалии в г. Лиссабоне. Здесь он принимал участие в конкурсах, провёл более тридцати персональных выставок, выполнил работы для самых престижных учреждений страны. Его имя было включено в каталог лучших художников Португалии.
Kovalev Artur
Anzahl der Produkte: 21