60 Artikel bei Auktionen und Galerien:
Flamingo painting on canvas Orange bird art Gift for bird lovers
Kristina Degtyareva (geb. 1984)
Shop Degtyareva Kristina![](/assets/image/logo_30147/608a5/fix172172logo30147__fix_172_172.jpeg)
Kristina Degtyareva
Мне 36 лет. Закончила художественную школу. Писала картины всю жизнь как хобби. Что-то продавала. В последнее время сотрудничаю со студиями дизайна интерьеров и пишу интерьерные картины. Стала продавать работы в интернете и зарабатываю только своим творчеством.
Degtyareva Kristina
Anzahl der Produkte: 6
Anastasiya Pochepko (geb. 1997)
Shop Pochepko Anastasiya![](/assets/image/logo_25847/13d55/fix172172logo25847__fix_172_172.jpeg)
Anastasiya Pochepko
Художница из Екатеринбурга, которая очень хочет поделиться своим искусством.
Хочешь украсить свою квартиру, чем-то ярким и неординарным?
Скорее заходи ко мне в галерею, там ты точно найдешь то, что тебе по вкусу!
Pochepko Anastasiya
Anzahl der Produkte: 2
Charlie Parker & Earl Bostic
Yurii Yermolenko (geb. 1973)
Shop Yermolenko Yurii![](/assets/image/logo_18621/02f7e/fix172172logo18621__fix_172_172.jpeg)
Yurii Yermolenko
Yury Ermolenko – A Master of Fine Arts (MFA)
Born in 1973 Kiev (Ukraine) Lives and works in Kiev.
1980 – 1992 – T. Shevchenko Republican art school, Kiev, Ukraine
1992 – 1998 – National Academy of Fine Art and Architecture (NAFAA), Kiev, Ukraine
1998 – 2001 – Post-graduate education ( M.A.degree ), NAFAA, Kiev, Ukraine
2003 – Got a scholarship of Ministry of Culture of Poland ”GOUDE POLONIA”, Krakow, Poland
Main exhibitions:
2018 - "Garden of Wandering Geniuses" project, (Х.Л.А.М.), Kyiv, Ukraine.
2017 – 2018 – “MY FAVOURITE DOLLS” project, Tauvers Gallery international, Kiev, Ukraine
2017 – 2018 – “Flea Psychedelic Market” project, (Х.Л.А.М.), Kyiv, Ukraine
2016 – 2017 – In “Search of Dark Energy”, Vysehrad, Prague, Czech Republic; Hofburg Palace, Vienna, Austria.
2014 – 2015 – “Mу Favorite Dolls”, “Brothers in Arms”
2013 – “Facevinyl”
2013 – “Ukrainian Psychedel”, “Suitcases the Classics”
2013 – “Magical Garden”
2013 – “May be always be my mother, may there always be me”
2012 – “Conversion”
2012 – “Immigration to Cuba”
2011 – “Sings of Cuba”
2011 – “Ladies I didn`t get along with”
2010 – “Metaphysical Landscape of Zaporizhia”
2010 – “Metaphysical Landscape of Kaniv”
2010 – “A hedgehog jazz f**k”
2009 – “Eternal Values”
2009 – “Peruvian Toys”
2008 – “Death of Brands”
2007 – “Pink”
2007 – “Lolita’s on the Arena”
2007 – “Silicon”
2006 – “Paradise”
2006 – “Flea Market”
2005 – "Alice new!"
2005 – “Entomology of Souls”
2004 – "13. ICONOSTASIS"
2004 – “Hunting”
2003 – “KANIV – RAPAN”
2003 – “Baltic – Hel”
2002 – “Flash
2001 – “Indigo-Purring Cort”
2000 – “New York City”
2000 – “Flash”
1999 – “So good!”
1998 – “Shout on Plateaus”
1997 – “Dances on Colored Rope”
1997 – “Lighting Art and Painting Art”
Yermolenko Yurii
Anzahl der Produkte: 90
Iryna Fedorenko (geb. 1983)
Shop Fedorenko Iryna![](/assets/image/logo_17518/594e5/fix172172logo17518__fix_172_172.jpeg)
Iryna Fedorenko
Iryna Fedorenko (SEMIRA) is a contemporary Ukrainian artist and art critic. She was born in Mariupol, lives and works in Kyiv. In her work she combines different techniques and artistic techniques, works in many styles and genres, constantly experimenting. In particular, she is fond of painting on old antique paper, using a variety of art materials: watercolor, ink, ink. She exhibits works under the creative pseudonym SEMIRA.
Almost 20 years of creative activity, today Iryna Fedorenko is one of the most famous Ukrainian artists, only for the last two years - about 30 exhibitions in galleries and museums of Ukraine, Europe, USA, China, 3 exhibitions in the Parliament of Ukraine. Her works are in private collections in Ukraine (namely - Andriy Stavnitser, Mykhailo Pozhyvanov, Anatoliy Kryvolap), European and American countries, including the Museum of History of Kyiv, the Museum of Ukrainian Culture in Slovakia, the Director of the Museum of Contemporary Art Andy Warhol and a private collections of the Warhol family, exhibited at London and New York auctions.
Iryna takes an active part in charity events, and in December 2019 at the charity auction "Pills" Iryna's art object "Rockefeller's Treasury" was sold for a record 800,000 UAH, all the money was used to purchase equipment for a children's cancer hospital. In the cultural world of Ukraine - it was one of the most expensive sales of Ukrainian art.
In March 2020, Iryna received an award for her contribution to the development of Ukrainian art and art management and became one of the TOP-100 outstanding women of Kyiv region.
In September 2020, Iryna became the Laureate of the Second National Award "Best Ukrainian Woman in the Profession" as an Artist.
Iryna is actively involved in the promotion of contemporary Ukrainian art, leads the art project #Names and is the organizer of two major international art projects: the exhibition "DIFFERENT X" and the Festival of Contemporary Art "TRACE".
Fedorenko Iryna
Anzahl der Produkte: 10
Фламинго Swarovski
Natallia Komar (geb. 1991)
Shop Komar Natallia![](/assets/image/logo_27223/77350/fix172172logo27223__fix_172_172.jpeg)
Natallia Komar
Меня зовут Наталья. Я художник и создаю интерьерные картины различных направлений:
1. Ювелирные картины класса LUX
2. Фитокартины из мха
3. Живопись
Пишу картины маслом, акрилом, спиртовыми чернилами, с применением текстурной пасты, золочения, различных пигментов, глиттеров, камней, страз, смолы.
Картины класса LUX (инкрустация кристаллами и стразами Swarovski, камнями)
Картины маслом | жидким акрилом (Fluid Art) | спиртовыми чернилами (Alcohol Ink)
Картины с сусальным золотом/поталью
Картины рельефные (текстурная паста, декоративные камни, стразы, глиттер, смола)
Картины модульные (диптих, триптих, полиптих)
Картины со смешанными техниками
Фитокартины из мха
Komar Natallia
Anzahl der Produkte: 9