397 Artikel bei Auktionen und Galerien:
modern design
Los 552 Anton Michelsen gegr. 1841, Kopenhagen. Design-Leuchter "Bøgeslag-Welle" von Ibi Trier Mørch.
Anton Michelsen (1809 - 1877)
Moderne und Alte Kunst
Anton Michelsen
01.07.1809 - 14.12.1877
Auktionshaus Stahl
Moderne und Alte Kunst
Datum: 30.11.2024 11:00 UTC +01:00
Anzahl der Lose im Katalog: 240
Modern man in thought
Jean-Michel Basquiat (1960 - 1988)
Anastasia Ignatieva (geb. 2001)
Shop Ignatieva Anastasia
Jean-Michel Basquiat
22.12.1960 - 12.08.1988
Vereinigten Staaten
Jean-Michel Basquiat war ein US-amerikanischer Künstler, Maler und Zeichner. Er war der erste afroamerikanische Künstler, der in der hauptsächlich weißen Kunstwelt den Durchbruch schaffte.
Anastasia Ignatieva
Живопись — нечто среднее между мыслью и вещью.
Ignatieva Anastasia
Anzahl der Produkte: 2
Abstract Art. Bright Modern Wall Painting for Home. Canvas. Acrylic. Interior wall decor. Original modern painting.
Kristina Degtyareva (geb. 1984)
Shop Degtyareva Kristina
Kristina Degtyareva
Мне 36 лет. Закончила художественную школу. Писала картины всю жизнь как хобби. Что-то продавала. В последнее время сотрудничаю со студиями дизайна интерьеров и пишу интерьерные картины. Стала продавать работы в интернете и зарабатываю только своим творчеством.
Degtyareva Kristina
Anzahl der Produkte: 6
Choker rNecklace
Elena Zimovets (geb. 1956)
Shop Zimovets Elena
Elena Zimovets
Professional certified fashion designer, painter, illustrator and graphic designer.
Graduated from the Moscow Textile University named after Kosygin, Faculty of Applied Arts (since 1982).
From 1982 to 1993 she worked at the House of Models as the chief designer and designer: she created collections of ready-to-wear and Haute Couture clothes.
From 1999 to 2002 - Lecturer at the International Private Academy of Audiovisual Arts in disciplines: painting, drawing, composition, modeling and costume history and color graphics.
In 2008 in Portugal (Portimao) a personal exhibition "In harmony with the soul" was successfully held,
The exhibition was widely covered by television, radio and the press.
Member of the GemlucArt Monaco community.
Recent exhibitions:
2016 - Suquet des arts, Cannes, France
2016 - GemlucArt, Monte Carlo Contemporary Art Fair, Monaco
2017 - GemlucArt, Monte Carlo Contemporary Art Fair, Monaco
2018 - "Russian Seasons Club" - Exhibition in Gray d'Albion, Cannes.
2019-2020 - Personal exhibition in Grasse. Paintings are in private collections.
About creativity:
“I have developed my own painting technique on transparent fabrics such as organza. This is not batik, but color graphics and painting on fabric. I also work in other techniques and with different materials: pastel, acrylic, oil, watercolor, etc.
Recently, I have been researching movement and pulsation: forms, lines and points in abstract painting and in space, as well as their architectonics. I developed my own technique and style, working with line and point, namely with drops of paint, which I then stretch into lines of different thicknesses. This is my conceptual idea for my abstract painting. Its origin lies in my works in the style of Khokhloma and Zhostovo, on which I worked in the 70s of the 20th century.
Zimovets Elena
Anzahl der Produkte: 12
Монолог. Monologue.
Elena Bolender (geb. 1970)
Shop Bolender Elena
Elena Bolender
Меня зовут Болендер Елена, я пишу картины с 2014 года, в 2020 включена в Единый Реестр Профессиональных художников России, с присвоенной категорией 5В - сложившийся профессиональный художник (востребованный).
За это период участвовала в 9 выставках, 5 из которых были персональные, мои работы, на постоянной основе, размещены в местном музее, станица Динская , Краснодарского края.
Пишу, в основном, в стиле импрессионизм, имею собственную технику - мозаика. Люблю писать портреты и пейзажи.
Bolender Elena
Anzahl der Produkte: 51
Choke rNecklace
Elena Zimovets (geb. 1956)
Shop Zimovets Elena
Elena Zimovets
Professional certified fashion designer, painter, illustrator and graphic designer.
Graduated from the Moscow Textile University named after Kosygin, Faculty of Applied Arts (since 1982).
From 1982 to 1993 she worked at the House of Models as the chief designer and designer: she created collections of ready-to-wear and Haute Couture clothes.
From 1999 to 2002 - Lecturer at the International Private Academy of Audiovisual Arts in disciplines: painting, drawing, composition, modeling and costume history and color graphics.
In 2008 in Portugal (Portimao) a personal exhibition "In harmony with the soul" was successfully held,
The exhibition was widely covered by television, radio and the press.
Member of the GemlucArt Monaco community.
Recent exhibitions:
2016 - Suquet des arts, Cannes, France
2016 - GemlucArt, Monte Carlo Contemporary Art Fair, Monaco
2017 - GemlucArt, Monte Carlo Contemporary Art Fair, Monaco
2018 - "Russian Seasons Club" - Exhibition in Gray d'Albion, Cannes.
2019-2020 - Personal exhibition in Grasse. Paintings are in private collections.
About creativity:
“I have developed my own painting technique on transparent fabrics such as organza. This is not batik, but color graphics and painting on fabric. I also work in other techniques and with different materials: pastel, acrylic, oil, watercolor, etc.
Recently, I have been researching movement and pulsation: forms, lines and points in abstract painting and in space, as well as their architectonics. I developed my own technique and style, working with line and point, namely with drops of paint, which I then stretch into lines of different thicknesses. This is my conceptual idea for my abstract painting. Its origin lies in my works in the style of Khokhloma and Zhostovo, on which I worked in the 70s of the 20th century.
Zimovets Elena
Anzahl der Produkte: 12
Christina Elzateeva (geb. 1992)
Shop Elzateeva Christina
Christina Elzateeva
Независимый художник, член Visual Artist Association (Лондон)
Участник выставок в галереях: Pepney Gallery (Ирландия), The Holy Art (Лондон), Art Gallery Every Day и Формат(Москва)
Лауреат премии "Новый имена" (Москва) и "Dali's Moustache" (Испания)
Работает в стиле: абстракционизма, модернизма и концептуализма.
Elzateeva Christina
Anzahl der Produkte: 5
«Рождённая музыкой», цикл «Мы Есть»
Elena Smal (geb. 1970)
Shop Smal Elena
Elena Smal
Живу и работаю в Киеве, Украина.
Что для меня искусство? – Это моя вторая жизнь!
Кто мой учитель? – Природа!
Что меня вдохновляет? – Музыка!
Что я хочу передать миру через мои картины? – Любовь, гармонию, добро, познание Истины, счастье созидания!
Моя любимая картина? – «Пути Познания». Она, кстати, заняла первое место в ХІV International Exhibition & Competition of Contemporary Arts Ukrainian Art Week.
Smal Elena
Anzahl der Produkte: 38
Tie Silk 100% Handmade
Elena Zimovets (geb. 1956)
Shop Zimovets Elena
Elena Zimovets
Professional certified fashion designer, painter, illustrator and graphic designer.
Graduated from the Moscow Textile University named after Kosygin, Faculty of Applied Arts (since 1982).
From 1982 to 1993 she worked at the House of Models as the chief designer and designer: she created collections of ready-to-wear and Haute Couture clothes.
From 1999 to 2002 - Lecturer at the International Private Academy of Audiovisual Arts in disciplines: painting, drawing, composition, modeling and costume history and color graphics.
In 2008 in Portugal (Portimao) a personal exhibition "In harmony with the soul" was successfully held,
The exhibition was widely covered by television, radio and the press.
Member of the GemlucArt Monaco community.
Recent exhibitions:
2016 - Suquet des arts, Cannes, France
2016 - GemlucArt, Monte Carlo Contemporary Art Fair, Monaco
2017 - GemlucArt, Monte Carlo Contemporary Art Fair, Monaco
2018 - "Russian Seasons Club" - Exhibition in Gray d'Albion, Cannes.
2019-2020 - Personal exhibition in Grasse. Paintings are in private collections.
About creativity:
“I have developed my own painting technique on transparent fabrics such as organza. This is not batik, but color graphics and painting on fabric. I also work in other techniques and with different materials: pastel, acrylic, oil, watercolor, etc.
Recently, I have been researching movement and pulsation: forms, lines and points in abstract painting and in space, as well as their architectonics. I developed my own technique and style, working with line and point, namely with drops of paint, which I then stretch into lines of different thicknesses. This is my conceptual idea for my abstract painting. Its origin lies in my works in the style of Khokhloma and Zhostovo, on which I worked in the 70s of the 20th century.
Zimovets Elena
Anzahl der Produkte: 12
Anna Kozyreva (geb. 1986)
Shop Kozyreva Anna
Anna Kozyreva
Меня зовут Анна Козырева.
Я родилась в 1986 году в г.Киеве, Украина, где работаю и проживаю сейчас.
В моей семье не было художников. У нас не было картин на стенах, мне не рассказывали о людях творчества или о предметах искусства. Тем не менее, очень явно помню, что имела мечту в возрасте 7-8 лет. Я хотела писать маслом. Это желание было необъяснимым, не понятно чем навеянным.
Во второй раз желание вышло наружу в осознанном возрасте и предопределило мою судьбу)
Особая страсть у меня к графике. Мне нравится рисовать эмоции, без цвета они передаются сильнее и глубже. Очень часто моя графика двойственна, там заложены одновременно разные эмоции. Вы увидите то, что будет ближе Вашему внутреннему состоянию. Не исключено, что и все )
Страсть к черно-белым рисункам перешла частично и на мою живопись. Я обожаю контрасты. Поэтому картины или яркие и цветные(акцент на «сочность» сюжета) или черно-белые, но более глубокие в эмоциональном восприятии.
Прямо сейчас я создаю серию работ интимного характера без использования ярких красок. У Вас уже есть возможность эти картины увидеть.
Для меня, нежные постельные сцены – это время «срывания масок», тотальной открытости, это время самой большой нашей уязвимости и искреннего доверия, это время чувств.
Я рисую маслом, карандашом, углем, ручкой, делаю коллажи.
Приоритетная техника реализм.
Сегодня мои картины находятся в частных коллекциях в Украины, России и Европе, США.
Kozyreva Anna
Anzahl der Produkte: 26
На ступеньках. On the steps
Eugenia Lapshina (geb. 1988)
Shop Lapshina Eugenia
Eugenia Lapshina
Я работаю с векторной графикой, рисую все, делаю модульные картины со своими иллюстрациями на холстах с галерейной натяжкой, принимаю заказы на картины/отрисовку/портреты
Lapshina Eugenia
Anzahl der Produkte: 3
Fashion Week
Elena Zimovets (geb. 1956)
Shop Zimovets Elena
Elena Zimovets
Professional certified fashion designer, painter, illustrator and graphic designer.
Graduated from the Moscow Textile University named after Kosygin, Faculty of Applied Arts (since 1982).
From 1982 to 1993 she worked at the House of Models as the chief designer and designer: she created collections of ready-to-wear and Haute Couture clothes.
From 1999 to 2002 - Lecturer at the International Private Academy of Audiovisual Arts in disciplines: painting, drawing, composition, modeling and costume history and color graphics.
In 2008 in Portugal (Portimao) a personal exhibition "In harmony with the soul" was successfully held,
The exhibition was widely covered by television, radio and the press.
Member of the GemlucArt Monaco community.
Recent exhibitions:
2016 - Suquet des arts, Cannes, France
2016 - GemlucArt, Monte Carlo Contemporary Art Fair, Monaco
2017 - GemlucArt, Monte Carlo Contemporary Art Fair, Monaco
2018 - "Russian Seasons Club" - Exhibition in Gray d'Albion, Cannes.
2019-2020 - Personal exhibition in Grasse. Paintings are in private collections.
About creativity:
“I have developed my own painting technique on transparent fabrics such as organza. This is not batik, but color graphics and painting on fabric. I also work in other techniques and with different materials: pastel, acrylic, oil, watercolor, etc.
Recently, I have been researching movement and pulsation: forms, lines and points in abstract painting and in space, as well as their architectonics. I developed my own technique and style, working with line and point, namely with drops of paint, which I then stretch into lines of different thicknesses. This is my conceptual idea for my abstract painting. Its origin lies in my works in the style of Khokhloma and Zhostovo, on which I worked in the 70s of the 20th century.
Zimovets Elena
Anzahl der Produkte: 12
Картина маслом "Барышня в шляпе"
Victor Demchuchen (geb. 1987)
Shop Demchuchen Victor
Victor Demchuchen
Hello dear art lovers!
Artist - Demciucen Victor, Oscadi / Art Studio - "Oscadi" A freelance artist with more than 15 years of experience, at different periods of his life he lived in Romania (EU), USA, States, Moldova, where his creative skills were accumulating. Employment in professional activities for five years.
My Works are in private collections in Russia, CIS, Europe and the USA.
The works are exhibited at international auctions.
* I am professionally engaged in collecting and selling, rare books, autographs of celebrities, as well as author's art paintings, and much more ..
* Filmed in Russian cinema with director Andrei Yuryevich Kravchuk, in the movie "Union of Salvation"
Художник - Demciucen Victor, Oscadi/ Art studio - "Oscadi" Свободный художник с более 15-ти летним опытом, в разные периоды своей жизни проживал в Румынии (ЕС), Соединенных Штатах, Молдавии, где накапливалось творческое мастерство. Профессиональной деятельностью занят на протяжении пяти лет.
Мои Произведения находятся в частных собраниях России, СНГ, Европы и США.
Работы выставляются на международных аукционах.
* Занимаюсь профессионально коллекционированием и продажей, раритетных книг, автографов знаменитостей, а так же авторских художественных картин, и многое другое..
* Снимался в российском кинематографе у режиссера Андрея Юрьевича Кравчука, в к/ф "Союз Спасения"
Demchuchen Victor
Anzahl der Produkte: 8
Триптих "Святые угодники"
Christina Elzateeva (geb. 1992)
Shop Elzateeva Christina
Christina Elzateeva
Независимый художник, член Visual Artist Association (Лондон)
Участник выставок в галереях: Pepney Gallery (Ирландия), The Holy Art (Лондон), Art Gallery Every Day и Формат(Москва)
Лауреат премии "Новый имена" (Москва) и "Dali's Moustache" (Испания)
Работает в стиле: абстракционизма, модернизма и концептуализма.
Elzateeva Christina
Anzahl der Produkte: 5