264 Artikel bei Auktionen und Galerien:
religious art
Cross stitch
Rustam Nazirov (geb. 1975)
Shop Nazirov Rustam![](/assets/image/logo_38789/2f3ee/fix172172logo38789__fix_172_172.jpeg)
Rustam Nazirov
Рустам Назиров родился в 1975 году, в Ульяновской обл. Среднее Поволжье. В 7 лет, вместе семьей переезжаю за Полярный круг, в суровый город, Крайнего Севера, Норильск. Монохромность окружающего пространства воспитало тягу к познанию мира через форму и фактуры, заложив выбор пути скульптора и графика. Начиная с поступления в художественную школу в 1987г., я всегда знал что буду Художником. В 1991 окончив художественную школу, поступаю в Художественное училище города Норильска, Северное отделение. Образованное под патронажем ЮНЕСКО- " Для сохранения самобытного искусства народов крайнего севера.." Приобщение к уникальной культуре Сурового края произошло на базе резьбы по дереву и кости. Окончив училище, скульптором, резчиком по дереву, в 1995 году, поступаю В Поволжский Технологический Институт г. Тольятти. В 2000г получаю высшее образование по специальности Дизайнер. С 2000г Живу и творю в г. Москве.
Nazirov Rustam
Anzahl der Produkte: 3
Suprematist Expansion
Serge Lilac (geb. 1992)
Shop Lilac Serge![](/assets/image/logo_24990/f20f7/fix172172logo24990__fix_172_172.jpeg)
Serge Lilac
I explore the themes of human personalization and depersonalization, the influence of external factors on the personality of a person, the parallels between character traits and the techniques of fine art in my works. The past and the present, life and death, religion and science, rhythm and rest. Finding the points of contact with inspiration in unexpected and the most secret corners of my consciousness, I want to show the world my own personality and attitude through creativity.
Lilac Serge
Anzahl der Produkte: 26
"Fairy tales of Scheherazade.1001 night"
Elena Zimovets (geb. 1956)
Shop Zimovets Elena![](/assets/image/logo_29349/66fee/fix172172logo29349__fix_172_172.jpeg)
Elena Zimovets
Professional certified fashion designer, painter, illustrator and graphic designer.
Graduated from the Moscow Textile University named after Kosygin, Faculty of Applied Arts (since 1982).
From 1982 to 1993 she worked at the House of Models as the chief designer and designer: she created collections of ready-to-wear and Haute Couture clothes.
From 1999 to 2002 - Lecturer at the International Private Academy of Audiovisual Arts in disciplines: painting, drawing, composition, modeling and costume history and color graphics.
In 2008 in Portugal (Portimao) a personal exhibition "In harmony with the soul" was successfully held,
The exhibition was widely covered by television, radio and the press.
Member of the GemlucArt Monaco community.
Recent exhibitions:
2016 - Suquet des arts, Cannes, France
2016 - GemlucArt, Monte Carlo Contemporary Art Fair, Monaco
2017 - GemlucArt, Monte Carlo Contemporary Art Fair, Monaco
2018 - "Russian Seasons Club" - Exhibition in Gray d'Albion, Cannes.
2019-2020 - Personal exhibition in Grasse. Paintings are in private collections.
About creativity:
“I have developed my own painting technique on transparent fabrics such as organza. This is not batik, but color graphics and painting on fabric. I also work in other techniques and with different materials: pastel, acrylic, oil, watercolor, etc.
Recently, I have been researching movement and pulsation: forms, lines and points in abstract painting and in space, as well as their architectonics. I developed my own technique and style, working with line and point, namely with drops of paint, which I then stretch into lines of different thicknesses. This is my conceptual idea for my abstract painting. Its origin lies in my works in the style of Khokhloma and Zhostovo, on which I worked in the 70s of the 20th century.
Zimovets Elena
Anzahl der Produkte: 12
Dream 3
Daniel Wille (geb. 1987)
Shop Wille Daniel![](/assets/image/logo_28967/3b95f/fix172172logo28967__fix_172_172.jpeg)
Daniel Wille
In art I always was seeking for the opportunity to make the viewer feel the picture as something alive, to feel the presence. But not only with the help of classical techniques, or not only with the help of it, but more through associative, subconscious or intuitive.
Using various objects, fabrics, textures, you can create something you can touch to change, something that is exposed to the environment, natural and aging. And that can revive the canvas.
It was always paradoxical for me to feel impressionism more alive comparing to classical realism, I found the key to this answer in Alla prima techniques emotions and admiration are instantly imprinted on the canvas.
Therefore, I try to create work as quick as possible so as not to move out to another environment. To create a good picture you have to live it, survive it.
Even if the picture is not completed, then it will provide an opportunity viewer's imagination.
Everything you can imagine is real.- Picasso.
At recent moment I am working on a new direction "Anrealism".
Born in Samara, Russian Federation.
Studied interior design and architecture , joined the global art League 2014.
Was exhibiting works in Russia, USA, Israel.
2015 Relocated to Israel, joined the community of artists there.
In 2018 married and relocated to Austria where recently living.
Since childhood, I was surrounded by bunch of books about history of Italian art and architecture, and also most often visited this country with parents who were dealing with fashion boutiques. Grandmother was teacher of piano and singing , given private lessons. So house was fulfilled with atmosphere which motivated me to start creating from age of 3.
Wille Daniel
Anzahl der Produkte: 21
New life
Achot Isakov (geb. 1954)
Shop Isakov Achot![](/assets/image/logo_28893/c6b89/fix172172logo28893__fix_172_172.jpeg)
Achot Isakov
приветсвуем вас на страничке художника Ашота Исакова. Одарённый особым талантом художника и необычайной жизненной силой Ашот прожил яркую и короткую жизнь. Он родился в 1954 году и ушёл из земного мира в возрасте 43 лет в 1998 году. Ашот имел тонкое восприятие красоты хотя его жизнь была наполненна многими потрясениями и физическими страданиями. В 11 лет Ашот получил удар электрическим током на высоковольтной линии, и у него ампутировали обе руки. Левую руку от плеча и правую руку от локтя. Не смотря на этот разрушительный удар, Ашот не смирился с положением инвалида. Он вёл активный образ жизни, плавал, ездил верхом, исполнял тяжёлую физическую работу. В 19 лет Ашот начал рисовать. Он надевал резиновый манжет на локоть правой руки, вставлял карандаш или кисть и так рисовал свои чудесные рисунки с тончайшими деталями. Искусство стало новым смыслом его жизни и открыло новые перспективы. Спустя несколько лет Ашот приобрёл известность как талантливый художник, имеющий оригинальный стиль и особое сказочное видение мира. Его работы отличаются тонкостью, совершенством исполнения и благородством образного ряда. С конца 80 и начала 90 годов было организованно много персональных выставок Ашота Исакова в различных городах, в Ереване, Москве, Софии, Будапеште, Лос Анджелосе. В работах Ашота раскрывается сказочный мир души художника, полный красоты, гармонии и драмы земного бытия. Спустя 22 года после его ухода из физического мира мы публикуем его замечательные работы.. Приятного просмотра
Isakov Achot
Anzahl der Produkte: 8
Landscape with a Temple
Vyacheslav IG (geb. 1964)
Shop IG Vyacheslav![](/assets/image/logo_27407/ff3cb/fix172172logo27407__fix_172_172.jpeg)
Vyacheslav IG
I was born and live in Russia, in the city of Samara.
From time to time in different years of his life he drew pictures and cartoons. I have been doing oil painting since 1998. He painted pictures for several years. Then there was a break.
For the last few years I have been doing oil and acrylic paintings on canvas and hardboard. I like this activity. Many works have been sold and donated. So I decided to participate on the VIL site.
Я родился и живу в России, в городе Самара.
Время от времени? в разные годы жизни я рисовал картины и карикатуры. Занимаюсь масляной живописью с 1998 года. Несколько лет писал картины. Потом был перерыв.
Последние несколько лет я делаю картины маслом и акрилом на холсте и оргалите. Мне нравится это занятие. Многие работы были проданы и подарены. Поэтому я решил участвовать на сайте VIL
IG Vyacheslav
Anzahl der Produkte: 103
Alla Aleksandrovskaya (geb. 1989)
Shop Aleksandrovskaya Alla![](/assets/image/logo_36556/4ee11/fix172172logo36556__fix_172_172.jpeg)
Alla Aleksandrovskaya
Я родилась в семье художников, наблюдая за мамой с ранних лет я занималась скульптурой и живописью. Исследуя мир вокруг я пыталась понять и осмыслить реальность и определить своё место в ней. Изучая философию и психологию я нашла собственный язык приемы и средства для выражения сложных, для визуального отображения сюжетов. Исследую проблемы мироздания, жизни и смерти, тему конечности. Вопросы которые я задаю, созвучны с сложившимися в древности религиозно-мифологическими представлениями и поисками, но я предаю им тонкую психологическую нагрузку и пытаюсь раскрыть так, как я это вижу чувствую. Придерживаясь мнения, что не существует объективного положения вещей и точного определения общей для всех реальности. В своих исследованиях я не ограничиваю себя рамками одного сюжета -это симбиоз психологических практик,практических экспериментов и философских поисков.
I was born into a family of artists. Watching my mother from an early age I was involved in sculpture and painting. Exploring the world around me, I tried to understand and comprehend reality and define my place in it. Studying philosophy and psychology, I found my own language, techniques and means to express subjects difficult to visualize. I explore the problems of creation, life and death, the theme of finitude. The questions I ask are consonant with ancient religious and mythological ideas and searches, but I give them a subtle psychological load and try to reveal them as I see them. I adhere to the view that there is no objective state of affairs and no precise definition of reality common to all. In my research I do not limit myself to a single subject; it is a symbiosis of psychological practices, practical experiments, and philosophical quests.
Aleksandrovskaya Alla
Anzahl der Produkte: 7
The Saraswati
Aliona Gordon (geb. 1974)
Shop Gordon Aliona![](/assets/image/logo_24317/9594f/fix172172logo24317__fix_172_172.jpeg)
Aliona Gordon
Aliona Gordon is a professional artist, the founder of brand Gordons Gemstone Art, the author of a unique technique for creating images with gems and semi-precious stones, a member of the creative association “Peacemakers’ Union “Light”, diploma winner of various national and international art exhibitions.
She received her education at the Art College named after Glebov, painting department, in 1994.
Each Aliona Gordon’s work is of the highest level made in a single copy. The artistic merit and unique technique of the paintings arouse admiration.
For her works the author uses such luxurious natural materials as amethyst, garnet, malachite, charoite, jasper and other semi-precious stones. Diamond inlay and a high level of craftsmanship make each painting a real work of art, which is of great interest to collectors as well as to those who want to purchase an object to serve as a family heirloom, the significance of which has no time limits.
Each work has no equivalent and can be perceived as a tangible asset.
Over the years of Gordons Gemstone Art existence more than 150 pieces of art have been made which are stored in private collections of Belarus, Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Lithuania, America, Germany, Switzerland, UK as well as in the Sanctuary of the Holy Trinity (Antarctica, the Island of Waterloo, the Belinzgauzen polar base), the Sanctuary of St. Vladimir in Kaliningrad (Russian Federation), in the Chapel of Okovetskaya Mother of God (Russian Federation), and in the Sanctuary of St. Andrew in Minsk (Belarus), the collection of the Museum of History of Minsk (Belarus).
Each icon is consecrated.
semi-precious stones and gems:
Diamond, amethist, peridot, garnet, chalcedony, opal, malachite, amber, jasper, calcite, lapis lazuli, fluorite, carnelian, charoite, orpiment, astrofillit, volkonskoite, jet, cinnabar, ochre, realgare, rhodusite, tuff, anthracite, micа, galena, aegirine, rhodonite.
Gordon Aliona
Anzahl der Produkte: 12
St. Nicholas
Aliona Gordon (geb. 1974)
Shop Gordon Aliona![](/assets/image/logo_24317/9594f/fix172172logo24317__fix_172_172.jpeg)
Aliona Gordon
Aliona Gordon is a professional artist, the founder of brand Gordons Gemstone Art, the author of a unique technique for creating images with gems and semi-precious stones, a member of the creative association “Peacemakers’ Union “Light”, diploma winner of various national and international art exhibitions.
She received her education at the Art College named after Glebov, painting department, in 1994.
Each Aliona Gordon’s work is of the highest level made in a single copy. The artistic merit and unique technique of the paintings arouse admiration.
For her works the author uses such luxurious natural materials as amethyst, garnet, malachite, charoite, jasper and other semi-precious stones. Diamond inlay and a high level of craftsmanship make each painting a real work of art, which is of great interest to collectors as well as to those who want to purchase an object to serve as a family heirloom, the significance of which has no time limits.
Each work has no equivalent and can be perceived as a tangible asset.
Over the years of Gordons Gemstone Art existence more than 150 pieces of art have been made which are stored in private collections of Belarus, Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Lithuania, America, Germany, Switzerland, UK as well as in the Sanctuary of the Holy Trinity (Antarctica, the Island of Waterloo, the Belinzgauzen polar base), the Sanctuary of St. Vladimir in Kaliningrad (Russian Federation), in the Chapel of Okovetskaya Mother of God (Russian Federation), and in the Sanctuary of St. Andrew in Minsk (Belarus), the collection of the Museum of History of Minsk (Belarus).
Each icon is consecrated.
semi-precious stones and gems:
Diamond, amethist, peridot, garnet, chalcedony, opal, malachite, amber, jasper, calcite, lapis lazuli, fluorite, carnelian, charoite, orpiment, astrofillit, volkonskoite, jet, cinnabar, ochre, realgare, rhodusite, tuff, anthracite, micа, galena, aegirine, rhodonite.
Gordon Aliona
Anzahl der Produkte: 12
"The Vernicle"
Aliona Gordon (geb. 1974)
Shop Gordon Aliona![](/assets/image/logo_24317/9594f/fix172172logo24317__fix_172_172.jpeg)
Aliona Gordon
Aliona Gordon is a professional artist, the founder of brand Gordons Gemstone Art, the author of a unique technique for creating images with gems and semi-precious stones, a member of the creative association “Peacemakers’ Union “Light”, diploma winner of various national and international art exhibitions.
She received her education at the Art College named after Glebov, painting department, in 1994.
Each Aliona Gordon’s work is of the highest level made in a single copy. The artistic merit and unique technique of the paintings arouse admiration.
For her works the author uses such luxurious natural materials as amethyst, garnet, malachite, charoite, jasper and other semi-precious stones. Diamond inlay and a high level of craftsmanship make each painting a real work of art, which is of great interest to collectors as well as to those who want to purchase an object to serve as a family heirloom, the significance of which has no time limits.
Each work has no equivalent and can be perceived as a tangible asset.
Over the years of Gordons Gemstone Art existence more than 150 pieces of art have been made which are stored in private collections of Belarus, Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Lithuania, America, Germany, Switzerland, UK as well as in the Sanctuary of the Holy Trinity (Antarctica, the Island of Waterloo, the Belinzgauzen polar base), the Sanctuary of St. Vladimir in Kaliningrad (Russian Federation), in the Chapel of Okovetskaya Mother of God (Russian Federation), and in the Sanctuary of St. Andrew in Minsk (Belarus), the collection of the Museum of History of Minsk (Belarus).
Each icon is consecrated.
semi-precious stones and gems:
Diamond, amethist, peridot, garnet, chalcedony, opal, malachite, amber, jasper, calcite, lapis lazuli, fluorite, carnelian, charoite, orpiment, astrofillit, volkonskoite, jet, cinnabar, ochre, realgare, rhodusite, tuff, anthracite, micа, galena, aegirine, rhodonite.
Gordon Aliona
Anzahl der Produkte: 12
Virgin of Vladimir
Aliona Gordon (geb. 1974)
Shop Gordon Aliona![](/assets/image/logo_24317/9594f/fix172172logo24317__fix_172_172.jpeg)
Aliona Gordon
Aliona Gordon is a professional artist, the founder of brand Gordons Gemstone Art, the author of a unique technique for creating images with gems and semi-precious stones, a member of the creative association “Peacemakers’ Union “Light”, diploma winner of various national and international art exhibitions.
She received her education at the Art College named after Glebov, painting department, in 1994.
Each Aliona Gordon’s work is of the highest level made in a single copy. The artistic merit and unique technique of the paintings arouse admiration.
For her works the author uses such luxurious natural materials as amethyst, garnet, malachite, charoite, jasper and other semi-precious stones. Diamond inlay and a high level of craftsmanship make each painting a real work of art, which is of great interest to collectors as well as to those who want to purchase an object to serve as a family heirloom, the significance of which has no time limits.
Each work has no equivalent and can be perceived as a tangible asset.
Over the years of Gordons Gemstone Art existence more than 150 pieces of art have been made which are stored in private collections of Belarus, Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Lithuania, America, Germany, Switzerland, UK as well as in the Sanctuary of the Holy Trinity (Antarctica, the Island of Waterloo, the Belinzgauzen polar base), the Sanctuary of St. Vladimir in Kaliningrad (Russian Federation), in the Chapel of Okovetskaya Mother of God (Russian Federation), and in the Sanctuary of St. Andrew in Minsk (Belarus), the collection of the Museum of History of Minsk (Belarus).
Each icon is consecrated.
semi-precious stones and gems:
Diamond, amethist, peridot, garnet, chalcedony, opal, malachite, amber, jasper, calcite, lapis lazuli, fluorite, carnelian, charoite, orpiment, astrofillit, volkonskoite, jet, cinnabar, ochre, realgare, rhodusite, tuff, anthracite, micа, galena, aegirine, rhodonite.
Gordon Aliona
Anzahl der Produkte: 12
Das Lied von Erde I
George Davidov (geb. 1998)
Shop Davidov George![](/assets/image/logo_29886/16456/fix172172logo29886__fix_172_172.jpeg)
George Davidov
По образованию музыкант (хоровой дирижёр, композитор). И картины, и музыку пишу давно. Моя задача сплотить людей искусством, постараться привести и себя, и весь мир к гармонии.
Davidov George
Anzahl der Produkte: 3
"Монастырский дворик"
Natalya Parshina (geb. 1974)
Shop Parshina Natalya![](/assets/image/logo_30177/c0981/fix172172logo30177__fix_172_172.jpeg)
Natalya Parshina
Мне 46 лет. Я не училась живописи ни в школе, ни в академии. Но если в душе ты - художник, от этого не спрячешься. Кисточку и краски впервые взяла в руки, когда уже исполнилось 42 года. С тех пор с ними не расстаюсь. Живопись для меня - и допинг, и успокоительное. В каждой, созданной мной картине, есть частица моей души.
Чтобы картины радовали вас как можно дольше, я использую только профессиональные масляные краски с натуральным пигментом. Они не поменяют цвет в течении 50-70 лет. Также я беру только качественные льняные или хлопковые холсты, натянутые на подрамник или оргалит.
Живопись - прекрасный подарок на любой праздник или событие. Я надеюсь, что мои картины принесут в ваш дом не только красоту и уют, но и подарят праздничное настроение или умиротворение.
Parshina Natalya
Anzahl der Produkte: 64
last supper
Ani Petrosyan (geb. 1983)
Shop Petrosyan Ani![](/assets/image/logo_16617/018ec/fix172172logo16617__fix_172_172.jpeg)
Ani Petrosyan
I am Ani Petrosyan from Armenia, born in a family of artists, I have been painting since childhood. Having several professional qualifications, I create in different genres of art, from realism to abstract expressionism, I make sketches for theater, cinema, design of literary works (illustration). I like experiments related to material and technique, I make collages. I am inspired by nature, love, world literature, dreams.
After graduating from school, I went to study at the Panos Terlemezyan Art College from 1999-2004, after several years of searching for my style, I decided to continue my studies at the Yerevan State Institute of Theater and Cinema, and became a set designer, from 2008 to 2012. Since 2014 Until 2020, I studied at the All-Russian State Institute of Cinematography named after S. Gerasimova / VGIK / by profession, production designer.
Petrosyan Ani
Anzahl der Produkte: 3