663 Artikel bei Auktionen und Galerien:
Los 194 Experiments on the Moon: astronaut John Young beside the lunar rover and lunar module "Orion"; sun-drenched view of "thumper" imprints on the lunar surface; lunar rover parked on the slopes of Stone mountain, April 16-27, 1972
Books, Manuscripts, Photographs: From the Middle Ages to the Moon 

Books, Manuscripts, Photographs: From the Middle Ages to the Moon
Datum: 28.04.2021 11:00 UTC +00:00
Anzahl der Lose im Katalog: 212
Los 200 The final Apollo mission: a group of six photographs including the spacewalk; module rendezvous; lunar rover; lunar module "Challenger"; and crew portrait; December 7-19, 1972
Books, Manuscripts, Photographs: From the Middle Ages to the Moon 

Books, Manuscripts, Photographs: From the Middle Ages to the Moon
Datum: 28.04.2021 11:00 UTC +00:00
Anzahl der Lose im Katalog: 212
Los 181 Two views of lunar module "Eagle" before the lunar horizon and Earthrise, July 16-24, 1969
Books, Manuscripts, Photographs: From the Middle Ages to the Moon 

Books, Manuscripts, Photographs: From the Middle Ages to the Moon
Datum: 28.04.2021 11:00 UTC +00:00
Anzahl der Lose im Katalog: 212
Los 212 A miscellany of NASA photographs, including the Apollo 15 lunar rover; lunar craters seen from Apollo 16; Harrison Schmitt's moonwalk and the "Blue Marble" from Apollo 17, July 26, 1971-December 19, 1972
Books, Manuscripts, Photographs: From the Middle Ages to the Moon 

Books, Manuscripts, Photographs: From the Middle Ages to the Moon
Datum: 28.04.2021 11:00 UTC +00:00
Anzahl der Lose im Katalog: 212
Los 184 Snapshots of history: six photographs of the Apollo 11 Moon landing including Buzz Aldrin and the American flag; descending the lunar module; footpring on the lunar surface; unfurling the solar wind experiment, July 16-24, 1969
Books, Manuscripts, Photographs: From the Middle Ages to the Moon 

Books, Manuscripts, Photographs: From the Middle Ages to the Moon
Datum: 28.04.2021 11:00 UTC +00:00
Anzahl der Lose im Katalog: 212
Los 188 Crescent Earth emerging over the lunar horizon; crescent Earthrise, seen from the lunar module during the descent to the lunar surface, January 31-February 9, 1971
Books, Manuscripts, Photographs: From the Middle Ages to the Moon 

Books, Manuscripts, Photographs: From the Middle Ages to the Moon
Datum: 28.04.2021 11:00 UTC +00:00
Anzahl der Lose im Katalog: 212
Los 189 Two views of Astronaut James Irwin servicing the lunar rover during Apollo 15 moonwalk, July 26-August 7, 1971
Books, Manuscripts, Photographs: From the Middle Ages to the Moon 

Books, Manuscripts, Photographs: From the Middle Ages to the Moon
Datum: 28.04.2021 11:00 UTC +00:00
Anzahl der Lose im Katalog: 212
Los 170 Two views of the lunar surface from the Apollo 11 lunar module "Eagle" after the historic moonwalk, July 16-24, 1969
Books, Manuscripts, Photographs: From the Middle Ages to the Moon 

Books, Manuscripts, Photographs: From the Middle Ages to the Moon
Datum: 28.04.2021 11:00 UTC +00:00
Anzahl der Lose im Katalog: 212
Los 192 The command and service module (CSM) from the lunar module "Falcon"; the final parking space of the lunar rover, July 26-August 7, 1971
Books, Manuscripts, Photographs: From the Middle Ages to the Moon 

Books, Manuscripts, Photographs: From the Middle Ages to the Moon
Datum: 28.04.2021 11:00 UTC +00:00
Anzahl der Lose im Katalog: 212
Los 191 Saluting the flag: Astronaut David Scott performs military salute beside American flag, lunar module "Falcon" and lunar rover, Hadley Delta beyond, July 26-August 7, 1971
Books, Manuscripts, Photographs: From the Middle Ages to the Moon 

Books, Manuscripts, Photographs: From the Middle Ages to the Moon
Datum: 28.04.2021 11:00 UTC +00:00
Anzahl der Lose im Katalog: 212
Los 204 Exploring the Moon: Astronaut Harrison Schmitt beside Tracy's Rock; Schmitt shakes lunar soil from his rake; Schmitt at the lunar rover, December 7-19, 1972
Books, Manuscripts, Photographs: From the Middle Ages to the Moon 

Books, Manuscripts, Photographs: From the Middle Ages to the Moon
Datum: 28.04.2021 11:00 UTC +00:00
Anzahl der Lose im Katalog: 212
Los 167 Moonscape: View of the lunar crater Mendeleev from Apollo 11 spacecraft, July 16-24, 1969
Books, Manuscripts, Photographs: From the Middle Ages to the Moon 

Books, Manuscripts, Photographs: From the Middle Ages to the Moon
Datum: 28.04.2021 11:00 UTC +00:00
Anzahl der Lose im Katalog: 212
Los 180 Two views of the lunar module "Eagle" from the control module window shortly after undocking, July 16-24, 1969
Books, Manuscripts, Photographs: From the Middle Ages to the Moon 

Books, Manuscripts, Photographs: From the Middle Ages to the Moon
Datum: 28.04.2021 11:00 UTC +00:00
Anzahl der Lose im Katalog: 212
Los 164 "Dress rehearsal" for the moon landing: three views of the moon from the Apollo 10 spacecraft, including lunar crater "Scmidt", May 18-26, 1969
Books, Manuscripts, Photographs: From the Middle Ages to the Moon 

Books, Manuscripts, Photographs: From the Middle Ages to the Moon
Datum: 28.04.2021 11:00 UTC +00:00
Anzahl der Lose im Katalog: 212
Los 178 Buzz Aldrin prepares to deploy the Early Apollo Scientific Experiments Package (EASEP) on the lunar surface, July 16-24, 1969
Books, Manuscripts, Photographs: From the Middle Ages to the Moon 

Books, Manuscripts, Photographs: From the Middle Ages to the Moon
Datum: 28.04.2021 11:00 UTC +00:00
Anzahl der Lose im Katalog: 212
Los 190 Saluting the flag: Astronaut David Scott performs military salute beside American flag and lunar module "Falcon", Hadley Delta beyond, July 26-August 7, 1971
Books, Manuscripts, Photographs: From the Middle Ages to the Moon 

Books, Manuscripts, Photographs: From the Middle Ages to the Moon
Datum: 28.04.2021 11:00 UTC +00:00
Anzahl der Lose im Katalog: 212
Los 195 Moonscapes: Three views of mountains and craters on the lunar surface, from the Apollo 16 spacecraft, April 16-27, 1972
Books, Manuscripts, Photographs: From the Middle Ages to the Moon 

Books, Manuscripts, Photographs: From the Middle Ages to the Moon
Datum: 28.04.2021 11:00 UTC +00:00
Anzahl der Lose im Katalog: 212
Los 421 Bluish halo around Alan Bean; details of the lunarscape at the lunar-science station; Pete Conrad collecting a sample; fresh lunar soil, November 14-24, 1969, EVA 1
Reise in eine andere Welt: Die Victor Martin-Malburet Photograph Collection 

Reise in eine andere Welt: Die Victor Martin-Malburet Photograph Collection
Datum: 20.11.2020 00:00 UTC +00:00
Anzahl der Lose im Katalog: 703
Los 664 Sunstruck photograph of the Rover in the desolate lunarscape; the Rover parked in a field of boulders; lunar rocks, station 9, December 7-19, 1972, EVA 3
Reise in eine andere Welt: Die Victor Martin-Malburet Photograph Collection 

Reise in eine andere Welt: Die Victor Martin-Malburet Photograph Collection
Datum: 20.11.2020 00:00 UTC +00:00
Anzahl der Lose im Katalog: 703
Los 661 The Lunar Rover; lunarscapes during sunny traverse from station 7; the exotic boulder and geological investigations; Rover tracks, station 8, December 7-19, 1972, EVA 3
Reise in eine andere Welt: Die Victor Martin-Malburet Photograph Collection 

Reise in eine andere Welt: Die Victor Martin-Malburet Photograph Collection
Datum: 20.11.2020 00:00 UTC +00:00
Anzahl der Lose im Katalog: 703
Los 634 Eugene Cernan on the Rover by the LM; the first photograph after touchdown; lunarscape; Cernan testing the Rover, December 7-19, 1972, pre EVA 1, EVA 1
Reise in eine andere Welt: Die Victor Martin-Malburet Photograph Collection 

Reise in eine andere Welt: Die Victor Martin-Malburet Photograph Collection
Datum: 20.11.2020 00:00 UTC +00:00
Anzahl der Lose im Katalog: 703
Los 649 Harrison Schmitt at Camelot Crater; lunarscape near “Victory”; TV picture; views of Camelot Crater; the Rover parked near boulders, station 5, December 7-19, 1972, EVA 2
Reise in eine andere Welt: Die Victor Martin-Malburet Photograph Collection 

Reise in eine andere Welt: Die Victor Martin-Malburet Photograph Collection
Datum: 20.11.2020 00:00 UTC +00:00
Anzahl der Lose im Katalog: 703
Los 646 Telephoto panorama [Mosaic] of the South Massif’s left flank; lunarscapes during traverses; Ballet Crater; Sculptured Hills; Wessex Cleft, station 3, December 7-19, 1972, EVA 2
Reise in eine andere Welt: Die Victor Martin-Malburet Photograph Collection 

Reise in eine andere Welt: Die Victor Martin-Malburet Photograph Collection
Datum: 20.11.2020 00:00 UTC +00:00
Anzahl der Lose im Katalog: 703