59 Artikel bei Auktionen und Galerien:
Los 1 Опера «Псковитянка» Н. Римского-Корсакова. Ф. Шаляпин в роли Ивана Грозного. Париж, театр Шатле, «Русские сезоны» С. Дягилева. Май-июнь 1909 г.
Auktion 17-1. Seltene Bücher, Inschriften, Manuskripte und Fotografien des 17.-20. Jahrhunderts.
Аукционный дом «Жар-Птица»
Auktion 17-1. Seltene Bücher, Inschriften, Manuskripte und Fotografien des 17.-20. Jahrhunderts.
Datum: 27.11.2021 16:00 UTC +03:00
Anzahl der Lose im Katalog: 151
Los 58 Фотография Федора Шаляпина в роли Бориса Годунова с дарственной надписью В.А. Десницкому. 1922. 35х25 см.
Аукцион 21-2. Редкие книги, инскрипты, фотографии, графика XVIII—ХХ вв.
Аукционный дом «Жар-Птица»
Аукцион 21-2. Редкие книги, инскрипты, фотографии, графика XVIII—ХХ вв.
Datum: 04.09.2022 18:30 UTC +03:00
Anzahl der Lose im Katalog: 59
Los 167 10 карт меню для гурманов. 1908—1911 годами. С рукописными аннотациями генерала Д. Ознобишина, в т.ч. обеденное меню в парижском ресторане "Монте-Карло" от 5 апреля 1910 года с участием Федора Шаляпина и его гостей.
Аукцион 21-1. Редкие книги, рукописи, фотографии и графика XVIII—ХХ вв.
Аукционный дом «Жар-Птица»
Аукцион 21-1. Редкие книги, рукописи, фотографии и графика XVIII—ХХ вв.
Datum: 04.09.2022 16:00 UTC +03:00
Anzahl der Lose im Katalog: 205
Los 158 10 карт меню для гурманов. 1901—1915 гг. С рукописными аннотациями генерала Д. Ознобишина и автографами участников, в том числе: визитная карточка на ужин от 4 апреля 1910 года в парижском ресторане "Монте-Карло" с участием Федора Шаляпинаи его гостей.
Аукцион 21-1. Редкие книги, рукописи, фотографии и графика XVIII—ХХ вв.
Аукционный дом «Жар-Птица»
Аукцион 21-1. Редкие книги, рукописи, фотографии и графика XVIII—ХХ вв.
Datum: 04.09.2022 16:00 UTC +03:00
Anzahl der Lose im Katalog: 205
Los 89 Нефритовый ковш с изображениями птицы Сирин. М.Соколовский
Sammlung von Werken der Russischen Kunst und Ikonen, sowie die Europäische angewandte Kunst
Baltic Auction Group
Sammlung von Werken der Russischen Kunst und Ikonen, sowie die Europäische angewandte Kunst
Datum: 12.12.2017 17:00 UTC +01:00
Anzahl der Lose im Katalog: 242
Boris Fyodorovich Chaliapin (1904 - 1979)
École de Paris and Russian Artists in France
Boris Fyodorovich Chaliapin
05.10.1904 - 18.05.1979
Russland, Frankreich, Vereinigten Staaten, Russisches Kaiserreich
MacDougall Arts Ltd.
École de Paris and Russian Artists in France
Datum: 06.10.2021 14:00 UTC +00:00
Anzahl der Lose im Katalog: 206
Los 103 CHALIAPIN, BORIS (1904-1979). Six Costume Designs for the Film "Michel Strogoff"
Boris Fyodorovich Chaliapin (1904 - 1979)
École de Paris and Other Masters
Boris Fyodorovich Chaliapin
05.10.1904 - 18.05.1979
Russland, Frankreich, Vereinigten Staaten, Russisches Kaiserreich
MacDougall Arts Ltd.
École de Paris and Other Masters
Datum: 25.03.2023 11:00 UTC +00:00
Anzahl der Lose im Katalog: 124
Райские сады
Oksana Shaliapina (geb. 1977)
Shop Shaliapina Oksana
Oksana Shaliapina
Шаляпина Оксана
Родилась в Минске.Окончила архитектурный факультет.
Масляная живопись с 2009 года. Направление – экспрессионизм. Техника – пастоз
Oksana Shalyapina was born in 1977 in Minsk, Belarus.
1987 - 1993 - studied at the art-school in Minsk.
1994 - 2000 - studied at the Belarusian National Technical University, architecture/art faculty.
2000 - 2005 - worked like an architect at the Design Institut.
Since 2005 works as an interior designer.
Oksana creates her works in the technique of oil painting since 2009.
- had three solo exhibitions (Minsk)
- The exhibition Autumn Salon Belgazprombank (October 2016)
- The exhibition Art Expo St. Petersburg (2016)
- The exhibition Art Expo St. Moskow (2017)
- The exhibition Autumn Salon Belgazprombank (October 2017)
-Gallery "Romanov Dvor" Moscow 2017
-Gallery "Bereginya" Minsk 2017
-Gallery "Letter" Minsk 2017 Gallery "Labyrinth" Minsk 2018-
-personal exhibition in the national museum "Color reflection" 2018
Shaliapina Oksana
Anzahl der Produkte: 46
Дыхание моря
Oksana Shaliapina (geb. 1977)
Shop Shaliapina Oksana
Oksana Shaliapina
Шаляпина Оксана
Родилась в Минске.Окончила архитектурный факультет.
Масляная живопись с 2009 года. Направление – экспрессионизм. Техника – пастоз
Oksana Shalyapina was born in 1977 in Minsk, Belarus.
1987 - 1993 - studied at the art-school in Minsk.
1994 - 2000 - studied at the Belarusian National Technical University, architecture/art faculty.
2000 - 2005 - worked like an architect at the Design Institut.
Since 2005 works as an interior designer.
Oksana creates her works in the technique of oil painting since 2009.
- had three solo exhibitions (Minsk)
- The exhibition Autumn Salon Belgazprombank (October 2016)
- The exhibition Art Expo St. Petersburg (2016)
- The exhibition Art Expo St. Moskow (2017)
- The exhibition Autumn Salon Belgazprombank (October 2017)
-Gallery "Romanov Dvor" Moscow 2017
-Gallery "Bereginya" Minsk 2017
-Gallery "Letter" Minsk 2017 Gallery "Labyrinth" Minsk 2018-
-personal exhibition in the national museum "Color reflection" 2018
Shaliapina Oksana
Anzahl der Produkte: 46
Северные земли 1
Oksana Shaliapina (geb. 1977)
Shop Shaliapina Oksana
Oksana Shaliapina
Шаляпина Оксана
Родилась в Минске.Окончила архитектурный факультет.
Масляная живопись с 2009 года. Направление – экспрессионизм. Техника – пастоз
Oksana Shalyapina was born in 1977 in Minsk, Belarus.
1987 - 1993 - studied at the art-school in Minsk.
1994 - 2000 - studied at the Belarusian National Technical University, architecture/art faculty.
2000 - 2005 - worked like an architect at the Design Institut.
Since 2005 works as an interior designer.
Oksana creates her works in the technique of oil painting since 2009.
- had three solo exhibitions (Minsk)
- The exhibition Autumn Salon Belgazprombank (October 2016)
- The exhibition Art Expo St. Petersburg (2016)
- The exhibition Art Expo St. Moskow (2017)
- The exhibition Autumn Salon Belgazprombank (October 2017)
-Gallery "Romanov Dvor" Moscow 2017
-Gallery "Bereginya" Minsk 2017
-Gallery "Letter" Minsk 2017 Gallery "Labyrinth" Minsk 2018-
-personal exhibition in the national museum "Color reflection" 2018
Shaliapina Oksana
Anzahl der Produkte: 46
Северные земли 2
Oksana Shaliapina (geb. 1977)
Shop Shaliapina Oksana
Oksana Shaliapina
Шаляпина Оксана
Родилась в Минске.Окончила архитектурный факультет.
Масляная живопись с 2009 года. Направление – экспрессионизм. Техника – пастоз
Oksana Shalyapina was born in 1977 in Minsk, Belarus.
1987 - 1993 - studied at the art-school in Minsk.
1994 - 2000 - studied at the Belarusian National Technical University, architecture/art faculty.
2000 - 2005 - worked like an architect at the Design Institut.
Since 2005 works as an interior designer.
Oksana creates her works in the technique of oil painting since 2009.
- had three solo exhibitions (Minsk)
- The exhibition Autumn Salon Belgazprombank (October 2016)
- The exhibition Art Expo St. Petersburg (2016)
- The exhibition Art Expo St. Moskow (2017)
- The exhibition Autumn Salon Belgazprombank (October 2017)
-Gallery "Romanov Dvor" Moscow 2017
-Gallery "Bereginya" Minsk 2017
-Gallery "Letter" Minsk 2017 Gallery "Labyrinth" Minsk 2018-
-personal exhibition in the national museum "Color reflection" 2018
Shaliapina Oksana
Anzahl der Produkte: 46
Тихая гавань
Oksana Shaliapina (geb. 1977)
Shop Shaliapina Oksana
Oksana Shaliapina
Шаляпина Оксана
Родилась в Минске.Окончила архитектурный факультет.
Масляная живопись с 2009 года. Направление – экспрессионизм. Техника – пастоз
Oksana Shalyapina was born in 1977 in Minsk, Belarus.
1987 - 1993 - studied at the art-school in Minsk.
1994 - 2000 - studied at the Belarusian National Technical University, architecture/art faculty.
2000 - 2005 - worked like an architect at the Design Institut.
Since 2005 works as an interior designer.
Oksana creates her works in the technique of oil painting since 2009.
- had three solo exhibitions (Minsk)
- The exhibition Autumn Salon Belgazprombank (October 2016)
- The exhibition Art Expo St. Petersburg (2016)
- The exhibition Art Expo St. Moskow (2017)
- The exhibition Autumn Salon Belgazprombank (October 2017)
-Gallery "Romanov Dvor" Moscow 2017
-Gallery "Bereginya" Minsk 2017
-Gallery "Letter" Minsk 2017 Gallery "Labyrinth" Minsk 2018-
-personal exhibition in the national museum "Color reflection" 2018
Shaliapina Oksana
Anzahl der Produkte: 46
ночные цветы
Oksana Shaliapina (geb. 1977)
Shop Shaliapina Oksana
Oksana Shaliapina
Шаляпина Оксана
Родилась в Минске.Окончила архитектурный факультет.
Масляная живопись с 2009 года. Направление – экспрессионизм. Техника – пастоз
Oksana Shalyapina was born in 1977 in Minsk, Belarus.
1987 - 1993 - studied at the art-school in Minsk.
1994 - 2000 - studied at the Belarusian National Technical University, architecture/art faculty.
2000 - 2005 - worked like an architect at the Design Institut.
Since 2005 works as an interior designer.
Oksana creates her works in the technique of oil painting since 2009.
- had three solo exhibitions (Minsk)
- The exhibition Autumn Salon Belgazprombank (October 2016)
- The exhibition Art Expo St. Petersburg (2016)
- The exhibition Art Expo St. Moskow (2017)
- The exhibition Autumn Salon Belgazprombank (October 2017)
-Gallery "Romanov Dvor" Moscow 2017
-Gallery "Bereginya" Minsk 2017
-Gallery "Letter" Minsk 2017 Gallery "Labyrinth" Minsk 2018-
-personal exhibition in the national museum "Color reflection" 2018
Shaliapina Oksana
Anzahl der Produkte: 46
Oksana Shaliapina (geb. 1977)
Shop Shaliapina Oksana
Oksana Shaliapina
Шаляпина Оксана
Родилась в Минске.Окончила архитектурный факультет.
Масляная живопись с 2009 года. Направление – экспрессионизм. Техника – пастоз
Oksana Shalyapina was born in 1977 in Minsk, Belarus.
1987 - 1993 - studied at the art-school in Minsk.
1994 - 2000 - studied at the Belarusian National Technical University, architecture/art faculty.
2000 - 2005 - worked like an architect at the Design Institut.
Since 2005 works as an interior designer.
Oksana creates her works in the technique of oil painting since 2009.
- had three solo exhibitions (Minsk)
- The exhibition Autumn Salon Belgazprombank (October 2016)
- The exhibition Art Expo St. Petersburg (2016)
- The exhibition Art Expo St. Moskow (2017)
- The exhibition Autumn Salon Belgazprombank (October 2017)
-Gallery "Romanov Dvor" Moscow 2017
-Gallery "Bereginya" Minsk 2017
-Gallery "Letter" Minsk 2017 Gallery "Labyrinth" Minsk 2018-
-personal exhibition in the national museum "Color reflection" 2018
Shaliapina Oksana
Anzahl der Produkte: 46
Oksana Shaliapina (geb. 1977)
Shop Shaliapina Oksana
Oksana Shaliapina
Шаляпина Оксана
Родилась в Минске.Окончила архитектурный факультет.
Масляная живопись с 2009 года. Направление – экспрессионизм. Техника – пастоз
Oksana Shalyapina was born in 1977 in Minsk, Belarus.
1987 - 1993 - studied at the art-school in Minsk.
1994 - 2000 - studied at the Belarusian National Technical University, architecture/art faculty.
2000 - 2005 - worked like an architect at the Design Institut.
Since 2005 works as an interior designer.
Oksana creates her works in the technique of oil painting since 2009.
- had three solo exhibitions (Minsk)
- The exhibition Autumn Salon Belgazprombank (October 2016)
- The exhibition Art Expo St. Petersburg (2016)
- The exhibition Art Expo St. Moskow (2017)
- The exhibition Autumn Salon Belgazprombank (October 2017)
-Gallery "Romanov Dvor" Moscow 2017
-Gallery "Bereginya" Minsk 2017
-Gallery "Letter" Minsk 2017 Gallery "Labyrinth" Minsk 2018-
-personal exhibition in the national museum "Color reflection" 2018
Shaliapina Oksana
Anzahl der Produkte: 46
Oksana Shaliapina (geb. 1977)
Shop Shaliapina Oksana
Oksana Shaliapina
Шаляпина Оксана
Родилась в Минске.Окончила архитектурный факультет.
Масляная живопись с 2009 года. Направление – экспрессионизм. Техника – пастоз
Oksana Shalyapina was born in 1977 in Minsk, Belarus.
1987 - 1993 - studied at the art-school in Minsk.
1994 - 2000 - studied at the Belarusian National Technical University, architecture/art faculty.
2000 - 2005 - worked like an architect at the Design Institut.
Since 2005 works as an interior designer.
Oksana creates her works in the technique of oil painting since 2009.
- had three solo exhibitions (Minsk)
- The exhibition Autumn Salon Belgazprombank (October 2016)
- The exhibition Art Expo St. Petersburg (2016)
- The exhibition Art Expo St. Moskow (2017)
- The exhibition Autumn Salon Belgazprombank (October 2017)
-Gallery "Romanov Dvor" Moscow 2017
-Gallery "Bereginya" Minsk 2017
-Gallery "Letter" Minsk 2017 Gallery "Labyrinth" Minsk 2018-
-personal exhibition in the national museum "Color reflection" 2018
Shaliapina Oksana
Anzahl der Produkte: 46
Северные хроники
Oksana Shaliapina (geb. 1977)
Shop Shaliapina Oksana
Oksana Shaliapina
Шаляпина Оксана
Родилась в Минске.Окончила архитектурный факультет.
Масляная живопись с 2009 года. Направление – экспрессионизм. Техника – пастоз
Oksana Shalyapina was born in 1977 in Minsk, Belarus.
1987 - 1993 - studied at the art-school in Minsk.
1994 - 2000 - studied at the Belarusian National Technical University, architecture/art faculty.
2000 - 2005 - worked like an architect at the Design Institut.
Since 2005 works as an interior designer.
Oksana creates her works in the technique of oil painting since 2009.
- had three solo exhibitions (Minsk)
- The exhibition Autumn Salon Belgazprombank (October 2016)
- The exhibition Art Expo St. Petersburg (2016)
- The exhibition Art Expo St. Moskow (2017)
- The exhibition Autumn Salon Belgazprombank (October 2017)
-Gallery "Romanov Dvor" Moscow 2017
-Gallery "Bereginya" Minsk 2017
-Gallery "Letter" Minsk 2017 Gallery "Labyrinth" Minsk 2018-
-personal exhibition in the national museum "Color reflection" 2018
Shaliapina Oksana
Anzahl der Produkte: 46
Oksana Shaliapina (geb. 1977)
Shop Shaliapina Oksana
Oksana Shaliapina
Шаляпина Оксана
Родилась в Минске.Окончила архитектурный факультет.
Масляная живопись с 2009 года. Направление – экспрессионизм. Техника – пастоз
Oksana Shalyapina was born in 1977 in Minsk, Belarus.
1987 - 1993 - studied at the art-school in Minsk.
1994 - 2000 - studied at the Belarusian National Technical University, architecture/art faculty.
2000 - 2005 - worked like an architect at the Design Institut.
Since 2005 works as an interior designer.
Oksana creates her works in the technique of oil painting since 2009.
- had three solo exhibitions (Minsk)
- The exhibition Autumn Salon Belgazprombank (October 2016)
- The exhibition Art Expo St. Petersburg (2016)
- The exhibition Art Expo St. Moskow (2017)
- The exhibition Autumn Salon Belgazprombank (October 2017)
-Gallery "Romanov Dvor" Moscow 2017
-Gallery "Bereginya" Minsk 2017
-Gallery "Letter" Minsk 2017 Gallery "Labyrinth" Minsk 2018-
-personal exhibition in the national museum "Color reflection" 2018
Shaliapina Oksana
Anzahl der Produkte: 46
Oksana Shaliapina (geb. 1977)
Shop Shaliapina Oksana
Oksana Shaliapina
Шаляпина Оксана
Родилась в Минске.Окончила архитектурный факультет.
Масляная живопись с 2009 года. Направление – экспрессионизм. Техника – пастоз
Oksana Shalyapina was born in 1977 in Minsk, Belarus.
1987 - 1993 - studied at the art-school in Minsk.
1994 - 2000 - studied at the Belarusian National Technical University, architecture/art faculty.
2000 - 2005 - worked like an architect at the Design Institut.
Since 2005 works as an interior designer.
Oksana creates her works in the technique of oil painting since 2009.
- had three solo exhibitions (Minsk)
- The exhibition Autumn Salon Belgazprombank (October 2016)
- The exhibition Art Expo St. Petersburg (2016)
- The exhibition Art Expo St. Moskow (2017)
- The exhibition Autumn Salon Belgazprombank (October 2017)
-Gallery "Romanov Dvor" Moscow 2017
-Gallery "Bereginya" Minsk 2017
-Gallery "Letter" Minsk 2017 Gallery "Labyrinth" Minsk 2018-
-personal exhibition in the national museum "Color reflection" 2018
Shaliapina Oksana
Anzahl der Produkte: 46
Winrer soon
Oksana Shaliapina (geb. 1977)
Shop Shaliapina Oksana
Oksana Shaliapina
Шаляпина Оксана
Родилась в Минске.Окончила архитектурный факультет.
Масляная живопись с 2009 года. Направление – экспрессионизм. Техника – пастоз
Oksana Shalyapina was born in 1977 in Minsk, Belarus.
1987 - 1993 - studied at the art-school in Minsk.
1994 - 2000 - studied at the Belarusian National Technical University, architecture/art faculty.
2000 - 2005 - worked like an architect at the Design Institut.
Since 2005 works as an interior designer.
Oksana creates her works in the technique of oil painting since 2009.
- had three solo exhibitions (Minsk)
- The exhibition Autumn Salon Belgazprombank (October 2016)
- The exhibition Art Expo St. Petersburg (2016)
- The exhibition Art Expo St. Moskow (2017)
- The exhibition Autumn Salon Belgazprombank (October 2017)
-Gallery "Romanov Dvor" Moscow 2017
-Gallery "Bereginya" Minsk 2017
-Gallery "Letter" Minsk 2017 Gallery "Labyrinth" Minsk 2018-
-personal exhibition in the national museum "Color reflection" 2018
Shaliapina Oksana
Anzahl der Produkte: 46
Sea trip
Oksana Shaliapina (geb. 1977)
Shop Shaliapina Oksana
Oksana Shaliapina
Шаляпина Оксана
Родилась в Минске.Окончила архитектурный факультет.
Масляная живопись с 2009 года. Направление – экспрессионизм. Техника – пастоз
Oksana Shalyapina was born in 1977 in Minsk, Belarus.
1987 - 1993 - studied at the art-school in Minsk.
1994 - 2000 - studied at the Belarusian National Technical University, architecture/art faculty.
2000 - 2005 - worked like an architect at the Design Institut.
Since 2005 works as an interior designer.
Oksana creates her works in the technique of oil painting since 2009.
- had three solo exhibitions (Minsk)
- The exhibition Autumn Salon Belgazprombank (October 2016)
- The exhibition Art Expo St. Petersburg (2016)
- The exhibition Art Expo St. Moskow (2017)
- The exhibition Autumn Salon Belgazprombank (October 2017)
-Gallery "Romanov Dvor" Moscow 2017
-Gallery "Bereginya" Minsk 2017
-Gallery "Letter" Minsk 2017 Gallery "Labyrinth" Minsk 2018-
-personal exhibition in the national museum "Color reflection" 2018
Shaliapina Oksana
Anzahl der Produkte: 46
Flower song
Oksana Shaliapina (geb. 1977)
Shop Shaliapina Oksana
Oksana Shaliapina
Шаляпина Оксана
Родилась в Минске.Окончила архитектурный факультет.
Масляная живопись с 2009 года. Направление – экспрессионизм. Техника – пастоз
Oksana Shalyapina was born in 1977 in Minsk, Belarus.
1987 - 1993 - studied at the art-school in Minsk.
1994 - 2000 - studied at the Belarusian National Technical University, architecture/art faculty.
2000 - 2005 - worked like an architect at the Design Institut.
Since 2005 works as an interior designer.
Oksana creates her works in the technique of oil painting since 2009.
- had three solo exhibitions (Minsk)
- The exhibition Autumn Salon Belgazprombank (October 2016)
- The exhibition Art Expo St. Petersburg (2016)
- The exhibition Art Expo St. Moskow (2017)
- The exhibition Autumn Salon Belgazprombank (October 2017)
-Gallery "Romanov Dvor" Moscow 2017
-Gallery "Bereginya" Minsk 2017
-Gallery "Letter" Minsk 2017 Gallery "Labyrinth" Minsk 2018-
-personal exhibition in the national museum "Color reflection" 2018
Shaliapina Oksana
Anzahl der Produkte: 46
Oksana Shaliapina (geb. 1977)
Shop Shaliapina Oksana
Oksana Shaliapina
Шаляпина Оксана
Родилась в Минске.Окончила архитектурный факультет.
Масляная живопись с 2009 года. Направление – экспрессионизм. Техника – пастоз
Oksana Shalyapina was born in 1977 in Minsk, Belarus.
1987 - 1993 - studied at the art-school in Minsk.
1994 - 2000 - studied at the Belarusian National Technical University, architecture/art faculty.
2000 - 2005 - worked like an architect at the Design Institut.
Since 2005 works as an interior designer.
Oksana creates her works in the technique of oil painting since 2009.
- had three solo exhibitions (Minsk)
- The exhibition Autumn Salon Belgazprombank (October 2016)
- The exhibition Art Expo St. Petersburg (2016)
- The exhibition Art Expo St. Moskow (2017)
- The exhibition Autumn Salon Belgazprombank (October 2017)
-Gallery "Romanov Dvor" Moscow 2017
-Gallery "Bereginya" Minsk 2017
-Gallery "Letter" Minsk 2017 Gallery "Labyrinth" Minsk 2018-
-personal exhibition in the national museum "Color reflection" 2018
Shaliapina Oksana
Anzahl der Produkte: 46
time to collect stones
Oksana Shaliapina (geb. 1977)
Shop Shaliapina Oksana
Oksana Shaliapina
Шаляпина Оксана
Родилась в Минске.Окончила архитектурный факультет.
Масляная живопись с 2009 года. Направление – экспрессионизм. Техника – пастоз
Oksana Shalyapina was born in 1977 in Minsk, Belarus.
1987 - 1993 - studied at the art-school in Minsk.
1994 - 2000 - studied at the Belarusian National Technical University, architecture/art faculty.
2000 - 2005 - worked like an architect at the Design Institut.
Since 2005 works as an interior designer.
Oksana creates her works in the technique of oil painting since 2009.
- had three solo exhibitions (Minsk)
- The exhibition Autumn Salon Belgazprombank (October 2016)
- The exhibition Art Expo St. Petersburg (2016)
- The exhibition Art Expo St. Moskow (2017)
- The exhibition Autumn Salon Belgazprombank (October 2017)
-Gallery "Romanov Dvor" Moscow 2017
-Gallery "Bereginya" Minsk 2017
-Gallery "Letter" Minsk 2017 Gallery "Labyrinth" Minsk 2018-
-personal exhibition in the national museum "Color reflection" 2018
Shaliapina Oksana
Anzahl der Produkte: 46