birth date 23.02.1971
1989- 1994 Tbilisi state fine art academy
exhibitions :
2017 Artankara , Ankara
2016 Culturinside Gallery, Luxemburg,
2015 Culturinside Gallery, Luxemburg, Zaarmessa Zaarbruken
2014 Nisart Gallery ,Istanbul
2011 - SINGLETON-BISS museum of fine art Santa Fe NM, USA
2010 - "Masters Gallery" Greenwood Village, USA
2009 - Gallery "Zuger" Santa Fe NM, USA
2008 - GEORGIAN ART SHOW, London
Art-space galleries, Pushkinhouse London, England
MOCA Museum of Contemporary Art, Hot Springs, AR, USA
2007 - Gallery "Zuger" Santa Fe NM, USA
Tbilisi gallery "Universe"
2006 -"The new generation in contemporary georgian" gallery Kopola" Tbilisi
2002/05 - Gallery "Universe" Tbilisi, Prague
2001 - Tbilisi, Moscow
2000 - Gallery "Hobby" Tbilisi
1999 - Gallery "Hobby" Tbilisi, Frankfurt
1997 - Gallery "Hobby" Tbilisi, Munich
1996 - "Alter Ego",Gallery "karvasla", Gallery "Hobby" Tbilisi
1995 - Munich,ST. Petersburg, Tbilisi,
1994 - Rome, Brindizi, Moscow,Tbilisi
1993 - Tbilisi, Moscow
1992 - "Mostra antolologica di pittori georgiani" Rome, Brindizi, "Hammer Center " Moscow, Tbilisi
1991 - Central artist house Tbilisi, "Hammer Center" Moscow
1990 - Central artist house Tbilisi, Kiev
1990 - Art gallery "Merani" Tbilisi, Georgia
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