Afanasij Ivanovich Scheloumoff (1892 - 1983) — Auction price
Afanasij Ivanovich Scheloumoff (1892 - 1983)
131-1 Art & Icons from The Orthodox World 

Afanasij Ivanovich Scheloumoff
29.08.1892 - 25.01.1983
Germany, Russian Empire
Afanasij Ivanovich Scheloumoff was a Ukrainian battle-painter. He also painted landscapes of the Russian steppe with horses and hunting scenes.

Hargesheimer Kunstauktionen Düsseldorf
131-1 Art & Icons from The Orthodox World
Date: 09.11.2023 10:00 UTC +01:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 799
Afanasij Ivanovich Scheloumoff (1892 - 1983)
131-1 Art & Icons from The Orthodox World 

Afanasij Ivanovich Scheloumoff
29.08.1892 - 25.01.1983
Germany, Russian Empire
Afanasij Ivanovich Scheloumoff was a Ukrainian battle-painter. He also painted landscapes of the Russian steppe with horses and hunting scenes.

Hargesheimer Kunstauktionen Düsseldorf
131-1 Art & Icons from The Orthodox World
Date: 09.11.2023 10:00 UTC +01:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 799
Lot 2065 Scheloumoff, Afanasij Ivanovic 1892 - 1983
Afanasij Ivanovich Scheloumoff (1892 - 1983)
Auktion 83: Antiquitäten & Moderne Kunst 

Afanasij Ivanovich Scheloumoff
29.08.1892 - 25.01.1983
Germany, Russian Empire
Afanasij Ivanovich Scheloumoff was a Ukrainian battle-painter. He also painted landscapes of the Russian steppe with horses and hunting scenes.

Yves Siebers Auktionen GmbH
Auktion 83: Antiquitäten & Moderne Kunst
Date: 23.03.2023 10:30 UTC +01:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 1067
Lot 93 Wolfsangriff auf eine Troika
Afanasij Ivanovich Scheloumoff (1892 - 1983)
116: Kunst des 19. & 20. Jahrhunderts 

Afanasij Ivanovich Scheloumoff
29.08.1892 - 25.01.1983
Germany, Russian Empire
Afanasij Ivanovich Scheloumoff was a Ukrainian battle-painter. He also painted landscapes of the Russian steppe with horses and hunting scenes.

WETTMANN | Auktionshaus an der Ruhr
116: Kunst des 19. & 20. Jahrhunderts
Date: 08.01.2023 18:00 UTC +01:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 118
Lot 1773 AFANASIJ IWANOWITSCH SCHELOUMOFF 1892 Kamenetz-Podolski/ Ukraine - 1983 Starnberg 'Trojka, von Wölfen verfolgt'
Afanasij Ivanovich Scheloumoff (1892 - 1983)
97-IV: The bronze icons | Russian art 

Afanasij Ivanovich Scheloumoff
29.08.1892 - 25.01.1983
Germany, Russian Empire
Afanasij Ivanovich Scheloumoff was a Ukrainian battle-painter. He also painted landscapes of the Russian steppe with horses and hunting scenes.

Hargesheimer Kunstauktionen Düsseldorf
97-IV: The bronze icons | Russian art
Date: 16.11.2019 15:30 UTC +01:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 348