Ernesto Tatafiore (1943) — Auction price

Ernesto Tatafiore is an Italian artist, one of the forerunners of the Italian Transavantgarde that emerged in the early 1980s.
Naples, where Tatafiore's studio is located and which is a favorite place for his work, has a decisive influence on his work. Vesuvius is an obsessive image of the artist and a source of his inspiration. The theme of the French Revolution is also a recurring theme in his work.

Ernesto Tatafiore is an Italian artist, one of the forerunners of the Italian Transavantgarde that emerged in the early 1980s.
Naples, where Tatafiore's studio is located and which is a favorite place for his work, has a decisive influence on his work. Vesuvius is an obsessive image of the artist and a source of his inspiration. The theme of the French Revolution is also a recurring theme in his work.

Ernesto Tatafiore is an Italian artist, one of the forerunners of the Italian Transavantgarde that emerged in the early 1980s.
Naples, where Tatafiore's studio is located and which is a favorite place for his work, has a decisive influence on his work. Vesuvius is an obsessive image of the artist and a source of his inspiration. The theme of the French Revolution is also a recurring theme in his work.