Walter of Châtillon (1135 - 1200) — Auction price
Lot 47 Walter of Châtillon (1135-1180)
Walter of Châtillon (1135 - 1200)
Valuable Books and Manuscripts 

Walter of Châtillon
1135 - 1200
Walter of Châtillon (French: Gautier de Châtillon, German: Walter de Châtillon, Latin: Gualterus de Insula, Walterus ab Insulis, Gualterus de Castiglione, Galterus de Castellione), was a 12th-century French poet and theologian. One of the greatest exponents of vagrant poetry.

Valuable Books and Manuscripts
Date: 12.07.2023 00:00 UTC +00:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 247