Il Ponte Casa d'Aste
534-Part I: 19th and 20th century Paintings and Sculptures
14.12.2021 10:00 UTC +01:002021-12-14T10:00:00+01:00Italy, Milano, Via Pontaccio 12Il Ponte Casa d'Aste
Lot 5 "Studio" | disegno a matita su carta (cm 13x20) | Siglato in basso a destra | Al retro: Studio per la Zelata; firmato in basso a destra e timbro del pittore | In cornice | | Provenienza | Milano, Eredità Bernasconi
Pompeo Mariani (1857 - 1927) 

Pompeo Mariani
09.09.1857 - 25.01.1927
Pompeo Mariani was an Italian painter of the late 19th and early 20th centuries.
Lot 10 "Maccaronaro" 1799 | tempera su cartone (cm 19,5x14,5) | Firmato e datato in basso a destra | In cornice | | Provenienza | Christie's Roma, giugno 2005
Saverio della Gatta (1758 - 1829) 

Saverio della Gatta
08.09.1758 - 1829
Saverio (Xavier) della Gatta was an Italian Romantic painter of the genre of life and landscape.
Lot 11 "Motivo del Valdarno presso Gaville" 1870 | olio su tela (cm 36x43,5) | Firmato e datato in basso a destra | Al retro: cartiglio con titolo | In cornice | (difetti)
Karoly Marko (1822 - 1891) 

Karoly Marko
1822 - 1891
Hungary, Italy, Russia, Russian Empire
Károly Markó the Younger was a Hungarian-Italian landscape painter.
Károly Markó Jr. was a professor at the Academy of Fine Arts in Florence, as well as in Genoa, Perugia and Urbino.
Lot 25 "Pulpito di Sant' Ambrogio a Milano" 14.5.27 | acquerello su carta (cm 37x27) | Firmato in basso a destra | Al retro: titolato e datato | In cornice
Arturo Ferrari (1861 - 1936) 
Arturo Ferrari
26.01.1861 - 31.10.1936
Arturo Ferrari is an Italian landscape painter. He studied painting at the Brera Academy in Milan.
The main theme of Arturo Ferrari's work was urban views. In a short time the artist became the "architect of the poetic and sentimental reconstruction" of old Milan.