Buying coins,badges,banknotes and Antiques in Saint Petersburg and Russia
are You asking where are buyers of coins and Antiques?Where can be profitable expensive and well to sell your coins a collection of coins, banknotes, icons, or just found the house of coins,and maybe to donate and valuable old treasure?!
* we buy coins from different countries,eras and denominations.(purchase of coins is in place after the evaluation of the call and prior arrangement, in cash);
* we'll rate your collection,a hoard or just remaining from relatives a bunch of coins and offer a good purchase price acceptable to both parties to the transaction;
* we welcome also the proposals of the wholesalers for the sale of coins and banknotes modern commemorative coins of Russia and anniversaries, as well as the regular coinage coins of the Soviet period, foreign coins and banknotes..
buy notes of the Imperial and Soviet porcelain figurine (figurines),antique watches,silverware, any interesting collection material and other antiquities (old household items and Antiques).
* check Out an appraiser after your call, and preferably sent photo to us at the above email.Further the most correct assessment of your collection of old household items and Antiques,in the case of prior agreement, takes place at the place of the meeting.Competent evaluation - for FREE!MONEY IMMEDIATELY!
Tsarist Russian coins of copper,gold,silver (from scales) to buy after evaluating the prices are different.It all depends on the rarity and condition of coins.
Our target price tag (price) the purchase (the purchase) annual coins of the USSR: