ВЕНЕЦИАНСКИЙ КАРНАВАЛ полимерные смолы Oil St. Petersburg 2019
В то ж время по тем лавкам по вся дни гуляют венецыяне, честные люди, и жены, и девицы, в предивных уборах; также и приезжие всякие люди, между тех лавок, убрався харашо, ходят и гуляют и, кому что потребно, купят в тое ярмонку и во время каранавалу. На площади при море бывают построены анбары великие и сараи; в тех анбареху тонцуют люди по веревках, мужеска полу и женска, преудивително, также их девицы, между которыми я видел одну жену беременную, уже близ рождения, и та там танцовала по веревке зело удивително. В других анбарех делают камеди куклами власно, как живыми людми. В ыных анбарех показывают удивителные вещи, между которыми видел я человека, имеющаго две головы. Там же видел я быка о пяти ногах; там же видел черепаху безмерно велику; там же видел барана о двух головах, имеющаго 6 ног и два хвоста, и иные многие натуралные удивителные вещи.
ID: | 46639 |
Artist: | Alex SAVART (b. 1958) |
Originality: | Original from the artist |
Condition: | new |
Year of manufacture: | 2019 |
Applied technique: | Oil |
Size: | 90 x 60 x 3 cm |
Place of origin: | St. Petersburg |
Category: | Pictorial art |
Keywords: | Painting for the interior |
Information about the artist
Alexey Smirnov is a contemporary, distinctive artist working at junction of fine art with its inherent esthetics and contemporary art with its intentional “madness”, challenge and hidden meaning.
For many years the painter have been trying to find himself. Never copying any of his colleagues-artists he refined his mastership, searched for his own artistic language. Soon these endeavours began to produce results – Alexey formed his original bright and remarkable volume technique of painting works of art.
The creative work of Alexey Smirnov differs with his enhanced sensitive perception of life, search of new means of expression consonant with modern times. The principal theme of Alexey Smirnov’s art is modernity. In his works the perception of environment loses its single-valuedness. Almost each painting makes the viewer to contemplate it long while, provoking a number of associations and deliberations. In his works one can often observe the collision of the mundane and the fantastic, interlacing of lyric and grotesque, romance and irony.
The characteristic feature of the author’s plastic language is a sharp feel of colouring, expression and fascination with texture, all of it allowing realize both formal decorative and conceptual psychologic tasks. Through the half-opened door of his art the author invites the viewer to make a step into the unknown, where vibrations of picturesque lines, gorgeous forms and fantastic constructions are filled with sense and obtain their ethereal tangibility, transform into structures of the World around us. The World consisting not of things and subjects but of essences, powers and energies. The play of lines of the picture, surfaces of colour and space in the artist’s compositions form metaphorical image of beingness, put in motion the viewer’s intellect, encouraging him for self-perfection and finding knowledge of eternal secrets of the universe.
Alexey Smirnov is a contemporary, distinctive artist working at junction of fine art with its inherent esthetics and contemporary art with its intentional “madness”, challenge and hidden meaning.
For many years the painter have been trying to find himself. Never copying any of his colleagues-artists he refined his mastership, searched for his own artistic language. Soon these endeavours began to produce results – Alexey formed his original bright and remarkable volume technique of painting works of art.
The creative work of Alexey Smirnov differs with his enhanced sensitive perception of life, search of new means of expression consonant with modern times. The principal theme of Alexey Smirnov’s art is modernity. In his works the perception of environment loses its single-valuedness. Almost each painting makes the viewer to contemplate it long while, provoking a number of associations and deliberations. In his works one can often observe the collision of the mundane and the fantastic, interlacing of lyric and grotesque, romance and irony.
The characteristic feature of the author’s plastic language is a sharp feel of colouring, expression and fascination with texture, all of it allowing realize both formal decorative and conceptual psychologic tasks. Through the half-opened door of his art the author invites the viewer to make a step into the unknown, where vibrations of picturesque lines, gorgeous forms and fantastic constructions are filled with sense and obtain their ethereal tangibility, transform into structures of the World around us. The World consisting not of things and subjects but of essences, powers and energies. The play of lines of the picture, surfaces of colour and space in the artist’s compositions form metaphorical image of beingness, put in motion the viewer’s intellect, encouraging him for self-perfection and finding knowledge of eternal secrets of the universe.
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