Языческий дуб Photographic paper Film Photo Black & white photo Landscape painting 2016

Condition: | Available | Ukraine, Kyiv
€ 900
Andriy Kotliarchuk. Языческий дуб
«Pagan oak»
2016. Ukraine. Size 95x76 cm. Film 4x5 inches. # 2/12. Optical C-print
В лесных районах Украины до сих пор почитаются священными дубы, в которых попала молния

It is printed on Fujicolor Crystal Archive Digital Paper Type DP II. Fuji professional photo paper optimally transmits the original colors, contrast and has a proven quality for years.

Information about the artist

Andrii Kotliarchuk
16 february 1966, Kyiv, Ukraine. Ukrainian
Education background:
1986-1993 Kyiv State Shevchenko University, Biology faculty
2004-2006 State Academy of the Cultural Management Resources, Art Criticism department
050 311 1867 mobile
[email protected]
International Festival of Art Photografy. September 2018, Ukraine, Kyiv. The National museum of Taras Shevchenko
II Biennale “Ukranian fineart photography”. February 2018, Ukraine, Kyiv. The National Museum 'Kyiv Art Gallery'
Art project “Landscape. Modern look”. June 2016, Ukraine, Kyiv. M 17, Contemporary Art Center
Art project “Volunteers”. December 2015, Ukraine. Khmelnytsky ‘Museum-studio of photographic art’
I Biennale “Ukranian fineart photography”. November 2015, Ukraine, Kyiv. M 17, Contemporary Art Center
Art project «The best pictures Ukrainian photographers». 2013 National library of Ukraine of the name of V. I. Vernadskogo
Ukrainian photographers members of The Royal Photographic Society of Great Britaine. 2013 London. An embassy of Ukraine is in the United Kingdom of Large Britain and North Ireland.
Parliament of the United Kingdom of Large Britain and North Ireland
Artistic and biographical reference-book Issue 2 “Artists of Ukraine” 2001
2016 Аnnual eleemosynary auction "Art for the safe of life". Рlumb Line "Stone-compass" Sale 800$
25. 09. 2014 Auction house Золотое сечение «Post war & contemporary art». Plumb line "Carnival" Sale 800$
27.04. 2013 Auction house Euro-Art. http://euro-art.com.ua/?cat=12&lang=ru Plumb line № 123 «Antique shop in Galle Fort» Sale 1250$ http://euro-art.com.ua/?p=2094

Other works by the artist

Домик рыбака
Домик рыбака
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После снегопада
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Весенняя вода
Весенняя вода
€ 900
Утро на реке Перга
Утро на реке Перга
€ 900
Папоротник над водою
Папоротник над водою
€ 900
Озеро среди скал
Озеро среди скал
€ 900
«La sylphide»
«La sylphide»
€ 900
Лесная река Вишева
Лесная река Вишева
€ 900

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